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Thread: What a difference a year makes!!!!

  1. #1
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    What a difference a year makes!!!!

    It's now 07:43 and I'm intending to write my first meaningful contribution in quite some time. Granted, some may think I've never made a meaningful contribution on this forum ever - indulge me I've been really quiet as i'm trying to get back on top of the work I've neglected to an extent as I was concerned about leaving Pia at home alone while I traveled. Also I have been trying to establish 2 small businesses for Pia to run while I'm at work.

    I design distinctive semi-bespoke shirts and suits which we are about to commercialise. Additionally, we are about to launch a range of 19 derma cosmetic products for the face, body and hair.

    I'm laying upstairs in the Orange bedroom. Some of our friends from the forum, e.g. Ben and Jasmine and also Simon and Elena will be familiar with it. Anyway, it's orange as in a moment of compromised judgement while rushing to get ready for my queen's arrival on 8th August last year, I selected what I thought was a warm colour for its walls but in fact was orange. I'm in this room as I am displaying early symptoms of the flu and with Marikit still only 15 weeks old (wow, already) and needing a lot of attention (colic, rash and teething) I reluctantly decided I should quarantine myself from them

    Anyway, I'm alone so have a lot of time to think. We are only 4 weeks away from our first trip to the Philippines as a family. Last year when Pia, Elena, Vanessa and I arrived from the Philippines on August 8th, we were at the beginning of an uncertain journey. I recall the somewhat sombre mood in the Mabuhay Lounge at Manila Airport as all three reflected on what they were leaving behind. We did not know each other so well but I tried my best to lift their spirits. Since then we have established firm friendships. Elena and Simon have married and given birth to a totally adorable little girl Mia. John and Vanessa are expecting baby Robert. Pia and I have been blessed with Marikit. We enjoy the friendsip of so many others including Ben, Jassmine and Aaren and Mark, Cristina and Raffy. It's been a great year.

    When Pia and I waved goodbye to our family in Surigao. It was particularly sad; we had no idea when we would see them again. I miss them almost as much as my wife does. They are truly beautiful people and despite the obvious differences that most Pinoy see between themselves and me, I have never felt anything but at home with all of Pia's relatives. The same was really true of my mother and brother when they attended our wedding. Adding to the sadness of our departure was seeing my beautiful wife crying on the phone to her sis - she had tried to run an errand for us before our departure from Manila and only made it to the airport after we had gone in - so they never got to say goodbye to each other.

    Well, we arrived in the UK and eventually set about establishing our home. It was not long before we had our first surprise - Pia was pregnant. If you were aware of the cicumstances you would understand why we were a little surprised. Of course we were delighted too, although it had not been our plan. I'd hoped that Pia would work or study so that her acclimitisation would be accelerated. I then focussed on trying to support Pia as much as possible and reducing my travel so that I could be here as much as possible. I went from aprox. 20 flights a month to 3 in 4 months. Needless to say my work suffered substantially. It was not helped by a haemorrhagic scare about 5 months into the pregnancy. But all worked out well. Our little princess was born early April. (We've not had a decent night's sleep since then btw )

    Pia and I went from a prolonged cuddle and quiet talk in bed each night, to a pat on the back and "Goodnight dear" Still, it's only for a short while we're told. Btw, why does Pia bite me everytime she thinks Marikit is particularly cute!!!!!!!!!!

    So, when we go back to da phils our family will see a new Pia. Pia the established asawa and nanay. I will be so proud when they see that in her. I remember nany's counsel to Pia several times before we left - "Pia, don't be so makulit ha". I think Pia must have heard her as I have never seen that in my beautiful wife. I am always imagining us walking off the plane and towards nanay et al and hearing nanay and sis shouting and running towards us to hug us and take Marikit into their arms. I can see tatay with tears in his eyes as he is a loving man I admire so much that reminds me so much of my own father in terms of his principles. My wife was raised in a stable and exceptionally loving home and it shows. I will do my part to ensure the same for Marikit. All of my favourite ates will be there. They are so loving all of them.

