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Thread: byebye bulldog

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    byebye bulldog

    well it's byebye time for me and bulldog my ISP for the last 4 yrs..

    2wks ago, phone line and broadband both went dead, after a few calls it took them til monday to get things working again, days later i i noticed my INET connection was slow, checked on some websites, 1.5Mbs , it use to be 4.5Mbs, after many calls to their 'technical support' in India , the final person i spoke to told me, the most my connection could be was 2 mbs i told him, it was always 4.5mbs since i had been with bulldog and i was paying for an 8mb connection.. i think they have moved the equipment to an exchange further away, from 4.5mb to 1.5mb they are taking the

    i wasn't getting anywhere, so phoned the number to get my MAC key, no surprise there, they are in the UK !!, was told they cant give me my mac key, and i need to contact BT, i asked the lady if there was a complaints department, she said i could talk to someone in customer services, i was put thru to what i think could have been a call centre if the phils.. told her the story, got nowhere again..

    well looks like i'm off to virgin media, 20mb connection, with 160+ digital channels, free and cheap calls for the same price..

    byebye bulldog, it was good for a longtime

  2. #2
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    I'm getting massive speed problems with my o2 broadband. Because I live in a rural area, we can only get BT ADSL platlform packages, and for £17.50 unlimited, o2 is a good deal, however on an "up to 8mb connection", I can get 7.5mb in the morning, then 0.35 at night. Of course its down to network congestion, and I'm not gonna waste my time calling them up to complain. I will be changing to one of the Entanet resellers when the 1 year is up in August.

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i've never had problems until the line went dead for 3 days, then i've gone from 4.5mb to a constant 1.5mb

    telling me to check my firewall and anti v software

    i'm gonna go with o2 or virgin, looking at what people close to me have got with virgin(48mb with their 50mb package)

    bulldog another good company gone to the dogs

  4. #4
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    I know some reseller have their own equipment in exchanges but the last part of the Broadbands journey is almost going to be down the same phone line system which seems to be from practical experience both personally and professionally where the majority of the problems seem to occur.

    Do people really find that much difference in service to one address?

    Heres a useful link for people to check what difference they might get
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    I know some reseller have their own equipment in exchanges but the last part of the Broadbands journey is almost going to be down the same phone line system which seems to be from practical experience both personally and professionally where the majority of the problems seem to occur.

    Do people really find that much difference in service to one address?

    Heres a useful link for people to check what difference they might get
    phone line is clear, no inet problems, like i said my speed has gone from 4.5mb to 1.5mb, customer service is terrible..

    i'm off to virgin or o2.

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