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Thread: Second Visa?

  1. #31
    Member Mrs.Hope's Avatar
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    Im a new member here and it seems a friendly websites from me
    Im weird to asking more about my visa because I got a hard time
    to gathered all my docs but im kind of worried because im not sure
    if my visa will see granted even the visa officer in vfs check all my
    checklist list Im applying for a settlement spouse visa we wait until
    the result Anyway guys I got the land house of my husband in Uk
    and 31,000 pounds sterling updated july 16 via internet online updated
    my son got a british passport i got a letter from uk that my job that I
    applied is been succesfull but i need to start by september end of the month
    and evidence of relationship from print screen copy in skype and our contract
    in the house from the landlord emails from 2007 to 2009 pictures in the wedding and NSO legal papers bills of my internet and western union and bank statements that Im using from my husband atm etc but Im still thingking MAYBE THEY DENIED AS I DENIED BEFORE WITH MY TOURIST VISA BUT NOW i HAVE RELEVANT REQUIREMENTS AND WE LIVE IN TOGETHER 2003 AND GET MARRIED 2008 TILL NOW WE ARE HAPPY WITH MY SON AND STEPDAUGHTER WHO SHE HAS A BRITISH PASSPORT HOPE U MY FRIENDS GRANTED A VISA ALREADY CAN HELP MY ANSWER AS IM SO WORRIED MAYBE IM NOT GOT MY VISA THANKS A LOT WAITING FOR U GUYS TO REPLY

  2. #32
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.Hope View Post
    Im a new member here and it seems a friendly websites from me
    Im weird to asking more about my visa because I got a hard time
    to gathered all my docs but im kind of worried because im not sure
    if my visa will see granted even the visa officer in vfs check all my
    checklist list Im applying for a settlement spouse visa we wait until
    the result Anyway guys I got the land house of my husband in Uk
    and 31,000 pounds sterling updated july 16 via internet online updated
    my son got a british passport i got a letter from uk that my job that I
    applied is been succesfull but i need to start by september end of the month
    and evidence of relationship from print screen copy in skype and our contract
    in the house from the landlord emails from 2007 to 2009 pictures in the wedding and NSO legal papers bills of my internet and western union and bank statements that Im using from my husband atm etc but Im still thingking MAYBE THEY DENIED AS I DENIED BEFORE WITH MY TOURIST VISA BUT NOW i HAVE RELEVANT REQUIREMENTS AND WE LIVE IN TOGETHER 2003 AND GET MARRIED 2008 TILL NOW WE ARE HAPPY WITH MY SON AND STEPDAUGHTER WHO SHE HAS A BRITISH PASSPORT HOPE U MY FRIENDS GRANTED A VISA ALREADY CAN HELP MY ANSWER AS IM SO WORRIED MAYBE IM NOT GOT MY VISA THANKS A LOT WAITING FOR U GUYS TO REPLY
    hi MRS.HOPE,

    i think it will be better if u make ur own thread so people/members in here will easily reply to u..are u about to apply for a spouse visa or u already waiting for the result?

  3. #33
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdjones View Post
    “but how long you wait is determined by luck and how busy the embassy is” –Jbloggs

    I totally disagree. Granted the embassy is busy, and it now seems to take 6-8 weeks for your application to get to the top of the pile, but then the strength and quality of your application will shine through.

    If you follow the rules & guidelines, and put yourself in the shoes of the ECO (and understand what he/she is going to be concerned about, need clarification of), then you are almost assured of a successful (timely) “YES” result.
    in the vast majority of cases i have to disagree with you, why, because i would say 95% of spouse and fiancée visa's are granted on here, whether you include 100 'i love you letters' and a million emails/chat logs, or a well organised and precise app, you think the case worker has time to read them, all they will do is skim thru them, they will not spend more than a few of minutes getting thru most evidence, they are not going to put that app in a pile of apps to come back to, only ones that will be looked at again are those with a problem or not straight forward ones. why do you think it takes 6-13wks to get even a refusal ?, because they have such a back log.