    How happy we will all be when we are together in Surigao!!!!

    While over there we will be having a baby dedication. We have ordered a 50kg baboy and will be having a big children's party on the basket ball court next to the house. We have bought many 'useful and educational' items to wrap up as gifts for the kids in the barangay. I can't wait to see them all. "Tito Toks is back, Tito Toks is back", they will cry and I will be moved to tears again when take my hand into their little hands and raise mine to their foreheads one by one and 'bless' me. Then I'll start singing boom ta rat ta rat and Pinoy ako and an other popular new songs while the tricycles roar past us on the National Highway.

    It will be interesting walking with Pia and Marikit. I can imagine some people running ahead of us so they can get a good look at Marikit. We noticed the same at the Leeds Barrio Fiesta. It seems so many wonder what a child from the 2 of us will look like The staff at the Intercon will welcome us back and see the fruit of our love. Even bore then the loung staff at Leeds airport and some at Schiphol airport have changed shifts so that they can meet Pia and Marikit. As they say, they have ben following this love story from the beginning. I can't wait to show them off

    In summary, I'm an extremely happy man. I love my wife, I love our baby, I love our family and I love our friends.
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    awwww... this is so touching.... i can feel you're pride and happiness... i'm happy for you... glad you have found your happiness...

    God bless you and your family and friends...

  3. #3
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    A lovely post Mr Toks Sir, been there with the poorly choosen wall paint what seems a god idea in b n q's dont always look good on a sunday morning

    Hope the Flu scare is just that and your right as rain very soon.

    I notice that a lot at Phill events the indepth study and it seems long review by the Wife and her phill friends of how the mix went with babys and Kids
    I have to say when i first used to read of your punishing travel requirments how you would cope.

    I hope you all three of you will have a safe and happy trip back to Phill
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  4. #4
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    Hello Toks,

    A very nice post, and one that shows all the warmth that being part of a loving family gives you.

    Get well soon and then have a safe flight and a great time in the Phils again.


  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    In summary, I'm an extremely happy man. I love my wife, I love our baby, I love our family and I love our friends.
    and may your good luck and happiness continue TOKS

    and may my run of bad luck end , by the 5th of nov i hope little joe will be the big 3

  6. #6
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    A very nice words from u Kuya Toks,

    Godbless u, pia and marikit

    Have a safe trip and enjoy ur holiday in pi.
    It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good to check up once in a while to make sure you haven't lost the things that money can't buy.

  7. #7
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    and may your good luck and happiness continue TOKS

    and may my run of bad luck end , by the 5th of nov i hope little joe will be the big 3
    I will have a firework party just for you sir
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    I will have a firework party just for you sir
    kind of you sir andy to set parliament a light

    misses is on the journey south again end of oct, take the test again.. this time she will pass ... damn gmc

    oh i dont know if i told you she got 8 out of 14, she needed 9 to pass

  9. #9
    Respected Member Ana_may365's Avatar
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    'Ur a good husband u!'pia is very lucky to have u
    by the way,have a safe journey.we will be going there also this coming sept.for 1 month

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    I can't wait to show them off
    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    In summary, I'm an extremely happy man. I love my wife, I love our baby, I love our family and I love our friends.
    Awww... Sooo sweet.
    When in doubt, mumble.

  11. #11
    Respected Member Ji&Ma's Avatar
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    Very nice - God bless you and your family, wish you many more happy years to come
    Jiri & Maricel

  12. #12
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Good luck Toks. Call in and see us in Cebu!

    Pressed rat and warthog closed down their shop!

  13. #13
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    WONDERFUL post Amigo You really can see how much passion you've put in here, just so BRILLIANT!

    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    Pia and I went from a prolonged cuddle and quiet talk in bed each night, to a pat on the back and "Goodnight dear" Still, it's only for a short while we're told.
    HehEhe... no comment

    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    Btw, why does Pia bite me everytime she thinks Marikit is particularly cute!!!!!!!!!!
    Because Pia is nanggigigil to your lovely anak... It's a Filipina thing... It's like being extremely happy, excited plus accompanied with giggles... SO yeah, that explains it...

