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Thread: Urgent Advice about CFO Cebu?

  1. #1
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Urgent Advice about CFO Cebu?

    Can anyone who has recently attended the CFO PDOS at Cebu please confirm whether the information on this page is correct.

    Myrna needs to know whether the PDOS seminars for those coming to the UK are really held at 2pm on every weekday. Also, is the seminar actually held at the CFO office in the Causing-Lozada building. There are phone numbers for a SMEF-COW office in Cebu, but no address or location map (that I can find).

    Phoning the CFO number in Cebu has proved to be a waste of tiime - the woman answering the phone didn't seem to understand what was being asked! Telling Myrna, who is already married to Arthur, that she needs to bring a 'Legal Capacity Certificate' seemed to be rather daft!

    Thanks for any advice!

  2. #2
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    Sir, I think she got confused. She needs to attend the Guidance/Counseling for Spouse or Partner of Foreign National, not PDOS. PDOS is for Overseas Contract Workers.

    Here is SMEF-COW Cebu Office:
    3/F Aya-ay Arcade
    60 Mango Avenue, Cebu City
    Tel Nos:
    (+6332) - 235-3746
    (+6332) - 235 3745
    Fax No. (6332) - 232-1033
    email address:
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  3. #3
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Errr ....
    Filipino emigrants or those leaving the country to settle permanently abroad are required to register with the CFO. Part of its registration requirements is attendance in the Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS) to prepare them for settlement overseas.
    Is this not the same thing?

    So, is the counseling definitely at SMEF-COW, not at the CFO office? Is there and address, or map. for SMEF-COW in Cebu? ... and what are the dates/times?

  4. #4
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    They said the counseling is different, Sir. The requirements are different too. There are more requirements for PDOS and employment contract is one of them. Counseling for spouses/partners of foreign national is simpler.

    I guess they have 2 centers in Cebu, Sir. One in Causing-Lozada Bldg for Cebu Extension and another in 3/F Aya-ay Arcade for SMEF-COW Cebu.

    Better that Myrna phone them coz there's no schedule in the cfo website for SMEF-COW-Cebu. Only CFO Cebu extension office has an sched in the website.
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  5. #5
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Okay, but if I look at this page, the sessions appear to be Monday and Friday afternoons only. Now, the Monday session finishes at 5pm, so I guess that there's no chance of getting the sticker from CFO the same day? Has anyone been to the Friday session? Is it possible to get the sticker from CFO the same day, after completing the counseling at 3:30? Myrna doesn't want to wait around in Cebu all weekend, waiting for CFO to open on Monday morning.

  6. #6
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    I don't know about Cebu, Sir, but we finished CFO in Manila within 3 hours.
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  7. #7
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    Good question. Sunshine recently attended the seminar in CFO Cebu, so maybe she can help. Shei is going there next week, and she also found the person on the phone unhelpful.

  8. #8
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ady View Post
    Good question. Sunshine recently attended the seminar in CFO Cebu, so maybe she can help.
    Indeed - it would be helpful to have her advice.

    Shei is going there next week, and she also found the person on the phone unhelpful.
    Ah, I wondered how soon Shei was going. Myrna was hoping to complete this week - I don't know whether she would want to put it off until next week - they could travel from Davao together.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterB View Post
    Ah, I wondered how soon Shei was going. Myrna was hoping to complete this week - I don't know whether she would want to put it off until next week - they could travel from Davao together.
    Shei is travelling to Cebu with her sister on Sunday. And coming back on Tuesday in case of any problems on the Monday. She is planning to get to CFO Cebu early on Monday because there are only 15 places available apparently. Shei was told registration starts at 7:30am.

    Her flight is DVO - CEBU 10:25am AirPhil on March 8th.
    Returning CEBU - DVO 6:25pm Cebu Pacific on March 10th.

    Shei would be happy to meet Myrna.

  10. #10
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Wow, Monday morning? That's not what it says on the website - that says Monday 3:30 to 5:00!

  11. #11
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    The way I understand it, although CFO Cebu have not returned my email, is that you have to register, then return later for the seminar.

  12. #12
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    This is the only location map I can find, but I think that this is the CFO office where you have to go after you have attended the seminar to get the certificate to prove you have attended the seminar or get the sticker on your passport. . Below is the location and contact information for the place where the seminar is actually given. I also found this PDF which might provide some useful info.

