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Thread: Extremely annoyed calling UKBA home office

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    Angry Extremely annoyed calling UKBA home office

    We been trying to call UKBA since this morning,because I am going to apply my FLR in person,which cost us addt'l £ 200 ,doesnt matter....what I am off is calling only one number for that 5 offices ..So what do you expect ? of course ..busy !!!!!!
    But that is not what I am off...applicants already agreed for the £ 200 thing I cant take is.............every time you call there is a voice prompt saying "all personnel are busy,you can try to call back later"... and that cost you 10p
    Bloody hell !! I been calling 20x to connect them and I can't still speak to any personnel so how much shall I end up with my credit b4 some one will able to speak to me,How longggggggggg

    Sometimes I want to apply by post,but cant take chance to wait for months because i had job waiting for me and I cant start till I dont have FLR,also go PI to get jed on June,so no chance to apply by post and wait for months arrghhhh

    Any one know how to contact the other way the UKBA home office,I been calling the 00448706067766-that is from the website

  2. #2
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    I have got that problem before juliet but what we did we write them a letter instead of phoning them coz its miracle if you can get hold of anybody there as you said its a waste of your credit and time as well.they did write to us back though!
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  3. #3
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    i tryed phoning the pnb to send my wife money when they was moving office

    all i got was a ringing phone for 2 days

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Daddy View Post
    I have got that problem before juliet but what we did we write them a letter instead of phoning them coz its miracle if you can get hold of anybody there as you said its a waste of your credit and time as well.they did write to us back though!
    I sent u pm Whella, I guess too late because u log out,would you kind enough to give me the detail of how you write them? by post or by email ?I didnt find any email add I guess you write and sent it via post? and where did u address the letter?

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes its the right number, you need to phone say 8:58am and keep phoning til you get thru, they are very busy at the mo

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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    yes its the right number, you need to phone say 8:58am and keep phoning til you get thru, they are very busy at the mo
    Oh my hero,thanks for your reply,where have u been,you didnt online the whole day

  7. #7
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    I fully empathise with you, Juliet and can well understand how thoroughlyed-off you're feeling at the moment. There are few things in life quite so infuriating as government bodies &c. with 0870 prefixed telephone numbers. Invariably you're forced to listen to a series of repetitive automated responses instructing you to press 'so and so' button if you are calling about this, that or the other. And then, just when you finally get put through to the department you were trying feverishly to contact in the first place, another irritating "voice" informs you that all their staff are "busy" [no doubt enjoying an extended coffee break!] would you please hold ... followed at two or three-minute intervals by a similar announcement asking you to "please continue to hold ... a member of staff will speak to you as soon as he/she is available to take your call" ... and so it goes on ... and on ... ad infinitum ... !: I sometimes think all this palaver - together with the considerable expense involved in phoning these agencies - is used as a deliberate ploy to ward-off members of the public/customers and deter them from having the impertinence to interrupt their cushy lifestyles.

    I realise you must be thinking, "Oh God, Arthur, I've already had a bellyfull of all that today!!". But it might be worthwhile ringing the UK visas office on 0845 010 5555 (chargeable at 'local' rates) or alternatively, their landline number, 020 7008 8308, explaining the circumstances regarding your FLR application, and the difficulties you experienced in trying to contact the UKBA (after all you've forked out a hefty supplementary charge for the fast-track service).

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    Hey,that was so kind of you giving me other # to contact,and i been seeing you replying on my thread 5 hours ago and I was waiting to appear on the thread,at last you made it post hahahaha Thanks big Arthur (wink) that was such a big help other way to contact them

  9. #9
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    Oh my hero,thanks for your reply,where have u been,you didnt online the whole day
    cannot access this forum from work, and most days me little gal is hogging the pc playing games, but shes in wales for 4 days on a school trip , but now the misses is hogging it now pretending to be studying for her exam

    don't think calling any other number would be much good, caz you'll probably just end up in the same queue anyway

