Not being nosey or looking for anything kinky (although every little help)......but are you going out? Romantic night in? Keeping the sheep happy? (That ones for Rob
Not being nosey or looking for anything kinky (although every little help)......but are you going out? Romantic night in? Keeping the sheep happy? (That ones for Rob
Keith - Administrator
are you working out what you lost on the horses at Cheltenham scouser Keith![]()
I'm just here watching Brucie on Piers Moron, then James Bond is on.......better get a beer!
leveling up on cafe world![]()
God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.
its my wifes time of the month, so we are watching tv.![]()
i have learnt to do what my wife says!
Relaxing at home with my wife and baby.
I just watched the rugby (England lost) and I'll be watching Match of the Day later.
Earlier, I made a bread and butter pudding, but with the experimental addition of marmalade. It was lovely!
The strange thing is, I don't really miss the Saturday nights of a few years ago, when I'd be out in the pubs and nightclubs, getting drunk with mates, having a laugh, eating kebabs & curries, rolling in at 4am...![]()
I guess that means I'm getting old!![]()
Chinese take away at my brother's - she was nice , so was the meal![]()
Went out for a dinner yesterday.
Been to countryside.
Had a shower.
Wear negligee.
Lying in bed watching Avatar.
Comfy with my hubby tummy as my pillows.
I'm speechless now.![]()
I watched tv...had a sandwich...did some work out and watch tv again....went to bed...I read a couple of pages of my book....and went to sleep!
It was the perfect all by myself evening! Hubby is on his charity walk training and will not be back until later today so I had the tv all for me!
'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'
I watched the program how kinky Brits are
Funny and interesting...
'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'
We went to a Filipino party in a neighbouring town which I expected to be quite a small gathering but turned out to be a pretty big event, with a marquee in the garden and maybe 30-40 Filipinos, mostly Filipinas, plus husbands and kids. Lots of Filipino food and, of course, karaoke. This was loosely based on an organisation centred in Peterborough so if you live in that area and are not already a member get in touch and I will pass your details onto Connie.
We could only stay for an hour or two because Connie had a gig last night and we had to leave to set up. The gig was in a very rough pub, the first time she had been booked there and the first time they had tried live music for a few years. A new landlord was attempting to raise the profile. It was a disaster! Hardly anyone turned up. Sometimes she was singing to only 4 or 5 people but that was not the problem. A small group of lads started to fight between themselves, and although the landlord continually tried to sort it out, he was pretty drunk himself and the trouble went on and on, both inside and outside the pub. It was an intimidating, nasty atmosphere and there was no-one in control. Connie just sang on through it, and I stayed out of the way, but we both felt very uncomfortable. Apart from anything else we have some quite expensive equipment and with wrestling matches happening around us the possibility of it getting knocked over was always there. It was more like a wild west brawl than an English pub. Respite only arrived when the landlord got them out and locked the doors. We packed up but could not leave until we were quite sure it was safe to do so. Why on earth the police were not called is beyond me. Needless to say, we won't be going back. Next week she is in our own local, which ought to be like arriving in heaven by comparison.
'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'
Been there, done that. I guess it just comes with the territory when your gigging on the pub scene. I always said I'll play anywhere once and I don't mind if the locals are a bit rough as long as the landlord is in control and if your very lucky they're a bit frightened of him or her.
Navigate my husband on the way to his work....visit farm...drink a little vodka and watch Blackadder![]()
''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''
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