    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    In summary, I'm an extremely happy man. I love my wife, I love our baby, I love our family and I love our friends..
    Well done! I'm sure they are happy as well: You're a great husband to Pia, a loving Dad to Marikit and a good friend!

    God bless you my friend

  14. #14
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Nice to hear from you amigo

    Very lovely and inspiring post
    Have a safe trip
    and advanced Happy Dedication to Marikit
    Party Time
    Don't make promises when you are in JOY. Don't reply when you are SAD.
    Don't take decisions when you are ANGRY. Think twice, Act wise. BE happy.

  15. #15
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
    awwww... this is so touching.... i can feel you're pride and happiness... i'm happy for you... glad you have found your happiness...

    God bless you and your family and friends...
    Thank you so much amiga. God bless you and yours also.

    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    A lovely post Mr Toks Sir, been there with the poorly choosen wall paint what seems a god idea in b n q's dont always look good on a sunday morning

    Hope the Flu scare is just that and your right as rain very soon.

    I notice that a lot at Phill events the indepth study and it seems long review by the Wife and her phill friends of how the mix went with babys and Kids
    I have to say when i first used to read of your punishing travel requirments how you would cope.

    I hope you all three of you will have a safe and happy trip back to Phill
    Cheers matey. I think i've sweated the flu out now. Hooray!!! the travelling has been substantial and is not ideal for a marriage. I now try to get in and out on the same day or at least spend no more than a night away. Fortunately, when I travel to London which I'll do maybe 2 or 3 times a month Pia and Marikit can come with me.

    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Hello Toks,

    A very nice post, and one that shows all the warmth that being part of a loving family gives you.

    Get well soon and then have a safe flight and a great time in the Phils again.

    Thanks buddy. I guess the warmth I'm experiencing is something we are all fortunate enough to have, I just could not help sharing it. when is your lovely wife gracing our shores?

    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    and may your good luck and happiness continue TOKS

    and may my run of bad luck end , by the 5th of nov i hope little joe will be the big 3
    Thanks my friend. I long to meet this young man i've heard so much about one day. Good luck to the missus; i'm sure she'll pass this time.

    Quote Originally Posted by tiN View Post
    A very nice words from u Kuya Toks,

    Godbless u, pia and marikit

    Have a safe trip and enjoy ur holiday in pi.
    Maraming salamat amiga ko. How are you?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ana_may365 View Post
    'Ur a good husband u!'pia is very lucky to have u
    by the way,have a safe journey.we will be going there also this coming sept.for 1 month
    Thank you for sayi ng that amiga. I'm a really very blessed young man.

    Quote Originally Posted by monkeyface View Post
    Awww... Sooo sweet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ji&Ma View Post
    Very nice - God bless you and your family, wish you many more happy years to come
    Thanks so much. I wish you the same.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    Good luck Toks. Call in and see us in Cebu!

    Hey dude; we'd love to see you. Not sure we'll make it though - only got about 18 days there Hope all is well with you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    WONDERFUL post Amigo You really can see how much passion you've put in here, just so BRILLIANT!

    HehEhe... no comment

    Because Pia is nanggigigil to your lovely anak... It's a Filipina thing... It's like being extremely happy, excited plus accompanied with giggles... SO yeah, that explains it...

    Well done! I'm sure they are happy as well: You're a great husband to Pia, a loving Dad to Marikit and a good friend!

    God bless you my friend
    Thank you so so much for that. I had to run from Pia a short while ago. Marikit was in the hanging door bouncer (great idea btw Joe) and she looked at me and put her hand in her mouth - I knew what that meant so managed to get out of the way.

    Quote Originally Posted by LEAHnew View Post
    Nice to hear from you amigo

    Very lovely and inspiring post
    Have a safe trip
    and advanced Happy Dedication to Marikit
    Party Time
    Thanks amiga. I hope Marikit travels well. God bless you.
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  16. #16
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    thats a very inspiring post Kuya Toks, hope u have a safe trip..

