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Thread: Newly married in philippines, now frightened if I can join my hubby in uk

  1. #61
    Member Mrs.Hope's Avatar
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    Is any more goodnews from your hubby?Let me know if your applying your visa already.All the best take care
    If you judge people, you have no time to love themAnger and jealousy can no more bear to lose sight of their objects than love.

  2. #62
    Member ViesVies's Avatar
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    Update from me. My husband lost his job and is again out of work. He lost his father due to ill health and now said he wants to come here with me to live as he has nothing left in uk. Can anyone advise me, my husband wants to sell house and move here, what shall i do, should he come?

  3. #63
    Member ViesVies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.Hope View Post
    Is any more goodnews from your hubby?Let me know if your applying your visa already.All the best take care
    my husband lost his job, and more recent lost his father too and he wants to sell up and join me here in phils. I read several help advice and all tell men not go live in phils unless they are retired but he just wants to be with me. I cant go there as he's not working and he said he has nothing left in uk for him. People say dont sell, dont do this dont do that but it is realy depressing him and me but I not let him see my feelings but i miss him so much. He said no work is really making him sad becuase the longer we are apart the more I fear I will loose him, he said he would never do that to me but its always there in my mind as we live so far apart. i just dont know what to tell him or how to advise him.

  4. #64
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ViesVies View Post
    Update from me. My husband lost his job and is again out of work. He lost his father due to ill health and now said he wants to come here with me to live as he has nothing left in uk. Can anyone advise me, my husband wants to sell house and move here, what shall i do, should he come?
    I think that if he has just lost his father he should pause and take stock before making any rash decisions. Events such as these can make people do things that they would not normally do so I think he would be better to take some time to reflect and when he has really come to terms with his loss then he should decide if this is what he really wants to do.

    At this moment in time things are grey and cold in the UK, he is also unemployed and if you couple this with a death in the family especially around Christmas time, that would surely make anyone feel depressed. In the Philippines things are warm and sunny and also, his wife is there waiting for him. But I think he needs to be sure that this is what he really wants to do for the long term and not just a way to escape the way he is feeling at this point in his life which is quite understandable.


  5. #65
    Member ViesVies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    I think that if he has just lost his father he should pause and take stock before making any rash decisions. Events such as these can make people do things that they would not normally do so I think he would be better to take some time to reflect and when he has really come to terms with his loss then he should decide if this is what he really wants to do.

    At this moment in time things are grey and cold in the UK, he is also unemployed and if you couple this with a death in the family especially around Christmas time, that would surely make anyone feel depressed. In the Philippines things are warm and sunny and also, his wife is there waiting for him. But I think he needs to be sure that this is what he really wants to do for the long term and not just a way to escape the way he is feeling at this point in his life which is quite understandable.

    Thank you Ian for replying. My husband just says to me that he is not working, his mortgage loan will finish when he is about to retire and he may as well sell his house and join me here. He said house worth much more now than he bought it for and his time to leave uk is now. I said the same as you to wait as it is a huge change in life and it is different living and working here but he is getting advice and planning. I wont stop him for I miss him so very much and I dont want him to make mistake but I know deep in his heart his mind is made up. He understands working will be harder for him and here and I tell him he might not even find work but he is set in mind to come. I read on site that non filipinas will not find work and if they do money is not like he used to, this i explained and much more in detail but he still has mind made up. He just wants advice now on what to do in UK after selling his house and i said I write on here to see if I get replies but again I will tell him your advice and see his reply. He said finding work there is impossible and I said it no different here, even worse and less pesos. Thank you for your reply and i will tell him your advice. many thanks viesvies

  6. #66
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ViesVies View Post
    Thank you Ian for replying. My husband just says to me that he is not working, his mortgage loan will finish when he is about to retire and he may as well sell his house and join me here. He said house worth much more now than he bought it for and his time to leave uk is now. I said the same as you to wait as it is a huge change in life and it is different living and working here but he is getting advice and planning. I wont stop him for I miss him so very much and I dont want him to make mistake but I know deep in his heart his mind is made up. He understands working will be harder for him and here and I tell him he might not even find work but he is set in mind to come. I read on site that non filipinas will not find work and if they do money is not like he used to, this i explained and much more in detail but he still has mind made up. He just wants advice now on what to do in UK after selling his house and i said I write on here to see if I get replies but again I will tell him your advice and see his reply. He said finding work there is impossible and I said it no different here, even worse and less pesos. Thank you for your reply and i will tell him your advice. many thanks viesvies
    It will be almost impossible for him to work in Phils, so unless he has savings or can invest the proceeds fom the sale of his house in something that can sustain him financially for the rest of his life, I would advise him to think again.

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