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Thread: Overweight

  1. #1
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    My bf just been to a week holiday to visit his son living abroad. And he is complaining a lot to me that he sat with this overweight woman for 4 hours and he can't blame Ryan air if they charge overweight people.
    I understand that some people whose overweight bec of medical condition but i am only pointing out those people whose overweight bec they don't have a discipline on what they put on their mouth, one thing is they put themselves on risk as well as not thinking their love ones too bec being overweight can have a heart attack anytime and all sorts of problem.

    Just a thought bec most airline charge us on our overweight luggage so do you think its right to charge overweight people on plane too?

    I am not being mean to fat/overweight people.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    If your going to penalise people for having avoirdupois will you reward those like myself who have low BMI?

  3. #3
    Respected Member irobot's Avatar
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    Irobot..." Sunny...Different From The Rest..."

    UMMMM.... Yes and no...,Yes you have a valid point but to be totally fair perhaps have a total weight limit of human weight and luggage I am not the most slim of robots but luggage wise I am well skinny... but when going from Bangkok, Manila, Cebu... I think every Philippine person was on the border of being very over weight in the luggage department, I almost expected goats, chickens and people hanging on the outsides of the plane....Phil...
    ...A wild bird should never be caged as it breaks it`s spirit...The cage door is always open...

  4. #4
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    I watched a pinay in early march at the Cathay check-in desk at heathrow weigh a bag,obviously waaaayyy to heavy,so she took items from that bag,put them into one of her other suitcases(she had 3)weighed the original bag,found it was the ideal weight then weighed the bag she had transfered the items into,uh-oh obviously overweight again,so she removed items from the second bag and placed them in the third bag then weighed the second bag....................what a pantomime I think your right irobot

  5. #5
    Respected Member irobot's Avatar
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    Irobot..." Sunny...Different From The Rest..."

    In Bangkok airport i saw one man who had a massive flat screen tv in a shopping trolly he was taking home to the UK... how mads that !!!...Phil...
    ...A wild bird should never be caged as it breaks it`s spirit...The cage door is always open...

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by potpot143 View Post
    My Sweetheart was slightly overweight before, I was worried that later on he might have a heart problem and etc... So what I did I convinced him to buy an exercise bike and I challenge him every night riding and cycling on the exercise bike while watching TV. If I did about 25Km he has to do the same or more and until it became our habits. I also encouraged to ride on bike every weekend especially when the weather is good. We cycle together around the village.
    I love cooking and he loves everything I cooked. So I realized that I have to blame myself that I feed him too much so what I did I changed our diet. No more rice especially in the morning, coz I used to make " tapsilog" or " Longsilog" ( sausage, fried egg and fried rice). I just serve him fruits and cereal in the morning, then I make him green salad and tuna sandwich and yogurt for his lunch box. For dinner I avoid red meat instead I cook grilled fish and then steamed vegetable.
    I think,if they are already overweight we can not changed them but we can help them to minimize the intake of fatty foods and carbohydrates.
    The other tricks I did was, I told him if he will put on more weight , NO more S_x and it happend he did not have it for 2 weeks, so he really did a work-out until he lost 2 stones.
    Now, he is grateful that I helped him to changed his eating habits and he became very active. He feels so good about himself and he feels more confident now.
    I like this idea... not if he doesn't lose weight... I'll tell my fiancee that...

  7. #7
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Just a thought bec most airline charge us on our overweight luggage so do you think its right to charge overweight people on plane too?
    I've been saying that for years but it would be against the EU Human Rights Act

    They weight allowance should include person+luggage, although I do notice that the checkin folk tend to be more relaxed on limits with smaller folk, so maybe an unwritten rule.
    Keith - Administrator

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheesewiz View Post
    My bf just been to a week holiday to visit his son living abroad. And he is complaining a lot to me that he sat with this overweight woman for 4 hours and he can't blame Ryan air if they charge overweight people.
    I understand that some people whose overweight bec of medical condition but i am only pointing out those people whose overweight bec they don't have a discipline on what they put on their mouth, one thing is they put themselves on risk as well as not thinking their love ones too bec being overweight can have a heart attack anytime and all sorts of problem.

    Just a thought bec most airline charge us on our overweight luggage so do you think its right to charge overweight people on plane too?

    I am not being mean to fat/overweight people.
    It's not my fault! I'm just big boned! And I suffer from water retention! And.....!!! Honest!

  9. #9
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveUK View Post
    It's not my fault! I'm just big boned! And I suffer from water retention! And.....!!! Honest!
    You just wait till you've got a pinay wife who always serves you enormous portions and then pulls a pouty face if you leave some food on your plate.