    St. Mary Euphrasia Foundation-Center for Overseas Workers (SMEF-COW)
    Infront of USC-Boys High, Gen. Maxilom St., Cebu City
    Contact Nos. 032 235 3745 / 3746


  13. #13
    Respected Member acs's Avatar
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    For newly applicants who have decided to attend seminar in cebu here are the address.

    SMEF-COW (for CFO guidance/counseling seminar):
    3d Floor Aya-ay Arcade
    Gen. Maxillon Ave.
    (Fronting San Carlos University Boys High School beside Cherry Building, near corner of Gen Maxillon / R.Rhamann, opposite the intersection from the Family Choice Pharmacy, on the south side of Gen. Maxilom Ave about a block East of the huge Inglesia ni Cristo church, on your right when coming from Osmena circle and heading to Cebu harbor thru Gen Maxillon).
    Phone: (63 32) 235-3745/46 or 232-1033

    CFO Extension office (for CFO pre-departure registration and stamp):
    Causing-Lozada Building.
    Osmena Blvd. corner Lapulapu St. (near Plaza Independencia). It is located on the 2nd floor in DFA building, not far from Basilica Minore del Santo Niño.
    Phone & FAX: (63 32) 255-5253

    that's from scotsfiancee....

    i guess when the lady on the phone told Myrna to bring her husband's capacity to marry or no impediment is ...the second copy of the certificate of no impediment letter that's being issued to her husband when they filed for one in the British embassy in manila. The first copy of that was given to the civil registry for the marriage license issuance and its the second copy that the lady in the phone must have been asking about. It will just be shown to the councilor in the st Mary's they will return it after the interview/ counseling. Just let Myrna bring all her stuff like passport w/ visa, id's, pictures and so forth so that she will not be returning back to Davao to get them again. and last Myrna should know her husband's middle name if he has one, and what level of education her husband is..that type of question is asked on the form you see. Hope this helps.

  14. #14
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    Thanks acs, very useful!

    In terms of Certificate of No Impediment, I have seen this mentioned a few times in CFO threads (to prove that I am legally able to marry Shei in the UK). I don't think such a thing exists - have others on fiance visas been requested to bring those things? It seems to be an issue in Cebu.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterB View Post
    Errr ....

    Is this not the same thing?

    So, is the counseling definitely at SMEF-COW, not at the CFO office? Is there and address, or map. for SMEF-COW in Cebu? ... and what are the dates/times?

    Hi PeterB,

    You can check the map here...

    Anyway there's only one CFO office in Cebu and it's very popular.
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  16. #16
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ady View Post
    Thanks acs, very useful!

    In terms of Certificate of No Impediment, I have seen this mentioned a few times in CFO threads (to prove that I am legally able to marry Shei in the UK). I don't think such a thing exists - have others on fiance visas been requested to bring those things? It seems to be an issue in Cebu.
    I think that it only seems to be an issue for fiancee's who haven't yet been granted a visa. If the woman has already married in the Philippines, then it's obvious that her husband's singleness had already been proven and if she has been granted a fiancee visa, then I think that they assume that the British Embassy will have checked on this before they granted the visa.

    If however, they have submitted an application and are awaiting the result, then I suppose they could question whether her fiance was single or not.


  17. #17
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Many thanks Peter for initiating an urgent request on Myrna's behalf. I'm not sure yet what's the best solution, but I DO appreciate members' advice on this thorny issue.

  18. #18
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Many thanks Peter for initiating an urgent request on Myrna's behalf. I'm not sure yet what's the best solution, but I DO appreciate members' advice on this thorny issue.
    Hi Arthur,
    Just to let you know your not alone with your frustration about this, we all know this CFO thing is a real pain, especially for the girls who live on Mindanao. Here is the thread that I posted in 2006 which was entitled CFO and SMEF-COW RANT .

  19. #19
    Respected Member acs's Avatar
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    Ady its only now i realized that sheila is in fiancee visa...she could just explained it to the lady there in the booth when she arrives at the seminar/counselling that the embassy didnt required her to produced your no impediment certificate as your going to marry in the uk. And as her visa is issued already to her its understandable that all clearances have been made in your side and her side. She could just reason that, they will hear her out as im sure as the other fiancees havent produced one before too, unlike the spouses that they have the second copy of the No Impediment cert of their husbands.

