Just last thursday we went to HO for a walk in ILR application.. on the same day we walk out there with my ILR visa in my passport...
I have been freeking out a few days before Thursday and a friend of mine (thanks anne! , and joeblogg for the advice.), my mom and my hubby tried to console and make me calm....and after last Thursday i was able to breath...
On Friday, i gave a copy of my visa to my manager and to our human resource and they change my temporary job contract to permanent wich is quite good....
And this coming Monday me and hubby is going for a holiday for a week (atlast some rest)
This past couple years has been a very bumpy life to me...and i m so thank ful to God that he guided me and he gave me strength to face all those trial and pain...im glad im still sane...
Lots of things also change within those two years....
After all the trouble, missunderstanding and cryingme and hubby became more closer and we understand more each other,,,of course there are still some miss understanding but its easily been resolved.
We also talked about and plan to go back to the Philippines next year on my dad’s 1yr death anniversary.
I know there still lots of trial going to come...
But right now im content and happy for what i have...
Thanks every one for the info...this site is really great and so is the people here.![]()