You do not need to reply to this thread. I am not setting up a new thread as the moderator does not want this thread to continue. This is just for info purposes.
I haven't had a chance to visit this site for quite some time so had not previously been able to answer the many sensible comments. The purpose of this new thread is to simply state that I have set up my very own blogsite. I have set out to answer the comments on this blogsite for those of you who are interested.
I have set out to give strong evidence why the Bible can be trusted and it is in the process of answering all the comments on the evolution debate.
It also covers topics which are appropriate to agnostics, the open-minded, Christians, and to alert and warn those who are being led into deception by some unscrupulous and corrupt Church leaders.
It is less than 2 months old, so is still being developed, but still has a lot of material. My blogsite is: