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Thread: Proud To Be British

  1. #121
    Respected Member Tish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    my misses likes the weather here to

    nhs because they employ her

    british tv (comedy shows like 9 out of 10 cats, top gear, x factor, dancing on ice, strictly come dancing ...)
    Likewise Joe

    Plus I love watching my family, one foot in the grave, mrs bucket , shameless, most of night time soaps and many many more


  2. #122
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post
    We have awesome comedy, that's true Do you watch the "dave" channel Joe?
    misses is watching tv until she goes to bed at midnight ( i think she turns into a pumpkin then or a witch ) only thing on tv that late at night is babestation 1,2 & 3

  3. #123
    Respected Member Tish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post
    We have awesome comedy, that's true Do you watch the "dave" channel Joe?
    Our Jack likes watching Dave


  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tish View Post
    Our Jack likes watching Dave

    I hope it doesn't like watching Dave in the shower

    I mean water and Electricty never mix well
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post
    I wanted to ask all of you who are Brits and those who have lived in the UK for a long time - or just arrived and fresh ...

    --What do you love about the UK, and what are you proud of about our country?
    Here in the UK i love the most;

    1. Benefits,hehehe the lesser you earn,the more you get benefits though I haven't claimed a penny.

    2. The free NHS.

  6. #126
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    See a lot for the NHS but i would say the emgency services including the NHS.

    See two accidents this week on the way to and from work and both times I was so glad we have Ambulances, paramedics with hugely advanced equipment and highly skilled, the police and the fire service. All donng there bit to ensure the safety of those passing by, care for the injured and ensure the rest of the public are not hindered. Also the helicopter ambulances the huge hospitals with 24 7 a and e rooms.

    We have mountain and sea rescue, volunteer organsations like the St johns ambulance at sporting events and the RNIL.

    Basically the huge infrastructure we all moan about when its not perfect as often it works so well however many funding problems and mismanagment issues etc.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  7. #127
    Respected Member bless.books's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=James Hubbard;182942][QUOTE=bless.books;182926]

    Ok book ... here's the final post from me in this little debate you have started:

    1) Weather. You come off as a bit rude, "shouldn't you have prepared yourself, yak yak yak". OK Logic 101. Where did I blame you on the typhoons here? Also, without the aid of a crystal ball, I can't determine what the weather will be here. What's to say I didn't educate myself on the weather here and still came here anyway

    James, I don't think that is being rude. That is your perception. I am only pointing out, that if you read about our weather/climate conditions then you would know what to expect. What is wrong suggesting? Reading a bit about the country would help don't you think? So you wouldn't caught out moaning/complaining! Hear your tone.

    BlessBooks, I am talking about (how many times have I said this) WHAT YOU LIKE ABOUT LIVING IN THE UK! I LIKE THE WEATHER! KNOCK KNOCK! If I wanted to take the same tone as you, I'd say: Don't you think you should read the first post in a thread before you get all righteous!

    Yes, James, I read your comments, if not all, almost all. And it is you who has to go through it again ... you've forgotten you've made comments - not about your loving/living in the UK. Please do not just see but look/Please do not just hear but listen to your tone. You started a thread, and everyone is welcome to say anything. Good or bad, acceptable or not and am talking about two parties here. If one says something, you can expect one to say something as well, whether that one likes it or not.

    2) Glad you're not contesting this one. Finally getting somewhere!

    3) Yes there is need to mention it in great detail. When's the last time you heard a brit telling anyone how proud they are of their country? I'm pretty sure this is the only thread I've seen in any forum of this kind. Yet, every day I am being hit with pinoy pride and pilipinas kong mahal. If you don't like a topic that says "Proud to be British" then don't read it, and heck, don't post! It makes sense. Hit the back button in your browser

    This is where the rudeness bit you are talking about. Manners please! Who is rude now? Forum is a medium for open discussion or voicing of ideas.
    I said, there is no need to mention in great detail the bad experiences (of people I met here including me) bec I am here in the UK and it would not help moaning and complaing, I'd rather embrace and experience and accept it. Yes, again the topic is PROUD TO BE BRITISH. It got me interested in the topic hoping to learn something from it. I wanted to know/learn what BRITISH PEOPLE SAY ABOUT THEIR COUNTRY AND WHAT THEY ARE PROUD ABOUT. How come then, that you awere talking about something else and makking comparison. Okay, you love/like the weather, then explain why? Your world class education, then explain it. It is very elementary.

