Hi everyone!! I have two best friends in the Philippines who happen to be so unlucky in love. And they've always joked that I should really find them a guy who is similar to my boyfriend as they've met him and they now seem to think that England is in abundance of nice and attractive guys like my bf (for their sake I hope so but from my own experience they are hard to find!!). They are both really beautiful, decent girls who are actually quite well off in the Philippines. So they aren't looking for british guys just in order to get to the UK. One is a doctor, she is 29 and "chinita", very fair skinned and doesn't look much like a filipina but a chinese mixed with caucasian blood. And one is a 30 year old medical representative who works in Makati - again fair skinned "chinita" who looks like as if she's got a bit of korean blood in her (but she hasn't). They don't even know that I have now taken their joke seriously and I have now started the ball rolling on trying to find them a guy but since I am now a member here - I thought I'd try my luck! I am also fed up of guys in the Philippines taking advantage of my friends and maybe now is the time to find them a british guy!
They're both very religious, old-fashioned and value their families a lot. So here's hoping I find guys similar to them!! They are both the nicest girls you'll ever meet so I do wonder why they keep ending up with these filipino guys who either just end up cheating on them or using them. Please no offense about the fact that I'm looking for good-looking guys as trust me they are both good looking girls and I cannot for the heart of me pair them up with somebody who's way too.. ermmm... you know. I KNOW and I AM AWARE that looks aren't everything but at the end of the day - when you first meet someone you have to have a physical and chemical attraction with them.
Please - no chavs, no one who is currently in a relationship and no one who is a bit of a ladies' man. I need to find guys who are sweet, nice, good-looking, loyal, honest, caring, who values their families a lot and although not religious - is open to their partners being religious. Also somebody who is willing enough to travel to the Philippines to meet them face to face (obviously if after you've spoken to them online - you both find that you like each other)! So one with a job who can afford this would be ideal! Thanks!!