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    We been trying to call UKBA since this morning,because I am going to apply my FLR in person,which cost us addt'l £ 200 ,doesnt matter....what I am off is calling only one number for that 5 offices ..So what do you expect ? of course ..busy !!!!!!
    But that is not what I am off...applicants already agreed for the £ 200 thing I cant take is.............every time you call there is a voice prompt saying "all personnel are busy,you can try to call back later"... and that cost you 10p
    Bloody hell !! I been calling 20x to connect them and I can't still speak to any personnel so how much shall I end up with my credit b4 some one will able to speak to me,How longggggggggg

    Sometimes I want to apply by post,but cant take chance to wait for months because i had job waiting for me and I cant start till I dont have FLR,also go PI to get jed on June,so no chance to apply by post and wait for months arrghhhh

    Any one know how to contact the other way the UKBA home office,I been calling the 00448706067766-that is from the website
    Oh my Ate Juliet.... seems like you don't only experience this kid of service here.. you also have similar experience there... and everywhere I think... at least I got my birth cert from e-census so fast... just got it today and I hope to receive my cenomar soon... good luck on your application for FLR.. keep us updated.

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    Just wait until there's staff to answer your call. You need to wait until the answering machine stop and answer by their staff. Last time I rang them, it took 15 minutes to wait for the answering machine to stop

    Have patience to wait friend. The more time you wait the more pounds they get eehhhhh

  12. #12
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
    Oh my Ate Juliet.... seems like you don't only experience this kid of service here.. you also have similar experience there... and everywhere I think... at least I got my birth cert from e-census so fast... just got it today and I hope to receive my cenomar soon... good luck on your application for FLR.. keep us updated.
    So it's not JUST in the UK then??? No prizes for guessing where this crazy system had its genesis ... !!!

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    Updates,we load the skype again.... and starting to call them AGAIN We heard different answering machine and after saying loads of rubbish,este information they said we are on queue,ok so we wait.....(remember the 10p every minute,alright)
    So here we are....hubby done with his shaving(5 minutes) one still hold the call
    done eat the breakfast(8 minutes)
    and he go round the house for 10 minutes,so all in all we waited 25 minutes last someone got into the line..pheewww
    It says on the website that this month of May,no offices are deal in personal application aside from liverpool....Liverpool ,birmingham is on May 29 pa,Liverpool is on May 12due to eagerness to work(because I am really bored inside the house 2 months now since I arrived),hubby agree to go Liverpool:cwm12
    We finished the call 35 minutes x 10p =350 pesos

  14. #14
    Respected Member John Chingford's Avatar
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    Have you had any further joy in getting through yet. i have managed to get through twice now by phoning up between 9am to 9.30am. No point trying any later than say 9.45am really.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
    Oh my Ate Juliet.... seems like you don't only experience this kid of service here.. you also have similar experience there... and everywhere I think... at least I got my birth cert from e-census so fast... just got it today and I hope to receive my cenomar soon... good luck on your application for FLR.. keep us updated.
    Absolutely not only PI,because everytime we deal when we arranged the wedding,we are there already in front of them ,they will tell you to have appintment whilst in PI,if youre in front of registrar office and you bring the documents,they will just record it on the spot,no need for 2 weeks schedule appointment,another 2 weeks,and the thing they gonna do on the schedule is the same thing,record the documents

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    Quote Originally Posted by John Chingford View Post
    Have you had any further joy in getting through yet. i have managed to get through twice now by phoning up between 9am to 9.30am. No point trying any later than say 9.45am really.
    I guess you are right John,yes we managed to contact them...

  17. #17
    Respected Member John Chingford's Avatar
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    so you got through. I forgot to say that when I got through I had to wait in queue for about 15 mins each time. Do not be put off by them saying no appointments in May. When I got through I stated that my case was urgent. They said that they have many time slots available at Croydon in May. So the recorded message is inaccurate. It is worth booking more local to you than the cost of going all the way to liverpool.

