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Thread: Surnames on the Identity card

  1. #1
    Member chuchie's Avatar
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    Surnames on the Identity card

    Hi everyone!!! It's been a while since the last time I posted a thread. Hope all's well. Just got back from the UK last week. Back in Malaysia now (my husband works here). A few days ago I have received my identity card from the Home office. Just wondering if they made a mistake with regards to the order of the surname. At the front of the card, under the "name" it states my maiden surname first followed by my married surname and on the bottom states my christian;

    Gonzales Smith

    I would think that they'll put the married surname first and at the bottom of that will be my christian name followed by my maiden;

    Marie Gonzales

    Has anyone have the same order of the surnames/name on your identity card? Should i need to correct this? Any advice? Many thanks and warm regards to all!!! God bless

  2. #2
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    What is in your passport ??

    Given name:

    Middle name:

    if the same in your passport, thats definitely right
    mine is

    Surname: Moxxxxx

    Given name: Juliet

    Middle name Quinixxxxx

    and when I get my card same as like




    If not the same order, call them asap and verify

  3. #3
    Member chuchie's Avatar
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    Thanks for the response Juliet. My passport has been amended (not renew) to my married name whilst i was in the UK and now reads as Jexxx Fonxxxx Bexxxxx (given name, maiden surname followed by my married surname). In my card, it's Fonxxx Bexxx Jexxx (maiden surname followed by married name & at the bottom is my given name). I think i may have to correct it.

  4. #4
    Respected Member John Chingford's Avatar
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    You should definitely contact them immediately. I believe you have a short time to notify them or it will be too late. Otherwise it would cost you a further large fee to correct it later. Mrs J Major is correct that the ID card should be the same as your passport. Recently my wife received her ID card. I helped my wife to make sure the Home Office got it right.

    First we (like you) got the passport amended to marriage name. When we were at Home Office I had to check more than once that they entered the correct details onto the computer for a correct ID card. Finally they got it right. You see it is hard for them to understand because in Britain married women sometimes retain their maiden name. Then their new surname has 2 names including the husbands surname. The Home Office does not understand Pinas tradition of moving maiden name into a middle name.

    Your ID card is incorrect. It now reads that your surname has 2 names. You will need to get it changed ASAP! Did you apply for ID card in person at Home Office ie Premier service? If so, you may be able to get it changed within the price of the service. If you applied by post, maybe difficult because they will claim you should have made it clear on a covering letter what you wanted on the ID card. That is why premier service is preferable even though it costs an extra £200.
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  5. #5
    Member chuchie's Avatar
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    Hi John, thanks for the info. We did applied it in person at the Home Office. Did try to ring them again just now but i've been on hold for nearly 25mins & i am calling them from Malaysia!!!! If they'll allow me to correct the order of the surnames, i wonder what they will require me to do...send back the ID, passport? Anybody have an idea? Haven't got much time left. Any info will be much appreciated. Warm regards. x By the way, my ID is in the UK at the moment (my in-laws are looking after it for me & will send it to me by post once it's been sorted). Couldn't wait for my card to arrive whilst in the UK as i needed to travel back to Malaysia.

  6. #6
    Respected Member John Chingford's Avatar
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    To save you costs couldn't your in-laws phone up? While you was at the Home Office they should have handed you a letter confirming that you would be sent an ID card. I have just read the one we received. It says "On receipt of your card you must check it carefully to make sure that all the details on it are corrrect. If you find a mistake, please phone 0300-123 2412 (I think you will need to phone 0044-300-1232412 if you phone from Malaysia) within 10 working days of receiving the card, or you may be charged for a replacement and have to apply again". (The part in italics and bold was also included in the leaflet they sent us) Did you phone that number?

    I dont know what they will ask you to do. If it is not staight forward for you, because you are not in UK, it may be best to stick with your NEW surname and amend the Filipno passport again to reflect the double barrel surname? Just a suggestion. I am not an expert on this so do not know what the ramifications may be of doing that. If you decided to take this action you would need to make it clear on ALL your documents of your changed surname, but I guess you will have to do that anyway now that you have your husbands surname. Maybe others on this website may be able to give advice whether my suggestion about you accepting the double barrelled surname would be ok and wise.
    As the days of Noah were so shall be the coming of the Son of Man........ When You see these things happening, know that the time is close.
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  7. #7
    Respected Member John Chingford's Avatar
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    Hi Chuchie. I am keen to know whether my last bit of advice above was useful and how you get on. Please let me know. Thanks
    As the days of Noah were so shall be the coming of the Son of Man........ When You see these things happening, know that the time is close.
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  8. #8
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    to save costs just subscribe to skype for free UK calls and only £2.50 per month. Use skype in Malaysia and call UK landline for free. I do that for the philippines and my wife calls me for hours and £0 cost.

  9. #9
    Respected Member John Chingford's Avatar
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    good idea Jonnywina
    As the days of Noah were so shall be the coming of the Son of Man........ When You see these things happening, know that the time is close.
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  10. #10
    Member chuchie's Avatar
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    Hi John, really appreciate your advices...thanks again!!! I have just spoken to the Home Office regarding my ID (very helpful). He said i can send my ID & passport to their office the latest i can be in the UK (that would be in August), together with my passport & a letter explaining the mistake in the card. They will have to charge me 30 pounds for a new card so it's not too bad, really!!! It will take 2weeks to process & send out to me. He also advised me to ring the immigration dept to ask if i can use my card to come into UK without any problem. I rang shortly after that conversation, the immigration officer (a lady) asked me to bring the letter which came with the ID with me when I travel back to the UK & any form of identification. I'm confident it will all be ok. I've been praying about it!!! By the way, skype doesn't work when i tried to ring the ID management office. Thanks to all!!! God bless.

  11. #11
    Member chuchie's Avatar
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    I waited nearly an hour before they took my call.....60pounds!!!! I'm calling from Malaysia.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuchie View Post
    They will have to charge me 30 pounds for a new card so it's not too bad, really!!!
    Its not your fault, So how come they will charge you

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