View Poll Results: Who will you vote for in the next election?

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  • Tory

    6 18.18%
  • Labour

    3 9.09%
  • LibDem

    6 18.18%
  • BNP

    1 3.03%
  • Plaid Cymru

    1 3.03%
  • UKIP

    4 12.12%
  • SNP

    0 0%
  • Other....

    3 9.09%
  • Not Voting

    5 15.15%
  • Don't know yet

    4 12.12%
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Thread: Who Are You Voting For in May?

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    I like this one

    Would you vote for Mr Bean??

  2. #62
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    Anybody hear Ken Clarke on jeremy vine show today? he was almost as impressive as Chris Grayling last week
    Their muppetry is as bad as Labours and their biggest success would be to fool anyone to think otherwise.

  3. #63
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    Really? Try reading this:

    Heres the news: theres going to be big cuts, and they will be socially divisive, whether blue, red or orange party. End of. The sooner we extract head from sand, the better. The longer head stays in sand, the more painful it'll be later. End of. Those are cold hard facts. Cuts are cuts however you dress them, and the red party cannot possibly claim otherwise. If you lie enough times or spin the story enough, people will believe you, and it seems this Labour government are doing just that; trust us people, we'll make cuts, but it won't be as bad as that Blue party.

    I'm looking for solutions, but you Iain seem to think its only Red party that has solutions. I await your predictable Red is good, blue is bad response.
    As I have heard people far wiser than me say we need a war cabinet to deal with the task which both Tories and Labour are gulity of getting us into. Neither Labour or the Tories on their own can deal with this situation.

    Like you say these people who only vote Labour or Tory or whatever need to realise the very grim future we have and forget about their favourite colour etc.

    Remeber we spent the contengency money, maxed the credit cards and overdrafted and some already we need a plan asap I cant see either Brown or Cameron being the person to do it.

    With Tories saying cuts and dont raise NI and Labour saying the opposite when probably we need to do a bit of both. Tightening belts and increasing income is needed asap..
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  4. #64
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    Do those who will be voting for UKIP understand that UKIP policy is to block ALL immigration? In other words, while you may be a lucky sod and have brought your lovely partner into the UK, you will be voting for a party that will stop ME from doing the same. Not nice and not clever.

    What do UKIP have against filipinas anyway that they want to ban the lovely ladies from our country?

  5. #65
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IanB View Post
    Do those who will be voting for UKIP understand that UKIP policy is to block ALL immigration? In other words, while you may be a lucky sod and have brought your lovely partner into the UK, you will be voting for a party that will stop ME from doing the same. Not nice and not clever.

    What do UKIP have against filipinas anyway that they want to ban the lovely ladies from our country?

    where's that in their policy Ian? they are talking of limiting immigration, i doubt any party would try and stop your spouse from coming to the UK.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    where's that in their policy Ian? they are talking of limiting immigration, i doubt any party would try and stop your spouse from coming to the UK.
    This quote comes from their manifesto published a few days ago:

    · End mass, uncontrolled immigration. UKIP calls for an immediate five-year freeze on immigration for permanent settlement. Any future immigration should not exceed 50,000 people p.a. including dependants (actual, not net immigration)
    couldn't be clearer, could it? UKIP = BNP in pinstripe suits with posh accents.

  7. #67
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IanB View Post
    This quote comes from their manifesto published a few days ago:

    couldn't be clearer, could it? UKIP = BNP in pinstripe suits with posh accents.
    its not clear to me at all, it doesn't not mention spouse's, permanment settlement can be gained many ways, TIER 1, 10yr legal stay, 14yr illegal stay, workpermit, no politcal party is going to refuse your wife and children a settlement visa

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    no politcal party is going to refuse your wife and children a settlement visa
    In doom monger Ianb's book they are the BNP in disguise and will ban all immigration

  9. #69
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    Correct me if i`m wrong but dont we all vote for the party we beleive will be the best for ourselves?
    I`m quite sure that no-one has voted for what they beleive to be the best for me and I wouldnt expect them too either.
    Controlled immigration is exactly what this country needs.

  10. #70
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    In doom monger Ianb's book they are the BNP in disguise and will ban all immigration
    At their core they're all a bunch of little Englanders just like the tories and I think they would ban all immigration if they thought they could get away with it.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    At their core they're all a bunch of little Englanders just like the tories and I think they would ban all immigration if they thought they could get away with it.
    Looks like Brown has been caught telling porkies again.....

  12. #72
    Respected Member Notavirusalso's Avatar
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    i heard on the radio today (five live) a caller said i will not be voteing 'cuz i cant belive any of them....what differance does he think not voteing will make, as long as they vote for themselfs they willl stll be there.......they should only get paid the same percentange of thier wage as thier vote...perhaps they would try harder then......ummmm or mabey just increase thier wages....

