I'm a Scot my partner is from Manila, Ana finds it far easier to understand the Scots than any of the English people she has met, some English regional dialects are extremely hard to understand
If you are outgoing and approachable the Scots will be very friendly and very nice to you, I sometimes find the English a bit stand-offish
I actually think our Scottish and Philippine cultures have a lot in common although I find it hard to put into words why I feel that way, we do still have the close family ties, a common belief in fairness to each other and so on.
You get free aircon for a very large part of the year, that is true and it rains a lotbut where you jump out of airconditioned taxi's and into airconditioned malls we jump out of heated taxi's and into heated malls
well sometimes the taxi's are heated
In Glasgow, you are only 30 minutes from spectacular countryside in the form of the Trossachs indeed most cities in Scotland are only a few minutes from beautiful countryside.
Glasgow has some fantastic architecture and some of the best Museums and art galleries in the country, it is easy and sometimes cheap to get a flight from Glasgow airport to most other parts of the country it is a major provincial hub airport in that respect.
It's a cold place but the people are often warm and friendly and they really are not that hard to understand and I can tell you they will melt when they meet a warm smiling Filipino!