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Thread: UK Visit Visa - advice required

  1. #1
    Member jimbo23232's Avatar
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    UK Visit Visa - advice required


    I know this is likely to be covered elsewhere and apologies for duplicating the same query - but just wondered if anyone can give some up to date advice.

    I met my partner in Manila while working there on behalf of my UK employer. She was at the time a work colleague. We have the most genuine relationship and just want to be together - but of course there seem to be so many legal and logistical barriers in the way.

    We have been together almost a year and I have spent around half of that time living with her in the Philippines. We have literally thousands of photos as well as a huge file of mails, texts, chats etc so the proof of genuine relationship is certainly not a problem.

    We also have a lease on a condo unit in Manila which is actually in my name. She has a rented apartment of her own as well.

    Long term plan will be to marry and live either in the UK or the Phils. depending on where work opportunities take us.

    I'm currently in the UK and she is working in Manila. I'm pursuing a number of work opportunities in Manila. In the mean time I would love to bring her to the UK for a short visit 2-3 weeks to meet my family and friends and for her to experience the culture shock for once

    From what I read on here, it sounds like visit visas are often unsuccessful on the grounds that they don't believe the person will return home.

    We would never try any kind of trick like that and sincerely just want her to come here basically on holiday while we are waiting for longer term options. Would not do anything to jeopardise our longer term future.

    In these circumstances, is it likely that a visit visa would be granted? I'm concerned that the fact that there is no doubt of the strength of our relationship, may count against us as they would assume she might try to stay in the UK.

    Why are these things so complicated? Grrrr!

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Hi Jimbo,
    I think that if your not ready to marry yet then the only thing you can do is accumulate as much evidence as possible and try for the tourist visa. It is not impossible to bring a gf to the UK for a visit, it's just that they would like to see strong evidence that on the balance of probabilities, she likely to return to the Philippines before her visa expires. The sort of evidence they are looking for is money in the bank in the Philippines, a reasonably well paid job in the Philippines and also property in the Philippines.

    This sort of evidence along with a letter from her employer showing that this an agreed period of leave and the employer is expecting her back at work on a set date should be enough, but as others have said before on this forum with regard to tourist visas, it seems to be a bit of a lottery and it all depends on which ECO looks at the case.

    There is set criteria for making a decision on whether to grant a tourist visa or not, as there is with both spouse and fiancee visas, but I think that each ECO has his/her own way of looking at these things and their own individual set of additional criteria as well.


  3. #3
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    To add on Iain, it would help too if she's working (letter from employer would help)....or have a business paying tax monthly

  4. #4
    Member jimbo23232's Avatar
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    Thanks both.. frustrating eh having so many barriers when people are genuinely in love.

    She does have a stable job which she has done for 4 years and letter etc from employer would not be a problem.

    Would a tourist visa being turned down, have any bearing on the main settlement process once we are married?

    Also regarding tourist visa, would they still need the whole financial support proof even though we are talking about a short stay? Just working out what documents I need to get together.

    Presumably they dont expect to see an actual flight booking, since we couldnt book it until the tourist visa was approved?

    Thanks again :-)

  5. #5
    Respected Member mavid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimbo23232 View Post

    Also regarding tourist visa, would they still need the whole financial support proof even though we are talking about a short stay? Just working out what documents I need to get together.
    Yes you still need to show proof that you can accommodate her without recourse to public funds even if its a short stay.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimbo23232 View Post

    She does have a stable job which she has done for 4 years and letter etc from employer would not be a problem.--THEN GO FOR IT!!!!

    Would a tourist visa being turned down, have any bearing on the main settlement process once we are married?---- MOST LIKELY DENIED,BUT SOME MEMBERS HERE HAVE BEEN GRANTED,SO IF I WERE YOU ILL GIVE IT A GO...6K ISNT THAT MUCH THOU...TRY YOUR LUCK !!