    4) Deary me Bless, we gotta clear things up a bit here. I live in Philippines. I am British. This is the FILIPINO UK forum. I am comparing what I like in UK with the other thing I know which is the Philippines. It makes sense, since that's kinda the topic of the forum we're on! Again, if you didn't like what I had said why not just use the back button in your browser like I shall any time I see you reply to one of my posts?

    Deary James, that is exactly what I am saying. Don't you get it? You can say what you like and stick to that. I mean, you have to be precise what you are talking about. TITLE IS PROUD TO BE BRTISH, say the things you are proud about being British isn't? Then Why are comparing two opposite poles. You should have a different topic.
    Have the title, then messages follows. DON'T DEVIATE FROM THE TOPIC. If you are to compare UK from PHILIPPINES, then have another title. It is not about me liking the topic or not, it is about contents of the topic.

    As for the book and loving the UK, if you don't love it, why not leave it? You could sell your book online from the Philippines

    Talking about world-class education? Where are you educated? What about world-class manners? You are being too personal now. I am not going to bite that.
    LIVE AND LET LIVE. It is sad that just one thread could display your character.

  8. #128
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    criticize a filipina and see where it gets you?

    you do all realize,that you cant make comments about the philipines

    what do i like about the uk? wife

    3.freedom of speech

    4.bangers and mash with onion gravy condoms
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  9. #129
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Freedom of speech?I just watched a group of islamic extremists on TV shouting "Down with freedom of speech" because of Geert Wilders visit Oh yeah,one of them was also holding a placard for "Sharia law for Holland" The Uk is a cool place,nowt fundementally wrong with it,hundreds of thousands of economic asylum seekers cant all be wrong

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
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  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    criticize a filipina and see where it gets you?

    you do all realize,that you cant make comments about the philipines

    Ya, it reminds me of the Baldwin debacle . . . Philippines has freedom of speech in their constitution. An american who also values constitutional freedom of speech makes a silly joke about filipinas, then they decide to ban him from the country!

    Say what you want as long as you never ever say anything bad about the Philippines.

    Another thing I love about the UK is that we are allowed to voice our thoughts and opinions, our thoughts and complaints. If we feel government is corrupt, eg. the expenses fiasco - we complain about it and it gets put on TV and frontpage news!

    Another thing I love about the UK is freedom of information act. If you want to see how much money Gerry Adams, or Boris Johnston or any other politician claims, then you can access that easily as a member of the public. This is compared to countries who don't have this openness and transparency where they know their politicians are stinking rich, they don't know just how much!

    Anyway, that's just a small contribution from me!

    Before I go, i'd like to mention something else. A while ago a friend of mine wrote 2 articles on the internet for a magazine. One was "why I love the Philippines" and the other was something like "what's wrong with the Philippines" . . . well, the guy got harrassed and abused in the comments section because he was a hater of the Philippines yadda yadda yadda. No-one would be balanced and match the "good" article against the "bad article". Some peopel want to be victimised.


    Over and out for now, lets return this to a positive tone and not a slagging match .... it wasn't the intention.

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post
    Ya, it reminds me of the Baldwin debacle . . . Philippines has freedom of speech in their constitution. An american who also values constitutional freedom of speech makes a silly joke about filipinas, then they decide to ban him from the country!

    Say what you want as long as you never ever say anything bad about the Philippines.

    Another thing I love about the UK is that we are allowed to voice our thoughts and opinions, our thoughts and complaints. If we feel government is corrupt, eg. the expenses fiasco - we complain about it and it gets put on TV and frontpage news!

