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Thread: Tale of tampo....

  1. #1
    Respected Member pacificelectric's Avatar
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    Tale of tampo....

    Just to share a typical cultural misunderstanding... last Sunday I was in a bad mood and unfortunately messed up my weekly webcam appointment with my girlfriend. At the end as we were exchanging YM messages (because of server problems she can’t use a microphone) and she sternly wrote “I stop communicating with you” and was even more adamant when I proposed to call her on the phone and she just added “bye” and cut the communication.

    I then went out for a walk in the afternoon and wondered how many days she would keep me away from her. In the evening, no message. I went to bed and on Monday morning found an e-mail from her saying: “I could not sleep last night and was waiting for your call....”

    I immediately phoned her and told me she was just tampo and expected me to call her just a short while after the argument! So we discussed and decided she would never try tampo with me ever again....

    I also took the commitment not to upset any more such a wonderful girl...

  2. #2
    Respected Member Ji&Ma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pacificelectric View Post
    I also took the commitment not to upset any more such a wonderful girl...
    Good - where do I know this kind of story from???
    Jiri & Maricel

  3. #3
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Oooh! Tampo! Filipina ladies are good at that! and we love our partners to amuin/suyuin us. erm. i dont know what's amuin or suyuin in english maybe you could ask your lady.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  4. #4
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    So we discussed and decided she would never try tampo with me ever again....
    just wait untill she is in uk with you and you forget her sour mango from the store, tampo tampo

  5. #5
    Respected Member pacificelectric's Avatar
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    Amuin, suyuin: coax, placate....

    Actually this type of misunderstanding can really have consequences and she was totally dumbfounded when she realized I had taken her statement "I stop communicating" literally! So now we are careful...

  6. #6
    Respected Member Sconnie's Avatar
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    Ha Ha Ha you should be happy, that's normal

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimcarie View Post
    just wait untill she is in uk with you and you forget her sour mango from the store, tampo tampo
    what store? where are you getting that sour mango? if you tell me it'll save a lot of tampo...........

  8. #8
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    hayyy... Filipinas are known for their tampo... I included... My bf and I struggled with the tampos but all is resolved with an honest-to-goodness conversation on how to deal with this...

    I told my bf that, whenever I have tampo, all he has to do is say "yes" and make "lambing" in the form of a hug and a kiss... well, we use the icons here for that... LOL...

    Good luck to you and your gf!

  9. #9
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    My wife doesn't have tampo......although I think I'm just to stupid to notice
    Keith - Administrator

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    ha ha ha tampoi am afraid you learn to live with it in the end i used to think how can you argue with someone that you are not actualy with you are in seperate countries just conversing on webcam but if you was together it would be a kiss and a cuddle then all forgotten sadly things are not like that

    many of the little squabbles are just misunderstandings as well we have to remember sometimes our sweetheart does understand english BUT not as well as we do

  11. #11
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    Sounds like me. I get Tampo lots over silly things which makes my boyfriend really upset. We're still going through tampuhan every now and then but somehow managing. I'd like to think he has accepted that bit of me. He will make lambing to me now when I'm in tampo mode.

    I remember one time, I was in tampo mode. He sent me (bah) an emoticon in MSN which is a sheep. I asked him what was that about. He said, "lamb-ing". I really laughed. I thought it was sweet and funny too. Now, he has this new webcam with cute settings, he will go as a sheep when I am tampo.

    I have to say, I think Filipinas are very matampuhin but easy to make "suyo naman". ;-p

    Take care everyone.x

  12. #12
    Respected Member ca143's Avatar
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    filipinas born with TWIN tampo.....