    Also regarding tourist visa, would they still need the whole financial support proof even though we are talking about a short stay? Just working out what documents I need to get together. ----- YES

    Presumably they dont expect to see an actual flight booking, since we couldnt book it until the tourist visa was approved? YES...NO NEED BOOKING OR ANY AIR TICKET ,CONCENTRATE FIRST ON THE REQUIREMENTS--GOODLUCK

    Thanks again :-)
    There is no harm in trying....6k visa fee isnt that much (peso)

  7. #7
    Member jimbo23232's Avatar
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    Thanks again.

    It's quite likely that I will also be working there soon anyway. Do you think that proof of both of us working in Manila, along with the lease tenancy - especially if I transfer that into both names - would make it easier to plan a hol in the UK?

  8. #8
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimbo23232 View Post
    Thanks again.

    It's quite likely that I will also be working there soon anyway. Do you think that proof of both of us working in Manila, along with the lease tenancy - especially if I transfer that into both names - would make it easier to plan a hol in the UK?
    All of this helps as evidence of a long term relationship between you, but as I said earlier, the things that they are really interested in is anything to do with her life and circumstances in the Philippines. This is the kind of evidence with which they will decide whether they think that she will return to the Philippines or join the already vast number of overstayers already working here illegally in the UK when her visa expires.

    I'm afraid that because the system has been so badly abused in the past, they are now much harder on everyone, including people who's intentions are completely genuine and have absolutely no intention of overstaying, or working illegally in the UK.

    If she had no job, income, savings, property or prospects in general in the Philippines, then the likelyhood is that they would say, on the balance of probabilities, we feel that she would be unlikely to return to her life in the Philippines if she is allowed to enter the land of milk and honey where the streets are paved with gold etc etc........ or words to that effect.


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    hello guys,

    I have something to ask, my friend's interview for tourist visa to UK will be tomorrow. The problem is, my friends is married and the person that she wanted to visit is her boyfriend, aside from that she has no work, money in the bank nor property.Do u think she will granted for a visa?

  10. #10
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flicka View Post
    hello guys,

    I have something to ask, my friend's interview for tourist visa to UK will be tomorrow. The problem is, my friends is married and the person that she wanted to visit is her boyfriend, aside from that she has no work, money in the bank nor property.Do u think she will granted for a visa?
    Your friend is married and she has a boyfriend (British)...? Ohhh...
    I doubt she will be granted a visa because she will be visiting her other partner...
    So how did she compile her requirements then? Did the BF write the letter of invitation and is the sponsor? But still It is basically CHEATING right?

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    Quote Originally Posted by flicka View Post
    hello guys,

    I have something to ask, my friend's interview for tourist visa to UK will be tomorrow. The problem is, my friends is married and the person that she wanted to visit is her boyfriend, aside from that she has no work, money in the bank nor property.Do u think she will granted for a visa?
    Hmmm lucky for your friend,at least she have chance to be interviewed ,so all she have to do smart enough to answer..Good luck to your freind

  12. #12
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flicka View Post
    hello guys,

    I have something to ask, my friend's interview for tourist visa to UK will be tomorrow. The problem is, my friends is married and the person that she wanted to visit is her boyfriend, aside from that she has no work, money in the bank nor property.Do u think she will granted for a visa?
    If she is actually being interviewed then I think there is a chance that she will be given a visa. I don't think they would bother to interview her if there was absolutely no chance.

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    when she filed her papers she was just put "separated in her status. her bf sent her letter of invitation and send his papers like bank accounts, house property and etc.Yes that is true that she was cheating.I know she did this for immigration purposes becoz according to her once she can have visa she won't return back to PH.

  14. #14
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    i think all of the filers will undergo interview then after that you will know if u are granted or not.

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    Quote Originally Posted by flicka View Post
    Yes that is true that she was cheating.I know she did this for immigration purposes becoz according to her once she can have visa she won't return back to PH.
    Oh no! and do you think ,she will have peace of mind..... and its not easy to walk around knowing yourself is TNT
    And this it...all genuine application was being strict just because of those cheating application......

  16. #16
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by potpot143 View Post
    Not all applicants were been called for personal interview, some got their UK visa without interview.
    And many more are also rejected without being given an interview! Especially if they are applying for a visit visa. I can't remember the exact percentage of rejections for visit visa, but I think it's around 80%.