    Another thing I love about the UK is freedom of information act. If you want to see how much money Gerry Adams, or Boris Johnston or any other politician claims, then you can access that easily as a member of the public. This is compared to countries who don't have this openness and transparency where they know their politicians are stinking rich, they don't know just how much!

    Anyway, that's just a small contribution from me!

    Before I go, i'd like to mention something else. A while ago a friend of mine wrote 2 articles on the internet for a magazine. One was "why I love the Philippines" and the other was something like "what's wrong with the Philippines" . . . well, the guy got harrassed and abused in the comments section because he was a hater of the Philippines yadda yadda yadda. No-one would be balanced and match the "good" article against the "bad article". Some peopel want to be victimised.


    Over and out for now, lets return this to a positive tone and not a slagging match .... it wasn't the intention.

    Good point, I noticed the Wife could not take on board constructive criticism easily and nor could her friends yet could be very frank on most things

    Im sure plenty of Phills can but it does seem that many dont like it which is understandable I guess to a degree.

    Heres an example for your Book, Bless Books, the Wife found it hard at work when even though she worked hard fellow co workers or managers would be critical about her work. We worked together on it as a couple and broke down the comments and apart from a few stupid ones many were "gifts" free constructive advice

    She took it on board flourished in her jobs and now its like water of a ducks back. Just recently was telling me, she was mentoring a far older then her pinay who she works with on what a supervisor was trying to do

    In the past and even today people are highly critical of the UK how do you think the NHS happened?
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Good point, I noticed the Wife could not take on board constructive criticism easily and nor could her friends yet could be very frank on most things
    True, I like to think of communication here like a cream bun.

    Whereas, typical workin-class British communcation is like a double bladed dagger!

    I'm sure it takes a bit of time for a Filipino to get used to the lack of Sir, Madam, Ate, Kuya, Auntie/Uncle - ing that goes on in the philippines when they come to the UK

    We're not as nice, but we get things done.

    Things in the Philippines are done at a snail's pace! eeks!

  13. #133
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    Why im proud to be British sometimes you need to moan and even Twittter was involved which will please Rob and Mr admin po Boss lord of all the sheep around him.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  14. #134
    Respected Member bless.books's Avatar
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    In addition ...

    [QUOTE=James Hubbard;182942]
    Quote Originally Posted by bless.books View Post
    Ok book ... here's the final post from me in this little debate you have started:

    Let us make it all clear. I did not start any debate. I only commented back on your comments.

    Don't you think you should read the first post in a thread before you get all righteous!

    A forum starts at the first post and doesn't end there. But isn't is a rule to stick to it? All righteous?

    As for the book and loving the UK, if you don't love it, why not leave it? You could sell your book online from the Philippines Anyway, I'm not gonna respond to you any more, I'll let you have the last word in this tussle. I have said my piece. This is all,

    And as for the book, THE LIFE IN THE UK TEST MADE EASY -it is for those taking the LIFE IN THE UK TEST and I am glad you noticed it. It is not about makking money. If there is at least one from here who will be interested, that will make me grateful.

    As an author, I have the obligation to submit copies to the following British Libraries:

    The British Library
    The Bodleian Library, Oxford
    The National Library of Wales
    The University Library, Cambridge
    The Library of Trinity College, Dublin

    Which means this little contribution of mine will be part of the British Heritage. I will be long gone 6 feet under the ground, but my book is still around. What about you? Okay, you are proud to be British ... are the British people be proud of you?

  15. #135
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    O my gosh, there are those who like nick griffin, who would do anything to promote that they're selling at any point in time well done to the unnamed

  16. #136
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    Guys and gals, can we all calm down a bit and stick to the thread about why we are proud to be British.

    Bless Books, please refrain from continually pushing your book, advertising is not free on this forum (unless agreed with Keith otherwise). I have heard some complaints from members, so if I hear any more, action will be taken. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    Guys and gals, can we all calm down a bit and stick the thread about we are proud to be British.

