So our over the pond 'friends' living on occupied Native American territory are having a go at our NHS
And their politicians are proud to keep telling us that 80% of the population have full health cover that means about the population of the UK don't then!!
The main thing is these MUPPETS are missing the point. We have the NHS which can be used by ALL, of course it has problems, but every medical service around the world do....BUT....we have the choice in this country:
If we want we have have medical insurance as well
If we want to go private we can
We can even go to another European country for private care, and in some cases get that for free.
No choice in the US, no cover, you have to haggle with one of the charity hospitals.
I liked the US Politician who said "If Stephen Hawking had relied on the NHS he'd be dead" ....... closely followed by Stephen's visit to the US who said "If it wasn't for the NHS I'd be dead"
I have a chronic illness myself, for over 23 years now, and the NHS has made a few mistakes but overall I've had excellent treatment, and they've always gone out on a limb to help. How much would my insurance be now as my medication is freem but valued at over £300 a month in the US, when I had my jaw replacement it was designer titanium, and the NHS flew the specialist in from the US to do it...must have been well over £10,000.
Over hear if you are in a accident they send an ambulance and the paramedic asks if you are the US they send a fire engine (

)....and ask are you insured

....and your cover decides which hospital you end up in.
As for not giving ne cancer drugs to patients, these cost around £6000 a dose and they ARE NOT CURES, they prolong life by no more than a few months in most cases, and nothing to stop folk here buying them privately. Nothing to stop anyone on here getting insurance cover for it now.
People moan about the government interfering and yet do sod all to protect themselves by having such cover. It doesn't cost as much as you may think. Same as the UK benefit system, no worries, if anything goes wrong the government will pay me. No they won't, the taxpayer will!