I know I will probably get a

reaction here. But here goes..
I met Jessica on February 14th 2007. I left on 13 March 2007. She said she had a period the first week we met. The visit is 4 weeks. She told me she was pregnant before I left. When I got back she showed me on cam that she was pregnant with a test saying positive.
The due date given was the 26th of November. I went over the week before and for 2 weeks after, no sign of baby. Went to St Catherine of Alexendria Foundation and Medical Center, 4163 Rizal St, Extension Angeles City.
Doctor said baby is not ready yet, and I never saw the baby being born. The date of his birth was the 18 January 2008.
The baby had problems when born because of Puerperal sepsis (an infection in the uterus after labour)
He was in care till the 28 January when he was released.
I accepted this but now I think I am being stupid. I ask for photos I never got any, I ask for pictures of the house, I never get them. On my birthday she sent me the bill. If anyone wants to look out for me at Angeles City, I'll really want to know the truth. Its just waste of my life.