I was married in the Phil at the end of June. Around about the day I left to come back to the US my new bride developed a cough that didnt go away. It got steadily worse and she began spitting up blood. She went to the hospital and the x-ray shows a suspicious growth. She then went to a private hospital where the doctor has suggested that she travel to another, larger town to a hospital for a CT-scan and other tests. She has not yet done this.
I am really out of my element on this as I dont know how hospitals work there.
If she were here she would have my health insurance.
Help! I dont know what to do. The last hospital bill she had I refused to send money to her father via Western Union. Its not that I dont trust her family its that I need to learn to trust her family. The hospital wouldnt release her without payment, so she then in turn pawned the wedding ring. I want to do the right thing and get her the best care we can get. On the other hand at the same time, I`m now not working much and the wedding etc has taken a lot of my reserve cash. Truth is I dont want to send money to her family for this, but prefer to pay any doctors or hospitals directly. I have no idea about how to go about this or what I should be doing. I dont know about how hospital bills are paid there or what if any services might be available. Again, I do not wish to give the money directly to her family.
Thanks in advance for any help or advice.