    Bless Books, please refrain from continually pushing your book, advertising is not free on this forum (unless agreed with Keith otherwise). I have heard some complaints from members, so if I hear any more, action will be taken. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
    so then, to continue the thread:

    I am proud of being British because:

    -- We can agree that every body is worthy of voicing their opinions even if they are worthy of being laughed out! E.g. most people will never vote BNP, because they are an alternative. Now, OK, I will never vote for them, but thank the Lord they are there

  18. #138
    Respected Member bless.books's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Good point, I noticed the Wife could not take on board constructive criticism easily and nor could her friends yet could be very frank on most thingsIm sure plenty of Phills can but it does seem that many dont like it which is understandable I guess to a degree.

    Hello somebody! If you will allow me, I just would like to make a comment here. Wife whatever nationality is a wife and will not always take criticism lightly. And so with husbands. Given -two people of different backgrounds, living under one roof, what do you expect? Of course, an argument! And to say they both come from different culture, that is a riot?! Don't you think?

    Heres an example for your Book, Bless Books, the Wife found it hard at work when even though she worked hard fellow co workers or managers would be critical about her work. We worked together on it as a couple and broke down the comments and apart from a few stupid ones many were "gifts" free constructive advice She took it on board flourished in her jobs and now its like water of a ducks back. Just recently was telling me, she was mentoring a far older then her pinay who she works with on what a supervisor was trying to do In the past and even today people are highly critical of the UK how do you think the NHS happened?
    About wife, I am glad that was sorted out.

  19. #139
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    and just one thing, if I wanted to release a book, and of course I do, someday, (under a pseudonom of course - i shall), although the one under whom the above "author" has published his/her books is a self-publisher, so I could easily .. . . Make History lol by doing so

    so, on with the conversation

    for those of you who LIKE or LOVE britain, What do you LIKE or LOVE about it (if you can't find anything, then maybe answer a different thread, thx)

  20. #140
    Respected Member bless.books's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    Guys and gals, can we all calm down a bit and stick to the thread about why we are proud to be British.

    Bless Books, please refrain from continually pushing your book, advertising is not free on this forum (unless agreed with Keith otherwise). I have heard some complaints from members, so if I hear any more, action will be taken. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
    Hello walesrob! Who is not calm here? If I went beyond your rules/conditions then let someone get my attention. And tell me straight give me a message. Since I became a member, I try to read your conditions, even asked win2win. It was only yesterday I got a reply back from him. I've posted a thread with regards to it, and I get nothing back. So, please do not be bias. I am not pushing my book. I was only replying to the comments made about my book. You can read about the bit of insult of my book.

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post
    and just one thing, if I wanted to release a book, and of course I do, someday, (under a pseudonom of course - i shall), although the one under whom the above "author" has published his/her books is a self-publisher, so I could easily .. . . Make History lol by doing so

    so, on with the conversation

    for those of you who LIKE or LOVE britain, What do you LIKE or LOVE about it (if you can't find anything, then maybe answer a different thread, thx)
    Pseudonym (that is the right spelling)

  22. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by bless.books View Post
    Hello walesrob! Who is not calm here? If I went beyond your rules/conditions then let someone get my attention. And tell me straight give me a message. Since I became a member, I try to read your conditions, even asked win2win. It was only yesterday I got a reply back from him. I've posted a thread with regards to it, and I get nothing back. So, please do not be bias. I am not pushing my book. I was only replying to the comments made about my book. You can read about the bit of insult of my book.
    So what part of Keith's reply "You are not allowed to post any links until you build up trust." did you not understand? Why did you find it necessary to question his reply by starting a new thread, and why did you find it surprising no-one replied?

    I can tolerate the link for the book in your signature, but to repeat the title of the book in your post implies free advertising, you could have said "My Book".

    As I said before I have had complaints about you always pushing your book, and I will start editing your posts if you continue to do so. Your choice.

