Hello Everyone, I'm handling fiancee visa now here in UK and i'm pregnant..where can i have my check-up?? people say that i Have to register first, will they let me...even if i'm just handling fiancee visa???? need more advices and info...thanks...
Hello Everyone, I'm handling fiancee visa now here in UK and i'm pregnant..where can i have my check-up?? people say that i Have to register first, will they let me...even if i'm just handling fiancee visa???? need more advices and info...thanks...
.... if u arrived on a fiancee visa you are eligible for FREE treatment under the NHS system,
The easiest option would be for your boyfriend to take you along to his local GP
(the surgery that he's registered at)
.. and ask them to register you.
In most cases, the surgery will INSIST on a full medical health check upon your registration.
No man is an island, but Barry is
Whew!! Thank you Bluebirdjones...people like you here in the forum is sooooo helpful...what a releif...coz we dont know what to do when we discovered this morning that im pregnant, since im still in a fiance visa , i thought i need to wait for our wedding then that's the only time i will be able to have my check up. Thank you again.
Unfortunately if you search on here you will find there has been cases where GPs have refused to let people here on a fiancee visa register. I think though this is fairly unusual so hopefully you won't have any problems.
... take your passport along with you, and if any problems, show them the
visa page, highlighting the "Fiancee visa, for settlement in the UK"
(... is that the wording ? .... cannot remember).
Glad I could help
No man is an island, but Barry is
Really Darren-b?? GPs here sometimes refuse people with fiance visa to register?? for what reason???...Even if i have all the necessary documents as what Bluebirdjones said..like passport with fiancee visa..
God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.
The reason they usually refuse is due to ignorance of the rules regarding fiancees. If you have any problems with them, get your fiance to contact the local area health authority for your district and they should be able to contact the doctors surgery in question and put them straight with regard to the rules.
That doesn't help always either. The Patient Advice & Liaison Service for one of the local health authorities (in Birmingham) didn't think someone on a fiancee visa is eligible either.
Poor to us Pregnant women here in England, does it mean that no one can do the check-up for us pregnant women here???? I think that's unfair, what if there's a problem or we are really in need of prenatal check up??? This is Really Disappointing. Anymore ideas???
I think darren is quoting a "worst-case" scenario.
Yes, it does occasionally happen, that the surgery, the local health authority
are unaware of the rules (the law), but it seems these are isolated cases.
Get yourself down to your local GP ..... and take it from there.
You might be getting worried/concerned about nothing.
No man is an island, but Barry is
i got refused.. coz i don't have a proof of address... well, that's the condition here in my local GP but all is sorted now...
i guess they have different policies.. which shouldn't be the case...
and yes, my nurse and doctor are not as good as my doctors in the philippines... *sigh*... i need to give them a lecture on my need for a diabetic midwife should i decide to get pregnant... doctor said: boy, thanks for telling me. that means i have to recall my female diabetic patients and recommend them to the local diabetic midwife..
Anna07 and Florge..
Thanks for all the ideas and experiences...I guess just need to check it out first to our local GP first and will just go from there...especially now that im feeling something on my belly .....sometimes im experiencing a bit of contraction, since this is my first time, i dont know if it's normal for a 5 week pregnant to feel that... :-(
congratulations firstly, I hope it all goes well for you both. Some off the things mentioned here can result from local doctor surgery's being over stretched with regards number of patents to doctors, this is whats happening in my home town now due to over housing development. The local system can't physically cope. But as said before go to your partners local gp, with him and get registared and they have to treat you.
My wife has had to go to our over stretched doctors on a number of occsasions and so far we've had a satisfactory result. Good luck with your preganancy and i'm sure you'll have a very healthy baby
It's been emontional
evo76, dont worry everything will be fine with you. Register first and go from there. By the way, do you have your TFC yet?![]()
Hello....yeah will go tom 1pm at my fiance local GP and get registered, reg the TFC haven't done it yet coz of my pregnancy, lots of things to do , parents are coming from USA this sunday and attend our wedding on Jan 13. Don't worry kept all your info about TFC, just in case have time already will sort it out. Maraming salamat (Thank you very much) to everybody and will update tom.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.
COngratulations to mum-to-be.
Dont worry once you meet your GP and midwife they'll look after you and your unborn baby all the way through of your pregnancy and until your child is old enough, always talk to them your concerns about pregnancy, and what benefits you or your partner can claim/entitled etc..
Not an expert, I only try to help.
evo76, if you have any questions with regards to your pregnany, just ask on this forum and im sure many members are willing to share their experiences. You can ask me as well as im also expecting. I will be due soon. Im excited but at the same time a little nervous.![]()
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