WOW!!! You'll have your interview with the link I sent to you???
Congrats!!! I told you, keeps on trying. You see, you listened to me and now I am happy for you.
You want me now to be one of your referees/references.

Am I qualified for that lols? Let's hear other comments/suggestions here because we're not yet meet personally.

I sent you links and now you're asking for more

. Bwahahaha joke! I'm willing to help you if ever puede ako.

I'm so busy sorry we didn't chat. I got a call from factory, maybe i'll start my job mid of November. 32 Hrs+sat sun OT but contractual only. I need to give up 8hrs or 1 day for my study.

Better than nothing so goodluck to us.
Just be yourself during your interview. Don't panic, listen to interviwers question, smile during interview. Sell yourself ehehehehe.
Convince them to hire you, don't forget your questions ready. After they blahblahblah, then they will ask you if you have questions. Of course ask some questions. Don't be shy, shyness will not bring you anywhere.