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Thread: original or photocopy divorce absolute

  1. #1
    Respected Member filipina_owl's Avatar
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    original or photocopy divorce absolute

    Is divorce absolute need to be original when you submit the documents in VFS? When my husband and i got married in cebu, the city health department asked for the latest original absolute decree in order for us to get our marriage license. And now when its time to submit the documents at the VFS for our spousal visa application, we submited only the photocopy of the absolute. My husband got married twice, the first absolute we submitted was original but the latest one was only a photocopy. Is this alright? I am really worried. Please advice.

  2. #2
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by filipina_owl View Post
    Is divorce absolute need to be original when you submit the documents in VFS? When my husband and i got married in cebu, the city health department asked for the latest original absolute decree in order for us to get our marriage license. And now when its time to submit the documents at the VFS for our spousal visa application, we submited only the photocopy of the absolute. My husband got married twice, the first absolute we submitted was original but the latest one was only a photocopy. Is this alright? I am really worried. Please advice.
    Hi, filipina_owl,
    I was in the same position, originals are best, but I did submit scanned colour copies and they acepted them.
    CFO also wanted divorce absolutes for both mt divorces, again they did acept the colour copies.
    But if you can play safe with originals,

  3. #3
    Respected Member filipina_owl's Avatar
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    Hi mick. Thanks for th quick reply. Well, i have submitted my documents at uk-vac on sept 8 '09 and here i am very anxious waiting for the result. Is your wife's visa already approved? When did you submit your application? I hope the uk embassy will approve our application. That's the only document which is photocopy because the city health got the original. I really hope and pray that everything will be okay.

  4. #4
    Respected Member MarBell379's Avatar
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    I asked the same questioon and got advised it should be the original.
    Just had Visa approved 5 weeks after applying. Seems quick, but judging by the amount of positive news right now, Im guessing they realised they had too much of a backlog and have taken aggressive steps to clear it. Lucky us for hitting it at the right time I guess.

  5. #5
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by filipina_owl View Post
    Hi mick. Thanks for th quick reply. Well, i have submitted my documents at uk-vac on sept 8 '09 and here i am very anxious waiting for the result. Is your wife's visa already approved? When did you submit your application? I hope the uk embassy will approve our application. That's the only document which is photocopy because the city health got the original. I really hope and pray that everything will be okay.
    Hi filipina_owl,
    My wife Jennifer submitted the applacation on the 16th April and recived her passport back with the visa on the 21st August.

    Then she went for the CFO, and they also wanted to know more about my divorces and she printed off copies of my divorce papers for them, they also wanted to know "why" the divorces happened.
    Why they wanted to know we do not know but she has the stamp now and is flying to the UK at the end of this month.
    All the best,

  6. #6
    Respected Member filipina_owl's Avatar
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    Hi marbell and mick. Congratulations to both of you. Now im very worried because it seems im the only one who submitted a photocopy of the divorce absolute. Although thats the only photocopy of all the documents we have submitted. Im very worried now.

    Mick, you think its okay? Just need some enlightenment. Well, we have a genuine relationship and that's the most important part.

    Anyway, i have been refused a student visa to the US twice in 2002 because i was not qualified. You think it will affect my application for spousal visa to the UK? Mick, marbell, mickant or anyone please give me some words of enlightenment...I will really appreciate it....

  7. #7
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by filipina_owl View Post
    Hi marbell and mick. Congratulations to both of you. Now im very worried because it seems im the only one who submitted a photocopy of the divorce absolute. Although thats the only photocopy of all the documents we have submitted. Im very worried now.

    Mick, you think its okay? Just need some enlightenment. Well, we have a genuine relationship and that's the most important part.

    Anyway, i have been refused a student visa to the US twice in 2002 because i was not qualified. You think it will affect my application for spousal visa to the UK? Mick, marbell, mickant or anyone please give me some words of enlightenment...I will really appreciate it....
    Hi Filipina_owl as I remember you are pregnant, please do not will be alright, if the embassy really checking DIVORCE PAPERS properly they can keep in touch to you and ask the original copies if they really wanted to see it.
    If you could read some post here there's a member posted about the Divorce papers were missing in her application (can't find the link yet ) and they (ECO) wanted her to send the original copy.
    In my case the ECO (BRitish EMbassy) granted me Fiancee visa even my partner's Divorce Papers was not accepted in UK Law according to Registry Office (UK) it's hard but we're coping now and together facing the challenge (Hawak Kamay).

    So relax and divert into other attention read baby stuff, it will be helpful for you and you will not realise how time goes quick..enjoy the rest of your stay in Phil who knows the ECO will just focus into your lovely wedding pics and you will be granted a visa in just a month

    Goodluck and you have my prayers for the success of your visa
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  8. #8
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by filipina_owl View Post
    Hi marbell and mick. Congratulations to both of you. Now im very worried because it seems im the only one who submitted a photocopy of the divorce absolute. Although thats the only photocopy of all the documents we have submitted. Im very worried now.

    Mick, you think its okay? Just need some enlightenment. Well, we have a genuine relationship and that's the most important part.

    Anyway, i have been refused a student visa to the US twice in 2002 because i was not qualified. You think it will affect my application for spousal visa to the UK? Mick, marbell, mickant or anyone please give me some words of enlightenment...I will really appreciate it....
    Hi filipina_owl,
    You are not the only one who submitted a photocopy of a divorce absolute, I did too, my first divorce was in 1990 and I could not find the original, but had scanned it into my computer, so printed out colour copies.
    As LEAHnew says please try not to worry, they may decide to ask you for the original, or they may not.
    All will be ok, this is a worrying time but will soon be over.

  9. #9
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    3 years ago the British Consul in Manila insisted that the Divorce Absolute Cert. had to be the original when I applied to the cert that I was free to marry. Its not really surprising when computer copies can so easily be altered and made to look authentic.

  10. #10
    Respected Member filipina_owl's Avatar
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    Hi Leahnew, thank you for the words of encouragement. And to you mick and john. That was helpful. I will just wait for the result and think positively. Hope this will be over soon and that i will have the visa the soonest possible time. I hope and pray for you also leah, that you will overcome the challenge you are facing right now. You will get through it. Thank you guys.

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