Hello everybody I hope you are all doing fine

.. just want u to know I arrived here in Phil last 25th of November via KLM it was a good flight didn’t felt bored coz most passengers are Filipinos, very joyful and everybody felt so excited.

26th of November back again in our usual routine

… chatting online with my Kukupops but this time it wasn’t too emotional

. He was so happy to hear I arrived safe and with my lovely daughter now

and he told me about the good news from the Walsall local court

… (update for our case). He got the Divorce Petitioned signed by his EX and he is now in the procedure applying for a Certificate of Entitlement to a Decree. We hope it will goes well and no hassle.

In this stage it was so hard to explained to my relatives and friends when they asked why we didn’t got married in UK (yet)

seems everybody being nosey…but when I started giving some perfumes,cadburry chocolates, lipstick from Revlon,maxfactor,maybeline etc. and I told them it was from my fiancé … the conversation end up and they forget about the intriguing questions

…. instead they were so thankful…lol….

nosey pinay

And now I am back to work here in our shop, got nice sunshine, Christmas stuff around, and my daughter around who sticks with me since I arrived

Lastly I would like to say
Goodbye dandruff, goodbye spots, goodbye ingrown, goodbye breaking nails I don’t wanna see you again…lol…MABUHAY FILIPINAS It’s nice to be back!...........Off to a Salon soon

keep smiling everyone