  17. #17
    Respected Member acs's Avatar
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    wow how touching and how sweet. Good luck to you. wifey and marikit going to surigao Toks

  18. #18
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    Very nice and moving post from an obviously happy and contented man
    You are so lucky to have such a nice wife and cute baby, but they are just as lucky to have you.......
    I can see you're a good man and a very passionate and dedicated husband and dad.....
    So you truly deserve all the great things you have now....Enjoy your trip to the philippines with your family
    "10% of life is made up of what happens to you, 90% is decided by how you react"
    "The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost"

  19. #19
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    Hi Toks, you have just written the kind of post I have had in mind for some time, well done my man!!! hats off to you!! I will now will get off my butt and do so. We are both very lucky guys and both very contented with our asawas and beautiful children they have borne to us.

    Have a safe journey and a great dedication. Joshua was dedicated in the JIL church in Hong Kong with the whole congregation present (400 plus two choirs and one band) followed by a meal up on the peak with our ninangs and ninoys plus other close firends).

    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  20. #20
    Respected Member gracia143's Avatar
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    Congratulations Tok, this is a very touching post. God bless always
    The bravest thing that men do is love women--Mort Sahl

  21. #21
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Such a great post Toks!.. I was moved by your love story. Enjoy your holidays in the Phils.

    " The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
    They are the ones who care about you, take care of you, those who, no matter what, stay close by... "

  22. #22
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimmi View Post
    thats a very inspiring post Kuya Toks, hope u have a safe trip..
    Thanks Kimmi. Long time no hear. I hope you and yours are well.

    Quote Originally Posted by acs View Post
    wow how touching and how sweet. Good luck to you. wifey and marikit going to surigao Toks
    Salamat po. Can't wait. Yehey!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sophie View Post
    Very nice and moving post from an obviously happy and contented man
    You are so lucky to have such a nice wife and cute baby, but they are just as lucky to have you.......
    I can see you're a good man and a very passionate and dedicated husband and dad.....
    So you truly deserve all the great things you have now....Enjoy your trip to the philippines with your family
    You are too kind Sophie. I wish you great things also.

    Quote Originally Posted by scott&ligaya View Post
    Hi Toks, you have just written the kind of post I have had in mind for some time, well done my man!!! hats off to you!! I will now will get off my butt and do so. We are both very lucky guys and both very contented with our asawas and beautiful children they have borne to us.

    Have a safe journey and a great dedication. Joshua was dedicated in the JIL church in Hong Kong with the whole congregation present (400 plus two choirs and one band) followed by a meal up on the peak with our ninangs and ninoys plus other close firends).

    We certainly are Scott. How is young Joshua doing and Ligaya also? I imagine we'll have about 100 kids. It will be great.

    Quote Originally Posted by gracia143 View Post
    Congratulations Tok, this is a very touching post. God bless always
    Salamat amiga.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pepe n Pilar View Post
    Such a great post Toks!.. I was moved by your love story. Enjoy your holidays in the Phils.

    Thanks guys. Really looking forward to it.
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  23. #23
    Respected Member islander's Avatar
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    Hi amigo!


    WHAT A VERY OVERWHELMING & INSPIRING STORY.... I'm sure pia feels the same way as well, she is also happy & proud to have you as her loving husband & a great dad to baby marikit....

    with a heart full of love, you will express your highest potential while also fulfilling your soul's deepest purpose:

  24. #24
    Respected Member dontpushme's Avatar
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    Congratulations! Though you'd better get used to your wife's biting. That's called panggigigil (your baby is very nakakagigil).

  25. #25
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    It's now 07:43 and I'm intending to write my first meaningful contribution in quite some time. Granted, some may think I've never made a meaningful contribution on this forum ever - indulge me I've been really quiet as i'm trying to get back on top of the work I've neglected to an extent as I was concerned about leaving Pia at home alone while I traveled. Also I have been trying to establish 2 small businesses for Pia to run while I'm at work.