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    Quote Originally Posted by John Chingford View Post
    so you got through. I forgot to say that when I got through I had to wait in queue for about 15 mins each time. Do not be put off by them saying no appointments in May. When I got through I stated that my case was urgent. They said that they have many time slots available at Croydon in May. So the recorded message is inaccurate. It is worth booking more local to you than the cost of going all the way to liverpool.
    I was thought of that s****** but hubby said too late,we did tomorrow will gonna call again and ask for Croydon

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    but can we transfer the appointment ?,since we made it through Liverpool

  20. #20
    Respected Member John Chingford's Avatar
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    i changed my date at Croydon from 26 may to 15 may by quoting the reference number they gave me. If you give them your reference and explain why you chose Liverpool coz u thought Croydon was not available but that Liverpool is too far, maybe they will give you appointment in Croydon. It is worth trying. I think if you stand your ground and make a good enough argument they will help you

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    Quote Originally Posted by John Chingford View Post
    i changed my date at Croydon from 26 may to 15 may by quoting the reference number they gave me. If you give them your reference and explain why you chose Liverpool coz u thought Croydon was not available but that Liverpool is too far, maybe they will give you appointment in Croydon. It is worth trying. I think if you stand your ground and make a good enough argument they will help you
    Smashing !!!! lovely !! thanks for that John

  22. #22
    Respected Member John Chingford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    Smashing !!!! lovely !! thanks for that John
    your very welcome. Let me know how you get on

  23. #23
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    thats good news juliet.I was at work thats why cant respond you quickly
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Daddy View Post
    thats good news juliet.I was at work thats why cant respond you quickly
    Thanks for being helpul to Wheela

  25. #25
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    So it's not JUST in the UK then??? No prizes for guessing where this crazy system had its genesis ... !!!
    As I said earlier, "no PRIZES ... !!" Why? Because, if you really think about it, many hare-brained schemes of the modern age can justifiably be traced back to the chief culprits - none other than the :HeadButter:s of the world's most powerful (and hence, influential) nation - the 'good old' US of A or, as I prefer to call them, the 'Useless Sods of America'!

    Apologies to my good friends from the Southern State of Kentucky [in absentia]

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    So it's not JUST in the UK then??? No prizes for guessing where this crazy system had its genesis ... !!!
    Oh no Arthur.. not JUST in UK... you'll get the same experience in PI or in the US ... everywhere... some are lucky though...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    U.S.A: as I prefer to call them, the 'Useless Sods of America'!

    Apologies to my good friends from the Southern State of Kentucky [in absentia]

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    wohaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,I made it John, I call them and spent 20 minutes again,on a queue of on hold,but its worthwhile....I made to transfer it in Croydon on the same date......Golly I am so happy Having hard time to understand thier accent so hubby is the one who made the call for me yesterday,but today quite shaking lol hoping I can understand the accent because I need to save our 70 pounds going to Liverpool (hubby said that was the gas we gonna end up lol) aside from 11 hours back and forth driving there,and yessssssssssssssssss I made it

    Now have to concentrate on requirement and £665 pounds.........

  29. #29
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    wohaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,I made it John, I call them and spent 20 minutes again,on a queue of on hold,but its worthwhile....I made to transfer it in Croydon on the same date......Golly I am so happy Having hard time to understand thier accent so hubby is the one who made the call for me yesterday,but today quite shaking lol hoping I can understand the accent because I need to save our 70 pounds going to Liverpool (hubby said that was the gas we gonna end up lol) aside from 11 hours back and forth driving there,and yessssssssssssssssss I made it

    Now have to concentrate on requirement and £665 pounds.........

    You are to be commended for your patience and perseverance, Juliet. And may I say, you're not alone in having difficulty understanding the accents of some of those English twits! Admittedly, I'm getting a bit deaf these days.

    Now you and your "long-suffering" husband can relax, enjoy your trip to the PIs next month and look forward, with confidence, to you starting your new job on your return.

    Well done BOTH!! I'm really pleased for the pair of you.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    You are to be commended for your patience and perseverance, Juliet. And may I say, you're not alone in having difficulty understanding the accents of some of those English twits! Admittedly, I'm getting a bit deaf these days.

    Now you and your "long-suffering" husband can relax, enjoy your trip to the PIs next month and look forward, with confidence, to you starting your new job on your return.

    Well done BOTH!! I'm really pleased for the pair of you.
    What a kind words Arthur...thank you

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