Hiya all,
Hopefully Mr Boss Admin will not mind me waffling on, im sure he is used to it now
I first found this site back in 2004 and i think i joined in 2005 as andypaul I morphed into somebody.
Somebody was a id I created as a protest because a few years back quite a few started to forget this site is of major importance to many people.
Upsetting a lot of people and im sure made Mr Admin Boss wonder if it was worth the time, expense and hassle running the site. Then it was all about how many rep points people had and their post count
Personally I dont care about all that we are all as good as one another
This Site in the years I have been a member its saved marriages, a lot of money for people, free legal advice, helped people in what they thought were impossible situations, helped people keep in contact with family.For many on here I bet it has also been a great source of comfort in the bad times and a outlet of joy when you have the good times.
You know those little milestones like geting the CNI sorted or finally getting the Wife her Uk bank account and details all sorted. You can mention these things on here but if you told people on the street in phill or the UK they look at you like you were crazzziee why your so happy. But on here you could celebrate with those who understand what it means.
My point is that this site is very very important to many people. I dont think My Wife and I could have made it, let alone so quickly and simply. Even now everything is sorted visa wise, the Website is still of much use and a great place to be.
So please lets have a big come together or if you dont cant stand the sight of someones avatar then block them and leave it at that...
Let bygones be bygones, dont hold a grudge. Many of us who have been though the process understand how stressful waiting for paperwork and visas are and the stress of being apart from loved ones wheter spouses or family.
So Peace Love and Lechon for allplleeasssee
Let us help one another than beat one another up.
Sorry if I sounded in any way bigheaded for writing a post like this. But im very passionate about this Site and I dont want to see it being stopped from doing its Job which is letting us help one another![]()