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    well according to her bf even she is still married he can find ways to marry her when she arrive in UK. Yes her bf has a good paying job.And besides my friend lied to him that she is still married.The only thing that she did was she wanted to go to her bf in UK to escape the poverty her and prefer to leave her family.Her bf knew now about her status becoz he hired a firm that invistigate her to find her background. But still he give his papers to my friend so she can file a tourist visa and he didnt help her about what necessary things to do about the interview.I even disagree on what she did but that is her decision so good luck for her.

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    I know how hard to get tourist visa. But that is the only visa she needs to get since she is still married.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by flicka View Post
    hello guys,

    I have something to ask, my friend's interview for tourist visa to UK will be tomorrow. The problem is, my friends is married and the person that she wanted to visit is her boyfriend, aside from that she has no work, money in the bank nor property.Do u think she will granted for a visa?
    hi flicka,

    just wanted to ask if this "friend" is ur sister? sorry a bit nosy..

  20. #20
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimmi View Post
    hi flicka,

    just wanted to ask if this "friend" is ur sister? sorry a bit nosy..
    Kimmi the detective.

  21. #21
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimmi View Post
    hi flicka,

    just wanted to ask if this "friend" is ur sister? sorry a bit nosy..
    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    Kimmi the detective.

    Physically Separated from husband but not legally separated/annuled (?)...

  22. #22
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    yes that is true, just physically separated.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimmi View Post
    hi flicka,

    just wanted to ask if this "friend" is ur sister? sorry a bit nosy..
    smart !!

  24. #24
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimmi View Post
    hi flicka,

    just wanted to ask if this "friend" is ur sister? sorry a bit nosy..
    Eagle eye!
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    makes them easy.

  25. #25
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    Physically Separated from husband but not legally separated/annuled (?)...
    Quote Originally Posted by flicka View Post
    yes that is true, just physically separated.

    She might not be given a visa. If some genuine couples applied for visit visa yet they were refused to be issued one, due to the fact that they should have applied for SPOUSE VISA and that ECO were not satisfied about the true intention of the visit, then what will make your sister's application be different?

    Purpose of the visit:
    To visit the BF (but she isn't annuled (legally separated in PI) - you think ECO will tolerate the situation? (Immoral & illegal?)

    ECOs are always looking both sides, situations and that both will be benefited.

    If your sister is very eager to be with her British BF then do it properly: File an annulment case (though I am not in favour of separation) and when things are right, she is then freely to do her things with clear conscience and be with her Brit BF here in the UK...

    Pls correct me if I am wrong...

  26. #26
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    I agree with you.I know it's hard to get visa with her situation since she is still married. But she was keep insisting and pretends that she can do it. Whatever advice i gave to her she didn't listen. Actually my sister and her husband has agreement about what she's been doing.I felt bad becoz whatever advice i will give to her i became bad to her. I know ECO are smart enough to decide on her papers.

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    Actually i haven't idea about British embassy on how strict they are. I only knew about US Embassy only.And if my sister's case will go to US Embassy i would definitely say that she will be denied.As we all know that USEM are very strict and its hard to get tourist visa. Even for me my fiancee Visa has lots of time to wait unlike british embassy.

  28. #28
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Thats actually the reason so many genuine pinoy tourists to UK get turned down for visas,because of the Tago ng Tagos who cheat the system.Theres a certain lady married in North London to a friend of mine,met her loads of times at BBQ's etc,always seemed legit Married the guy,went back to Pinas to introduce him to her family,turns out she was married in pinas,3 kids,AND she was in UK illegally having ran away from her middle-eastern employees I never heard the full story,but she has recently arrived back in UK after a long appeal process and spemding 1000's of pounds in solicitor fees

  29. #29
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flicka View Post
    Actually my sister and her husband has agreement about what she's been doing..

    Your bro-in-law is ok with that?!
    What about the Brit?
    Is he aware that she is still married?

    I dunno really... she could try...

  30. #30
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    well the ECO should be very careful about that matter. I know there are some who wanted to get tourist visa for immigration purposes only. I know in my sister's case it is obvious that she did for immigration purposes only.

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