  13. #13
    Respected Member MarBell379's Avatar
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    SOmetimes I think we BOTH get Tampo. It can be painful when we're both so bloody stubborn!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarBell379 View Post
    SOmetimes I think we BOTH get Tampo. It can be painful when we're both so bloody stubborn!
    I couldn't agree more.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by chubster View Post
    what store? where are you getting that sour mango? if you tell me it'll save a lot of tampo...........
    we travel to bolton, the market there. place there that sells lots that filipina like to eat mind you theres not much filipina will not eat

  16. #16
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    the fact shes getting tampo at you,means she likes you!

    the more you get to know her your going to have more tampos from her,dont forget she will be in bad moods too so its best you both learn to start saying your sorrys to each other??
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by monkeyface View Post
    Sounds like me. I get Tampo lots over silly things which makes my boyfriend really upset. We're still going through tampuhan every now and then but somehow managing. I'd like to think he has accepted that bit of me. He will make lambing to me now when I'm in tampo mode.

    I remember one time, I was in tampo mode. He sent me (bah) an emoticon in MSN which is a sheep. I asked him what was that about. He said, "lamb-ing". I really laughed. I thought it was sweet and funny too. Now, he has this new webcam with cute settings, he will go as a sheep when I am tampo.

    I have to say, I think Filipinas are very matampuhin but easy to make "suyo naman". ;-p

    Take care everyone.x
    I soooo agree with you... I even find it cute when bf say on video call: Darling, I am now making "lamb-ing" (as in lamb) to you.. so stop your tampo now please... cute!

  18. #18
    Respected Member gracia143's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by florge View Post
    i soooo agree with you... I even find it cute when bf say on video call: Darling, i am now making "lamb-ing" (as in lamb) to you.. So stop your tampo now please... Cute!
    That's sweet!
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  19. #19
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    TAMPO JUST DO THE FARTING it will goneif it's in LDR it must be recorded

    I had lots of sulking in the past and thank God my fiance managed to handle this silly act and been so understanding, patient and very loving
    Don't make promises when you are in JOY. Don't reply when you are SAD.
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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    My wife doesn't have tampo......although I think I'm just to stupid to notice
    or insensitive? lol
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  21. #21
    Respected Member dontpushme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    My wife doesn't have tampo......although I think I'm just to stupid to notice
    Hahaha! You maight be insensitive, or you might be lucky enough to have found someone that wasn't raised to expect to be swept off their feet each time they were upset.

    Personally, I don't care for sulking as it doesn't really help fix things. I prefer to chase my boyfriend down and have a rational discussion about whatever happened to upset one of us (with no namecalling or blamethrowing). So we've never had a single argument. And he says he likes it so I guess something's definitely right about not going to bed upset.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dontpushme View Post
    Hahaha! You maight be insensitive, or you might be lucky enough to have found someone that wasn't raised to expect to be swept off their feet each time they were upset.

    Personally, I don't care for sulking as it doesn't really help fix things. I prefer to chase my boyfriend down and have a rational discussion about whatever happened to upset one of us (with no namecalling or blamethrowing). So we've never had a single argument. And he says he likes it so I guess something's definitely right about not going to bed upset.
    The other night my Filipina wife was upset with me and left the room ignoring me. She went downstairs and slept on the sofa.
    The next day when we discussed it, she asked me why I didn't come down to ask her to come back to bed.
    When I told her that she is free to do as you wants and that I would never force her to do anything, she said that me coming down would have showed her that I cared, and that is the Philippine way!

    It seems to me that "chasing someone down" really doesn’t work with my wife, and I wouldn’t dream of making her frightened or more upset.

    If someone is angry, I think it is best to either walk away or wait until a better time to work things out. IMO, anger is diffused by walking away and confrontation more often than not make the situation a lot worse.

    Her kindness, gentle demeanour and loving ways have made me change my behaviour, maybe this is what love does.
    Oh, and sulking................Amuin, suyuin: coax, placate.... later though.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by pacificelectric View Post
    ........So we discussed and decided she would never try tampo with me ever again....
    Don't kid yourself
    I have only known my wife for almost 1½ years and this seems to be uncontrollable