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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    You just wait till you've got a pinay wife who always serves you enormous potions and then pulls a pouty face if you leave some food on your plate.
    lol I've already learnt that when eating out to always find out what she fancies eating in case I want it as well. Then I order something else as I know I'll be eating half of hers anyway!

    Dreading it when she finally gets to the UK as I know you're spot on fella! I've seen the size of the breakfasts she cooks! It's usually bigger than anything I've ever prepared myself, and I never usually know when enough is enough!

  11. #11
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
    I like this idea... not if he doesn't lose weight... I'll tell my fiancee that...
    i will tell my wife that

  12. #12
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    Got a filipina teacher friend,and shes so fat the reason she still single because no guy like her.....(sad) but its not what she eat or she dont have discipline on herself..its just the doctor said there is hormone that didnt function properly...tough!!!
    There is also one,she still thin even eating loads

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    Got a filipina teacher friend,and shes so fat the reason she still single because no guy like her.....(sad) but its not what she eat or she dont have discipline on herself..its just the doctor said there is hormone that didnt function properly...tough!!!
    There is also one,she still thin even eating loads
    I could almost get offended at that attitude if it wasn't for the fact I was a jolly fat man!

  14. #14
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    ..its just the doctor said there is hormone that didnt function properly...
    If you don't put fat in, and excess food you will not burn off, it is physically impossible to put on weight!
    Keith - Administrator

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveUK View Post
    I could almost get offended at that attitude if it wasn't for the fact I was a jolly fat man!
    Dont worry your cute head,there is Yam loving you dearly
    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    If you don't put fat in, and excess food you will not burn off, it is physically impossible to put on weight!
    Dont know,cant argue with the doctor or she is lieng

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    Dont worry your cute head,there is Yam loving you dearly

    Dont know,cant argue with the doctor or she is lieng
    But as there's more of me than her, she obviously gets the better end of the deal in this relationship!

  17. #17
    Respected Member Ladybug_sim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    If you don't put fat in, and excess food you will not burn off, it is physically impossible to put on weight!
    wish i can add some more weight as they keep saying that i am too thin i eat good but still can't give my body weight ... my bug keep me eating too but until now it is same looking for my self ...

  18. #18
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ladybug_sim View Post
    wish i can add some more weight as they keep saying that i am too thin i eat good but still can't give my body weight ... my bug keep me eating too but until now it is same looking for my self ...
    Hey, I like you just as you are...You look GRRREAT!!!...Many women in the UK would kill for your figure.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    Hey, I like you just as you are...You look GRRREAT!!!...Many women in the UK would kill for your figure.
    Very true,i second the motion,hubby always said to me"look the typical western woman,stomach hanging over thier trouses and tits hanging out"...opsss

    He is mean

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheesewiz View Post
    I understand that some people whose overweight bec of medical condition but i am only pointing out those people whose overweight bec they don't have a discipline on what they put on their mouth, one thing is they put themselves on risk as well as not thinking their love ones too bec being overweight can have a heart attack anytime and all sorts of problem.

    I am not being mean to fat/overweight people.
    Can't blame those BIG BRITONS including my family here lols I onced critisized them why they eat too much food. I can see they really enjoys eating and have money to buy those. Their budget for food is shocking expensive. I'm the only small and slim in this house as I really discipline myself to watch every food I eat. I love veggies and fish not to become big but I cannot resist chocolates and loose my self-discipline. My doctor said don't eat chocolates if I want my lump not to become large. But chocolates for me is irresistible
    Some filipina wives I have noticed, they becoming big too, maybe they're infected with hubby eating too much or maybe they eat their hubbies left -over.

    But you will notice here Cheeze, life span here is long. Even if they are ill, they still live very long.