    I design distinctive semi-bespoke shirts and suits which we are about to commercialise. Additionally, we are about to launch a range of 19 derma cosmetic products for the face, body and hair.

    I'm laying upstairs in the Orange bedroom. Some of our friends from the forum, e.g. Ben and Jasmine and also Simon and Elena will be familiar with it. Anyway, it's orange as in a moment of compromised judgement while rushing to get ready for my queen's arrival on 8th August last year, I selected what I thought was a warm colour for its walls but in fact was orange. I'm in this room as I am displaying early symptoms of the flu and with Marikit still only 15 weeks old (wow, already) and needing a lot of attention (colic, rash and teething) I reluctantly decided I should quarantine myself from them

    Anyway, I'm alone so have a lot of time to think. We are only 4 weeks away from our first trip to the Philippines as a family. Last year when Pia, Elena, Vanessa and I arrived from the Philippines on August 8th, we were at the beginning of an uncertain journey. I recall the somewhat sombre mood in the Mabuhay Lounge at Manila Airport as all three reflected on what they were leaving behind. We did not know each other so well but I tried my best to lift their spirits. Since then we have established firm friendships. Elena and Simon have married and given birth to a totally adorable little girl Mia. John and Vanessa are expecting baby Robert. Pia and I have been blessed with Marikit. We enjoy the friendsip of so many others including Ben, Jassmine and Aaren and Mark, Cristina and Raffy. It's been a great year.

    When Pia and I waved goodbye to our family in Surigao. It was particularly sad; we had no idea when we would see them again. I miss them almost as much as my wife does. They are truly beautiful people and despite the obvious differences that most Pinoy see between themselves and me, I have never felt anything but at home with all of Pia's relatives. The same was really true of my mother and brother when they attended our wedding. Adding to the sadness of our departure was seeing my beautiful wife crying on the phone to her sis - she had tried to run an errand for us before our departure from Manila and only made it to the airport after we had gone in - so they never got to say goodbye to each other.

    Well, we arrived in the UK and eventually set about establishing our home. It was not long before we had our first surprise - Pia was pregnant. If you were aware of the cicumstances you would understand why we were a little surprised. Of course we were delighted too, although it had not been our plan. I'd hoped that Pia would work or study so that her acclimitisation would be accelerated. I then focussed on trying to support Pia as much as possible and reducing my travel so that I could be here as much as possible. I went from aprox. 20 flights a month to 3 in 4 months. Needless to say my work suffered substantially. It was not helped by a haemorrhagic scare about 5 months into the pregnancy. But all worked out well. Our little princess was born early April. (We've not had a decent night's sleep since then btw )

    Pia and I went from a prolonged cuddle and quiet talk in bed each night, to a pat on the back and "Goodnight dear" Still, it's only for a short while we're told. Btw, why does Pia bite me everytime she thinks Marikit is particularly cute!!!!!!!!!!

    So, when we go back to da phils our family will see a new Pia. Pia the established asawa and nanay. I will be so proud when they see that in her. I remember nany's counsel to Pia several times before we left - "Pia, don't be so makulit ha". I think Pia must have heard her as I have never seen that in my beautiful wife. I am always imagining us walking off the plane and towards nanay et al and hearing nanay and sis shouting and running towards us to hug us and take Marikit into their arms. I can see tatay with tears in his eyes as he is a loving man I admire so much that reminds me so much of my own father in terms of his principles. My wife was raised in a stable and exceptionally loving home and it shows. I will do my part to ensure the same for Marikit. All of my favourite ates will be there. They are so loving all of them.

    How happy we will all be when we are together in Surigao!!!!

    While over there we will be having a baby dedication. We have ordered a 50kg baboy and will be having a big children's party on the basket ball court next to the house. We have bought many 'useful and educational' items to wrap up as gifts for the kids in the barangay. I can't wait to see them all. "Tito Toks is back, Tito Toks is back", they will cry and I will be moved to tears again when take my hand into their little hands and raise mine to their foreheads one by one and 'bless' me. Then I'll start singing boom ta rat ta rat and Pinoy ako and an other popular new songs while the tricycles roar past us on the National Highway.

