I usually vote Labour as the Blairs years done me some good that is still good today.....unlike most things the party have done!
I want to give our unelected muppet & his cronies such a kick up theI'll be voting Tory.
More independence for Wales![]()
Not voting
Unable to vote, but Labour if possible
Unable to vote, but Tory if possible
I usually vote Labour as the Blairs years done me some good that is still good today.....unlike most things the party have done!
I want to give our unelected muppet & his cronies such a kick up theI'll be voting Tory.
More independence for Wales![]()
Keith - Administrator
as a trade union man i normaly vote labour but now they can poke it right up there![]()
where's UKIP !!!
don't know what their policies are, but i know one isto Europe
can't vote other, where the bnp are
I can't vote labour, wouldn't make any difference anyway, labour stronghold here where i live, could put my dog up as a labour candidate and it would still win easily![]()
I too have voted Labour at every election but they wont be getting my vote this time. But that doesnt mean the Tories are any good. I`m still waiting to see their expenses listed as i`m sure they`ll be in power next year and i`m more concerned about the future than the past.
I imagine most of use have 'fiddled' the expenses, or took something from the company we work for we shouldn't have (and that includes use of the Net), so the MP's are not alone.
However the 'elected' () government, have known what was going on for years and never fixed it, nor did they set an example.
Keith - Administrator
Guilty as charged m'lud! But, for the most part, the jobs I had didn't entail the need to claim expenses. And so, the full extent of my 'pilfering' - as opposed to actual 'fiddling' - amounted merely to the acquisition of the odd item of office stationery, such as an alphabetically-indexed notebook [which is still in my possession some 40 years later] probably a few ballpoint and highlighter pens and, perhaps, a couple of rolls of Sellotape, &c.
In fact, on the one occasion that entitled me to fill-in any form of 'chitty', my then boss [a miserly old] instructed me to use public transport and *retain my bus tickets for inspection. As the task I'd been assigned to involved knocking on doors and/or the random distribution of sales leaflets in various streets within my home town, I decided to be "resourceful"
by using my bike and, mission accomplished, rode round to the main bus terminal ...
where I gathered up as many discarded bus tickets as I felt would be required, and duly presented them in return for an appropriate reimbursement. *"Problem" solved!
does taking a carton of milk from work count?
Another wasted vote for the Green Party here. I would vote Natural Law Party just to see us all 'yogic flying'![]()
Mark, Cristina & Raffy
I really don't know these days, whatever we choose we'll still be in a right mess. I normally vote Labour but like everyone else I'm completely disillusioned with them right now. On the other hand though, after going through the experience of the 1980's, I know I could never vote Conservative again. One thing that really scares me to death is that we'll end up with a Tory landslide which I think will be extremely divisive for the country as a whole; if your rich you'll get richer and if your poor you can sod off.
I'm convinced they'll do exactly what they done when Maggie was swept to power with a big majority, they'll cut services and they'll cut or remove taxes that affect mainly the rich. They will also probably sell off anything that is owned by the state that they didn't manage to sell off the last time they were in power.
i vote jedi knight!
just to get my :Vader: out![]()
Call me pernickity if you will, but I wonder if anyone else has noticed the discrepancy in the colour-coding devised here to portray the two main political parties? Normally - on television and in the media - RED = Labour and BLUE, the Tories. Perhaps I'm being overly pedantic in drawing attention to such a trivial oversight (and anyway, it's a bit late now, since the onsite polling has already begun) but I suppose that what becomes of being a so-called "paragon of excellence"/
- whereas [like most people] I'm far from perfect myself!
Strictly off the record [having presided at ALL elections over a period of more than a quarter of a century] - and despite being a 'proud jock' - I'll be following Joe Bloggs' example and voting for the UK Independence Party ...![]()
my vote goes to ukip this time as wellwhat ever happened the monster raving loony party
UKIP for me too.
I can`t stand to vote Tory after what happened in the `80s and Labour need to lose power and sort themselves out for next time.
what ever happened the monster raving loony party[/QUOTE]
As the Monster Raving Loony Party's founder and -dare I say, sole representative - the infamous 'Screaming Lord Such' "snuffed it" back in 1999, Dave. I can only surmise he took his 'brainchild'
to the grave with him ... !
I'll be using my Euro vote not to 'support' a party, but as a way of kicking the others up the![]()
Keith - Administrator
why would anyone vote ukip?
vote BNP instead
british naturalist party?![]()
Saw this many years ago as a full page newspaper add
Your Lifetime Supply of Democracy....
use it well
Absit invidia
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Am I the only Lib/Dem on here?
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Pressed rat and warthog closed down their shop!
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