  24. #24
    Respected Member dontpushme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    It seems to me that "chasing someone down" really doesn’t work with my wife, and I wouldn’t dream of making her frightened or more upset.
    Maybe I shouldn't have used that term. I don't literally chase my boyfriend down. It's a long-distance relationship so the moment I get upset, I just tell him (we're online with each other all day anyway). It's always easy to say, "I'm upset." He knows me well enough to understand that there will be no screaming or crying or drama so his reaction is always "Why are you upset?". That leads to a proper discussion and a solution. When it's my fault (half the time it is anyway), I apologise and we move on. When it's his fault, he apologises and we move on. Voila! No chasing and no tampo! Also, when I've done something to upset him, he tells me instead of bottling it all up and being stoic.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dontpushme View Post
    Maybe I shouldn't have used that term. I don't literally chase my boyfriend down. It's a long-distance relationship so the moment I get upset, I just tell him (we're online with each other all day anyway). It's always easy to say, "I'm upset." He knows me well enough to understand that there will be no screaming or crying or drama so his reaction is always "Why are you upset?". That leads to a proper discussion and a solution. When it's my fault (half the time it is anyway), I apologise and we move on. When it's his fault, he apologises and we move on. Voila! No chasing and no tampo! Also, when I've done something to upset him, he tells me instead of bottling it all up and being stoic.
    Well for obvious reasons I have never argued with a Filipino man, so I don't know what that is like.
    It seems to me that "Tampo" is a very powerful emotion in a Filipina's life.
    As they are mostly non-confrontational, us Western men are dealing with a new dynamic. Perhaps your Filipino man acts differently and this is interesting.
    I don't see my wife as submissive in any way, but her sulking makes me aware now that timing is the key, but then men have always struggled with timing.

  26. #26
    Respected Member dontpushme's Avatar
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    LOL! He's not Filipino. He's English. I'm the first Filipina he's met so he knew nothing about my culture when we met, and we're still slogging through the cultural differences. I had no idea what to expect either. Who knew a discussion about football could lead to a happy relationship?

    I don't think tampo is universal in the Philippines. I was raised to not sulk. My parents turned my **** red whenever I sulked ("Are you sulking?! Come here! I'll give you a reason to sulk!") so it's just not a Filipina thing. It's mainly dependent on parents and upbringing. I'm sure there are lots of Filipinas who don't sulk. But it's pretty obvious there are so many more that do.

    I tried sulking once when I was upset with my boyfriend and I couldn't do it for more than three minutes (even though he was drunk and being a jerk). I ended up just telling him I was upset (first time I got upset) and he immediately sobered up.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by dontpushme View Post
    LOL! He's not Filipino. He's English. I'm the first Filipina he's met so he knew nothing about my culture when we met, and we're still slogging through the cultural differences. I had no idea what to expect either. Who knew a discussion about football could lead to a happy relationship?
    Aha, sorry.
    US/UK "cultural differences", as George Bernard Shaw said "two countries separated by a common language".
    As you would say over there "a whole different ball game" LOL

    "discussion about football could lead to a happy relationship"
    Not in this country there isn't Unless you have a very good sense of humour.
    Being an Everton supporter I have had to develop this over the years

    I ended up just telling him I was upset (first time I got upset) and he immediately sobered up.
    You're frightening me and I'm thousands of milew away

  28. #28
    Respected Member dontpushme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Aha, sorry.
    US/UK "cultural differences", as George Bernard Shaw said "two countries separated by a common language".
    As you would say over there "a whole different ball game" LOL
    I was born and raised in the Philippines and I just came here last year for grad school. I don't really have a hometown because my family moved around, so I don't have any specific province's typical attitude. I was fortunate enough to have a family that has many foreigners as friends so I'm used to treading lightly until I get a good feel for the other person's culture.

    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Not in this country there isn't Unless you have a very good sense of humour.
    Being an Everton supporter I have had to develop this over the years
    I support Arsenal and my man is a lifelong United fan. Go figure! We'll obviously need two separate TV rooms for watching matches between our teams. Last November, I got to gloat, but when Arsenal lost to United last May, I came thisclose to making tampo. Good job he didn't gloat (I voluntarily cheered for United during the Champions League finals because he had been nice).

    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    You're frightening me and I'm thousands of milew away
    Hahaha! Maybe that's why we've never argued. He might be terrified of me! (I know you'll see this sooner or later, babe. You can tell me in private if you're scared. I promise I won't get upset.)

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