    Quote Originally Posted by irobot View Post
    I think every Philippine person was on the border of being very over weight in the luggage department, I almost expected goats, chickens and people hanging on the outsides of the plane....Phil...
    I agree
    I remember when I was in Holland, I stayed there for 3 months and met members of filipino association. Weeks before I left them, they asked me what pasalubong (presence) I want to bring with my family. I said chocolates or soap. A week before I left, my friend said she weigh my luggage and it's already excess of 15 kls. It's full of chockies and soap etc.
    I told my hubby that I have problem w/ this and he gave me his fishing vest with 4 pockets outside and 4 hidden pockets inside. I bought buggy pants with 6 pockets too.
    Gulf Air weigh my luggage and it was 15 kilos excess, I need to put all excess to my pockets but still I excess of 7 kilos and I can't almost walk because I was carrying heavy loads. I have bagpack, still spacious but not allowed to add more. So I need to dump 7 kilos of soap or 7 kilos of chocolates. I was too confused what to dump but preferred soap to dump.
    While walking to board the plane, I feel I'm carrying the world. 10 kilos my bagpack which still allowed during that time and 8 kilos from my pockets. I stopped walking and moved all chockies from my pockets to my bagpack because I look like a michellin and couldn't walk. But after putting them all together,
    I can't move on because of heavy load at my back! But only few yards walk and will be soon board the plane so I walked very slow. Stop walk stop walk Ahhhh at long last I made it.
    But I still have my stop over at Bahrain so start walking again. Luckily my ticket upgraded into business class. But stewardess gave me a plastic bag with some stuffs inside. 2 boxes of Belgian Chocolates, 1 Bahrain Formula 1 T-shirt and 1 pair jogging pants and t-shirt courtesy of Gulf Air. I was thinking how can I carry all those things as I feel ill already. I feel I had broken shoulder.
    When I arrived home, I stayed in bed for two days, hubby called and wanting for a chat. He said he has good news to me and asked how was my journey. I said I'm ill just tell me the good news. He said he will come to Pinas soon to marry me. I said that's great but please don't forget my chocolates. He said bloody hell, what kind of woman I'm going to marry?

  21. #21
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    .....or maybe they eat their hubbies left -over.
    Keith - Administrator

  22. #22
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    if you like cheap nike shoes , pls search on google , tks!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    Got a filipina teacher friend,and shes so fat the reason she still single because no guy like her.....(sad) but its not what she eat or she dont have discipline on herself..its just the doctor said there is hormone that didnt function properly...tough!!!
    There is also one,she still thin even eating loads
    I agree, some women have this hormonal condition, its more of a thyroid problem. Those with HYPOthyroid have the tendency to gain even if they are not consuming excessive food. Where as those with HYPERthryroid doesn't gain that much no matter how much they eat.

  24. #24
    eagles's Avatar
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    think, i have to start dieting... I am overweight. well, here in the Phils, they all sorts of slimming tea, slimming pills ( made in china??), anti cellulite creams etc....... almost all meds company are trying to promote weight reduction concoctions. aside from these whitening stuffs for pinay... the second is the weight reducing stuff ( !! )... ( v ) Time to go and start my exercises..... (breaking bones huh)

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by potpot143 View Post
    I think size does not matter it is the whole personality and image counts.
    Looking good is useless if you have a bad image and personality, it is the the beauty from the inside that matter most.

    Very true!
    You have handsome hubby tamad naman

    As a saying goes in Pinas, Ang kagandahan panlabas ay naglalaho pag dating ng panahon.
    Subali't ang kagandahang panloob ay mananatili. (Outside beauty will be vanished in time but inner beauty will still remain)

    Quote Originally Posted by eagles View Post
    all sorts of slimming tea, slimming pills ( made in china??), anti cellulite creams etc....... almost all meds company are trying to promote weight reduction concoctions. aside from these whitening stuffs for pinay... the second is the weight reducing stuff

    Slimming tea/pills will just make you feel poooh. Your stomach will tremble anytime anywhere

    Just keeps on excersise+diet

    Been to GYM before for years. Plus diet (fruit, veggies, a cup of rice, fish) it works

  26. #26
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sophie View Post
    Those with HYPOthyroid have the tendency to gain even if they are not consuming excessive food. .
    That is physically IMPOSSIBLE! Unless they absorb fat from the air
    Keith - Administrator

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    That is physically IMPOSSIBLE! Unless they absorb fat from the air
    What i'm saying is, if 2 people eat thesame amount but the other one have hypothyroid and the other hyperthyroid, chances are , the one with hypothyroid gains more weight because of slow metabolism due to the thyroid condition where as the one with hyperthyroid is the opposite.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sophie View Post
    What i'm saying is, if 2 people eat thesame amount but the other one have hypothyroid and the other hyperthyroid, chances are , the one with hypothyroid gains more weight because of slow metabolism due to the thyroid condition where as the one with hyperthyroid is the opposite.
    Then you eat less
    Keith - Administrator

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sophie View Post
    What i'm saying is, if 2 people eat thesame amount but the other one have hypothyroid and the other hyperthyroid, chances are , the one with hypothyroid gains more weight because of slow metabolism due to the thyroid condition where as the one with hyperthyroid is the opposite.
    I think the boss graduated as being a doctor too... so we cant argue to him,he also didnt believe on what i post too about my friend

  30. #30
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    I think the boss graduated as being a doctor too... so we cant argue to him,he also didnt believe on what i post too about my friend
    I'm researching gynecology now, anyone want me to have a look?
    Keith - Administrator

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