  23. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by bless.books View Post
    Pseudonym (that is the right spelling)
    thanks for that.

    OK, now

    a) Are you proud of living in UK - if no, then press back because it invalidates any purchase of your book

    b) If you are proud you must write an essay on the fallacy of correcting the spelling of an English word to an English Native, in great detail.

    Moderators, Admin Bless Books is a trouble maker.


  24. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post
    Moderators, Admin Bless Books is a trouble maker.

  25. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post

    you are the moderator. You are an authority. I will suspend further judgement, because the "author" in question no longer deserves the dignity implied in a reply from me.

  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by bless.books View Post
    About wife, I am glad that was sorted out.
    Hello somebody! If you will allow me, I just would like to make a comment here. Wife whatever nationality is a wife and will not always take criticism lightly. And so with husbands. Given -two people of different backgrounds, living under one roof, what do you expect? Of course, an argument! And to say they both come from different culture, that is a riot?! Don't you think?

    Why should there be aruguments because there are people from two cultures I dont think we have ever had a riot

    Im not talking about us as a couple in the previous post.

    I have noticed it seems many filipinos at all levels I have come across dont seem to take constructive criticism in their stride like Brits do in general although of course always plenty of brits and phill the other way round. More importanly they dont seem to notice people are saying it to try and help often.
    I had my Wife in tears thinking her manager was bullying her when really she was trying to get her to be even better than she was already. Many of her Phill mates in the UK could not see it either.

    The reason I mention it is the reason why many Brits are crictal of things which happen in Phill is because that is how change for the good occured in the UK by people not agreeing with the status quo and speaking out.

    It deeply upsets us so many phills just shrug and dont think they can changes things.

    The fact that people do feel they can change things by speaking out in the UK is a reason to be proud of being British.

    Lets hope one day the same can be said in Phill
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  27. #147
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    The fact that people do feel they can change things by speaking out in the UK is a reason to be proud of being British.

    Lets hope one day the same can be said in Phill
    Amen Brother!

  28. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post
    Amen Brother!
    My Longlost Brummie Brother
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  29. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by bless.books View Post
    Pseudonym (that is the right spelling)
    I will not say much other than, ....

    the person who purports to sell a book about passing the Life in the UK exam (please bear that in mind all of you who plan to sit this exam soon) will correct the spelling of a native.

    Now, I ask you brits, how many of you enjoy being told that you spelt a word wrong (albeit in your haste) . . .

    Is this the kind of person you want to take tips from on "Life in the UK"?

    I mean ... a bit of real life, if you were in cardiff, leeds, leicester, birmingham, wherever, would you appreciate some pedant on your shoulder correcting your petty mistakes?

    I mean, come on now, you all understand what I'm saying, even if I make a few mistakes along the line!

    The difference is : remember this ...

    I am happy! ,Life is good for me! I am not trying to sell a book, if I was, I would be really kind, coz, let's face it, who'd like to be the student of an author who was an ?

    Look, I got nothing to sell you, I got no vested interest, my pedantic detractor however? . . . .


    It's hard here.

  30. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    So what part of Keith's reply "You are not allowed to post any links until you build up trust." did you not understand? Why did you find it necessary to question his reply by starting a new thread, and why did you find it surprising no-one replied?

    I can tolerate the link for the book in your signature, but to repeat the title of the book in your post implies free advertising, you could have said "My Book".

    As I said before I have had complaints about you always pushing your book, and I will start editing your posts if you continue to do so. Your choice.
    Hello walesrob! I do understand the whole sentence. The thing is, the answer came after the posting was done. After reading his reply which is only yesterday, I didn't make any thread as far as I am aware of. If those phrases were, then my apologies. How do I know. I don't pretend to know all. With you walesrob, I am at your mercy and anyone here is at the admins mercy as well. You can do anything here and I will put my hands up. And I am sorry about it. But you know, you should know how to balance things out. Okay, I made mistakes on my thread ... why only now it came to my attention.

    Besides, there are two sides of the whole story.

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