    It will be interesting walking with Pia and Marikit. I can imagine some people running ahead of us so they can get a good look at Marikit. We noticed the same at the Leeds Barrio Fiesta. It seems so many wonder what a child from the 2 of us will look like The staff at the Intercon will welcome us back and see the fruit of our love. Even bore then the loung staff at Leeds airport and some at Schiphol airport have changed shifts so that they can meet Pia and Marikit. As they say, they have ben following this love story from the beginning. I can't wait to show them off

    In summary, I'm an extremely happy man. I love my wife, I love our baby, I love our family and I love our friends.
    What a very heartwarming post, Toks. May I add that ALL contributions made by you and Pia are consistently meaningful in their content, and I for one, derive a great deal of pleasure from reading them.

    I realise it's been an exceptionally busy time for both of you since little Marikit came along, and of course the flu symptoms haven't made things any easier. Myrna and myself fervently hope and pray that all will be well again soon and wish you a safe and enjoyable trip back to the Phils in ... 3 weeks' time [as it will be now!].

    Take Care & God Bless the three of you.


  26. #26
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    Hi Toks,
    both are doing very well depite some snuffles currently. GREAT NEWS, we had another scan on Friday and our wish/prayer is granted yet again. We are having a baby girl this time


    Ligaya is 29 weeks and is due early October.

    Again have a great trip to the Phils
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by scott&ligaya View Post
    Hi Toks,
    both are doing very well depite some snuffles currently. GREAT NEWS, we had another scan on Friday and our wish/prayer is granted yet again. We are having a baby girl this time


    Ligaya is 29 weeks and is due early October.
    Congratulations scott&ligaya for your baby girl on the way
    "10% of life is made up of what happens to you, 90% is decided by how you react"
    "The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost"

  28. #28
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by islander View Post
    Hi amigo!


    WHAT A VERY OVERWHELMING & INSPIRING STORY.... I'm sure pia feels the same way as well, she is also happy & proud to have you as her loving husband & a great dad to baby marikit....

    Hey buntis! Nice to hear from you. Thanks for your post. How are you enjoying your pregnancy. Soon to be a mum!

    Quote Originally Posted by dontpushme View Post
    Congratulations! Though you'd better get used to your wife's biting. That's called panggigigil (your baby is very nakakagigil).
    Salamat po! I run away when my queen gets that look in her eye.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    What a very heartwarming post, Toks. May I add that ALL contributions made by you and Pia are consistently meaningful in their content, and I for one, derive a great deal of pleasure from reading them.

    I realise it's been an exceptionally busy time for both of you since little Marikit came along, and of course the flu symptoms haven't made things any easier. Myrna and myself fervently hope and pray that all will be well again soon and wish you a safe and enjoyable trip back to the Phils in ... 3 weeks' time [as it will be now!].

    Take Care & God Bless the three of you.

    Thanks Arthur. You are very kind. Thankfully we are all much better now. How is ate Myrna? We still hope you'll pass by our way some time. God bless you too my friend.

    Quote Originally Posted by scott&ligaya View Post
    Hi Toks,
    both are doing very well depite some snuffles currently. GREAT NEWS, we had another scan on Friday and our wish/prayer is granted yet again. We are having a baby girl this time


    Ligaya is 29 weeks and is due early October.

    Again have a great trip to the Phils
    That's great! Congrats. How is Ligaya doing? Going to be a wonderful end to the year.

    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  29. #29
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scott&ligaya View Post
    Hi Toks,
    both are doing very well depite some snuffles currently. GREAT NEWS, we had another scan on Friday and our wish/prayer is granted yet again. We are having a baby girl this time


    Ligaya is 29 weeks and is due early October.

    Again have a great trip to the Phils

    Little Baby Girl Ligaya this time! Wow, congratulations to your family

  30. #30
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    thanks Toks and Zobel,
    we were in Pumpkin Patch, Zara and mothercare on Saturday looking at and buying baby girl stuff, Ligaya is like a pig in sh*t at the moment
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

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