Journalist Mathew Parris writes for a number of papers, and I agree with very little of what he says. One of his more ludicrous articles a few years back was a tirade against Welsh language signs and broadcasts. Apparently, he arrived at Newport station one minute before his train and missed it because the announcement was in Welsh. He said that there are more Polish speakers in Newport which I find a dubious statistic, because even in south Wales one in ten speaks Welsh. I'm all for the signs; my mahal has relatives in North Wales and the signs make it a little bit exciting and exotic every time we cross the border. Despite my joke about Scottish Gaelic in the humour section, I'm all for the signs there as well, so long as they are in the Highlands only. Language is the core of culture and as valuable as bricks and mortar, the Parrises of this world think only of short term costs (not that high anyway). Maybe Blenheim Palace and the Tower of London are old and inefficient to heat; how about pulling them down? I wonder if he would have made such a fuss if his train was in France or Germany. By the way, in case anyone here thinks I am sucking up to all things Welsh, I am totally against those fanatics who destroyed English-owned property back in the eighties, as well as ill mannered snobs like Parris. What we need is a bit of mutual respect and good-neighbourliness between the UK nations, apart from when six nations matches are played. "Shwmae, neis gweld chi".![]()