Hi, i have a friend who's working in greece and have a fiancee in wales .... she is asking me this question but i have no idea and i don't want to give false info on her.... that's why im asking it here as most of the member here is very helpful and have ideas and experience on this before ....
she said the guy already gave her forms to fill up for the fiancee visa, she's currently working in greece and the guy is living in wales. the guy wants her to fill up a fiancee form and send it back to him so they can apply for a fiancee visa.
not sure about fiancee visa in greece to UK as my friend is still a filipino citizen and just working in greece for a year now not yet a citizen.
coz in the philippines they have to see each other first right before thay apply for fiancee visa?
please help and thank you already for the info's ur going to post herecheers