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Thread: google maps and StreetView etc

  1. #1
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    google maps and StreetView etc

    Now all the scousers nicking hubcaps and commuters in London caught smiling shock horror stories. I was wondering if people Particularly with a finacee or spouse waiting to come to the UK use street view?

    As its one way of learning the local streets before arriving or if already here and new. Learning the way to places and new routes

    I use it for planing my jogs, places nice to run seeing if a short cut etc, which might not be marked on a standard map.
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  2. #2
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    I always use Google Earth, tracking the routes of my husband going to his work, to the shops, going to training and his jogging route. Seems like I know his neighborhood now.
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  3. #3
    Respected Member Ana_may365's Avatar
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    same here,i used also google earth or maps to know which road we need to use/go everytime we go to dogtrack to watch our greyhound race

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    DO NOT use Google Earth for working out distances, it is pants, and very inaccurate, always use Microsoft Live for that

    The latter is also much better for finding things, zoom in near the place you want, and search for 'Restaurant'. It will then clearly show you them all. Move the map to the right, and it will then recalculate and show you the restaurants in the new location. Brilliant for pre-planning holidays. I have everything entered on my GPS before I leave. Plus use the 3D part, and they have Liverpool in all its glory!
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
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    Out of the 2, Google is more up to date with Maps and satellite views. A local road built in 2001 is still not showing on Live Maps, but is on Google. Do a search for SY234QR - you will see 2 roads on the map, but not on the aerial shot. M$ are useless when it comes to maps, just like their email services.

    I had a meeting at a store in Llandudno Junction last Wednesday, and whats funny is that neither the SatNav nor Google could actually find the place properly - the Sat Nav was out by 1 mile, Google gave 2 seperate locations, both wrong by nearly 1 mile. The store itself had been there 12 years and is right opposite the train station I found it just by using a bit of common sense and heading for the town centre.

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    Out of the 2, Google is more up to date......
    Not quite, they are both 50/50 depending on where you look.

    Google has my dads old car in the path from over 5 years ago, MS has his next car. Vegas is newer in MS.
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #7
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    We've managed to travel around the uk using mapquest u just put in depart postcode & destinatin postcode .never had a problem

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    Been using my old Garmin 2610 for about 6 years and haven't had any problems yet.

    Before that, I used to print out directions from AA Autoroute, but it was a bit of a pain reading the instructions while driving...

  9. #9
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I only use the GPS for traffic, can save you hours while other muppets sit in a queue
    Keith - Administrator

  10. #10
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I only use the GPS for traffic, can save you hours while other muppets sit in a queue
    Alot of people on busier roads now do the opposite to what GPS says. Many Jams are now caused by GPS diverting all on to the detour

    Leaving the orignal route easy to navigate

    Although not fully accurate as you can see in some areas where the image was from a different source normally the light levels change (seen some where an object is shown in one image the bit which is in the other image is not there ie buliding knocked down or bulit, a car was not there that day

    But using street view can make a person who has never been to that area familiar with it before you go. Wish we had it when the wife was waiting to come over.
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  11. #11
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Alot of people on busier roads now do the opposite to what GPS says. Many Jams are now caused by GPS diverting all on to the detour
    That's a load of bull, as only a small minority have GPS, and even less the live traffic updates, and never encountered it myself in years of travel.
    Keith - Administrator

  12. #12
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    That's a load of bull, as only a small minority have GPS, and even less the live traffic updates, and never encountered it myself in years of travel.

    Maybe in the countryside. Never seen a sheep with a GPS

    But nearly everyone seems to use it in my part of london. Most of them are company car Drivers who dont pay for the GPS or Traffic updates it and is thought an Investment by the company

    Come to think of it, nearly every car or van i see seems to have GPS unit or a pDA in them. Which in London makes no sense, bit like driving a Chelsea tractor

    Often you get a road blocked up, accident,incident road works.

    The radio, TV and GPS all say avoid which people tend to do and now from conversation with many of the Engineers, sales people and heavy road users. They often do the opposite.

    Cabbies and Couriers I know from Football have told me about the problem on major routes accross London Holborn and Charing cross are two favourites im told.

    Many im sure have had regular experience of a Person leaves early from the office texts or calls back avoid junction.. Everybody who takes the short cut often seems to be moaning and the one who who was worried they had to take the dodgy route due to school run. Sales though.

    In London there are quiet residental roads which untill a few years back had little traffic and when the councils looked into why the Traffic had increased so much it was discovered they were all on GPS routes (People were surveyed). Was in the News only a few months back at least one road I think Brent council are thinking of blocking off or restricting traffic in some manner.
    As some of these roads are at breaking point, if major roads nearby are put out of action for whatever reason.

    Look how many the GPS, googles if you plot out a Local route take you the most obscure way. Not how any local would go, im sure they are sponsered by the petrol firms.
    Experienced it myself when visit regional offices for our company, the local driver goes one way nearly all the others take some huge detour round half the one way system. Guess who used GPS.

    Near one of the Companies offices in the Midlands, a whole group set off from the west London office about the same time. The ones who used GPS all came off at a junction to early and took the scenic route. One of the HR ladies went in her own Car with no GPS and used good old Map and sign posts and beat them all there. Nearly all the others were "Professional Drivers" i.e part of their job.
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  13. #13
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I'll hazard a guess here, but I doubt they traffic problems in London are due to GPS....if you took it away the traffic problems would still be there

    If you walk along all the cars in any queue only a small minority will have GPS, and most of them don't have live traffic.

    I have yet to meet a London cabbie that can do something as simple as give a decent betting tip
    Keith - Administrator

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