    i'm sure all they do is check your evidence and then do the dreaded 'local checks', this might be why some people wait longer than others, because it takes longer sometimes to get the results back.

    sure your better organising your app, so it doesn't off the case worker, but i think your app is decided within minutes whether its badly put together or not, as long as you have some evidence of a relationship, savings and a job, accommodation , just like at the peo's office, they make a decision on your app within an hour or so, then depending on the outcome of the local checks you will get your visa. but some apps will be borderline (low paid job, no savings, not included all the evidence asked, etc) those will be probably passed on to someone more senior, but even if you did or didn't include a 100 'i love you letters' it will not effect how quick it is processed, the embassy will have targets to get thru, and for most, i'm sure your visa app is not looked at twice.

    i honestly don't believe if you sent in 2 apps, based on the same facts and figures, but one had a 100 letters with it, and one didn't, it would make much difference on how quick your visa is processed ? why would it ??

  4. #34
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdjones View Post
    Apologies, no disrespect intended.
    Was aware waiting times had moved on, but didn't realise THAT long !

    .... but the point I was making, is that it's NOT a lottery or luck if your visa is
    granted but depends on how it's prepared & presented.

    A well thought-out & presented application is going to be less hassle to
    It will "tick" all his boxes, so the ECO will not have to refer to higher command,
    hence resulting in even longer delays.

    Wish u all the best with your application.
    its not true, i can tell you why, and you can check on here, when my wife got ilr it took 4wks, go and search on here for people who got ilr 2 yrs ago, you will find they all got it around 4wks give or take a day.. why because every app is in a queue, and when you got to the top of the pile, the app was decided there and then. and as 95% got it without a problem, so everyones app took 4wks. but since UKBA the system up, no one knows any more. and it use to take exactly 4wks for a long time

    whether your app was badly put together or not, it took 4wks for nearly everyone, sure you get a small number of borderline cases which will be passed on to someone senior, but being passed on, will having nothing to do with if your apps is well presented or not, it will be based on facts not presentation.

    it will not go to higher command because your app is not organised or you included every email you ever sent to each other, it will be passed on if its not straight forward, and that will be based on facts not looks .. your app will still be deicded in nearly the same am ount of time even if you tied it with a nice bow

  5. #35
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    Just to back up joebloggs comments when we applied (late 04/early 05) they did the local checks first and you brought your evidence with you on the day of your mandatory interview. The examination of the evidence, the interview and the decision whether to grant the visa or not took less than a couple of hours. The process might have changed, but I can't believe they spend much more effort processing an application.

  6. #36
    Member Mrs.Hope's Avatar
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    Im already apply july 16 so im going to wait to see if its granted
    the visa officer check all my checklist in my applications hopefully
    It will be approved and if approved will not over yet Im going to CFO
    to attened the seminar and sticker on my passport more a lot of patient...

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    Either way (fiancee or marriage) you will have to apply for an additional visa 2 years after arriving in the UK which is the expensive one (I think currently it is £820). Taking the marriage route saves you having to apply for FLR which is cheapest visa...

    If the rules change with the spouse route you will have to apply for 3 visas (4 with the fiancee route) and I've no ideal what the cost will be.
    God it never gets easier, I can see the point about getting married in the Phils but if I remember correctly it's pretty much impossible to do in the 21 days allowed under the Phils standard visa waiver, plus for me I am no longer in control of my own destiny, once upon a time I could take time off, if I thought I could afford it but I'm a wage slave now, so really not so easy, my total annual leave is not enough, even adding statutory holidays and weekends :(

    May well be best to just offset the extra FLR visa costs against the alternative of taking large amounts of unpaid leave and for us to get married in the UK.


  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Mind you the Embassy was a lot quieter at that time of year and, above all, it was BEFORE Manila took over this ludicrous new arrangement ... whereby applications from more than half of the entire continent of Asia are processed there.
    Oh god, not heard about this what did they promise to do?


  9. #39
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Manila regional hub for UK Visa's

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