  20. #20
    Respected Member sunshine's Avatar
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    I attended the cfo cebu seminar last week. The seminar is daily monday to friday 8:00am til 12 noon. Afternoon is one-on-one counselling and issuance of certificate of attendance. They will then tell you to prodeed to CFO office near DFA, to get your proper CFO certificate.

  21. #21
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Frances and Philip Recently did this process on a fiancee visa on the 8th of of december they flew in early so she could get to the mango Ave location but I dont know if that was to register

    this is a quote from a PM

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    " i wanted to stay close to osmena circle because i am having my cfo seminar on the morning of the 8th" ( a monday)

    Im sure she could help more suggest you PM
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  22. #22
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Thank you very much to everyone who has contributed, but there is so much confusing advice, and it differs from what is published on the web.

    Myrna has been told, in a phone conversation with CFO Cebu, that she can attend on any day - that she must register early at the CFO office, then go to SMEF-COW for the seminar at 1:30, followed by a return to CFO to obtain the stamp. She was told that this can all be achieved in one day, so has booked an early flight from Davao, and an evening return, on Wednesday (tomorrow).

    I hope that the information is correct and that emigrants to UK can attend on Wednesdays - the website says that Wednesday 1:30 is for Japan only. The website details two other seminars on Wednesday - I guess that if one of those is more appropriate, Myrna will be told when she registers in the morning.

    This CFO procedure really does seem to be a big mess, with lots of conflicting info.

  23. #23
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    PeterB, I agree. The whole process seems confusing, and thanks for the original question because I have learnt a lot from this thread and Iain's ranting thread from a while back.

    Just one question Sunshine - which venue do you arrive at for registration?

    Thanks to all


  24. #24
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterB View Post
    Thank you very much to everyone who has contributed, but there is so much confusing advice, and it differs from what is published on the web.

    Myrna has been told, in a phone conversation with CFO Cebu, that she can attend on any day - that she must register early at the CFO office, then go to SMEF-COW for the seminar at 1:30, followed by a return to CFO to obtain the stamp. She was told that this can all be achieved in one day, so has booked an early flight from Davao, and an evening return, on Wednesday (tomorrow).

    I hope that the information is correct and that emigrants to UK can attend on Wednesdays - the website says that Wednesday 1:30 is for Japan only. The website details two other seminars on Wednesday - I guess that if one of those is more appropriate, Myrna will be told when she registers in the morning.

    This CFO procedure really does seem to be a big mess, with lots of conflicting info.
    My wife was also lead to believe that this could all be achieved in on day and even though she arrived and registered very early, by the time the seminar was over and she had made her way back to the CFO, it was closed.


  25. #25
    Respected Member sunshine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ady View Post
    PeterB, I agree. The whole process seems confusing, and thanks for the original question because I have learnt a lot from this thread and Iain's ranting thread from a while back.

    Just one question Sunshine - which venue do you arrive at for registration?

    Thanks to all


    The registration is early in the morning about 7.30am, u just have to write your name or the security guard will do that, he will get all the names who will attend the seminar. Take note sleeveless top, short pants and slippers are not allowed. They are nuns "sisters" who will do the seminar. The location of the seminar is at SMEF-COW, Mango Avenue, Aya-ay building, across San Carlos University boys high School.

  26. #26
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Once again, my grateful thanks to Peter B for raising this article. My gratitude, too, to all those who responded to his post. Due to the replies being many and varied, however, I have to confess that I'm still in a state of confusion over the conflicting opinions expressed. God alone knows how ANY potential emigrant ever manages to leave the Philippines relatively unscathed. To be honest, this final stage is proving to be a far greater ordeal - of nightmarish proportions - than waiting for our visa to arrive. And all to fit in with the demands of a bunch of so-called well-intentioned nuns, or so I'm led to believe! (just hope they don't have any spies on this site).

    Iain, it was most illuminating to read of the traumatic experiences endured by you and your good lady some two and a half years ago. So annoyed you'd to go through all that rigmarole, mate. Thankyou for sharing your account of these trials and tribulations with me.

    But, for what it's worth, Myrna will travel to Cebu tomorrow [Wednesday] and I can only hope and pray that all goes well for her so that she can fly to Manchester at the weekend.

    Cheers, and all the best to fellow sufferers (not forgetting those still awaiting visas, Shayla and Nids, being two, for instance).


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