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    Looks like Brown has been caught telling porkies again.....
    This link to his lies works

  14. #74
    Respected Member Notavirusalso's Avatar
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    at present the leaders are lib, ukip and no vote...if not voteing made them go away i would understand... but not voteing for them doesnt stop them ..Sad really cuz if that was an option i guess more ppl would would hope....

  15. #75
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    You mean have candidates who stand on the no vote ticket and when elected dissolve Parliment The Lords uncle tom cobbly and all and then resign sounds good
    Absit invidia

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  16. #76
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    I can't believe that anyone can seriously consider voting for David Cameron and George (Gideon) Osborne to run the ecomomy of this country, they're both political lightweights neither of whom have ever held political office, have no real experience of government and who have both only been MP's since 2001. It seems most of the time before that they were just a couple of Hooray Henry's .

    Although the Cameron's like to portray themselves as as a bit like the rest of us on their kitchen webcam, David Cameron's personal fortune is estimated to be somewhere between £15m and £30m (He's a bit shy about it) and although he and his wife like to be seen going in and out of their nice little end of terrace house in London (a bit like the rest of us you might think), their real home is a substantial country pile in Oxforshire and his wife's (Sam) father is Sir Reginald Sheffield the eighth holder of a baronetcy that goes back to 1755 and is estimated to be worth at least £20million, and possibly considerably more.

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    have no real experience of government and who have both only been MP's since 2001.
    Tony Blair and Gordon Brown (and quite possibly the rest of them) had no experience of government either prior to being elected in 1997. Whoops, that destroys your pointless argument.

    By the way, Cameron was in the last Tory government . Double whoops, maybe you should do some research next time.

    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    Although the Cameron's like to portray themselves as as a bit like the rest of us on their kitchen webcam, David Cameron's personal fortune is estimated to be somewhere between £15m and £30m (He's a bit shy about it) and although he and his wife like to be seen going in and out of their nice little end of terrace house in London (a bit like the rest of us you might think), their real home is a substantial country pile in Oxforshire and his wife's (Sam) father is Sir Reginald Sheffield the eighth holder of a baronetcy that goes back to 1755 and is estimated to be worth at least £20million, and possibly considerably more.

    Shaun Woodward?

    This is where you socialists come unstuck. You say Cameron shouldn't be in charge because of his background. So, we stop all rich people running the country. Who else do you ban from running the country based on ther background? Cider drinkers from Somerset - why the hell not, you've already tried to tax them an extra 10%, but strangley, whiskly drinkers from Scotland escape. Strange that, don't you think?

    Politics should NOT be about class, and when David Mirrorband used the same words about Cameron being an upper class toff in the last Question Time, there we're a lot of people moaning in the audience. Its obvious people are fed up with Labour bringing out the class argument all the time.

    Politics in the UK sucks, bring on the revolution.

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    By the way, Cameron was in the last Tory government . Double whoops, maybe you should do some research next time.
    He wasn't in the last tory government, he didn't hold political office, he was just a researcher and at the time of the black Wednesday crisis, he was a special advisor to Norman Lamont. That's his greatest political claim to fame so I don't think I would take advice from him on the economy or anything else for that matter.

  19. #79
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    I can't believe you lot are arguing over labour v tory Do you really think either are capable of fixing "broken britain" Anybody want to make a bet that the tories don't crumble within 8 years under some scandal or other?

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    I can't believe you lot are arguing over labour v tory Do you really think either are capable of fixing "broken britain" Anybody want to make a bet that the tories don't crumble within 8 years under some scandal or other?

    The cvill service wont change that much and half the "support" team will most likely move to the other side red or blue just the same
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  21. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    I can't believe you lot are arguing over labour v tory Anybody want to make a bet that the tories don't crumble within 8 years under some scandal or other?
    I think there will be a major scandal FAR sooner - in the next 3 weeks - and, depending on which party it involves, that will determine the outcome of the election

  22. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackson.alan46 View Post
    I think there will be a major scandal FAR sooner - in the next 3 weeks - and, depending on which party it involves, that will determine the outcome of the election
    Gordon Brown caught in bed with a Nicholas Klegg

  23. #83
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    Gordon Brown caught in bed with a Knickerless Plebb
    Sounds about right
    Keith - Administrator

  24. #84
    Respected Member Notavirusalso's Avatar
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    its not much of a democracy when u r told who you have to vote for... would be better if we could vote for any one we wanted... I would have Sir Richard Branston as the treasury minister, Andy Mcnabb ...head of the ministry of defence, David Hobbs (old pe teacher) education minister or mabey Mr Salt ...who we called the cane master....and Krusty as Transport minister cuz even a clown could do a better job adonis

  25. #85
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    Just read this thread for the first time. Some of the posts are predictable, some amusing and some a little worrying at their rather skewed perceptions.
    Who-ever is elected has to deal with a massive crisis and it is the fault of our system that they cannot be honest about that with us for if they were we would not vote for them. Having voted both labour and tory I genuinely decide on who I feel will serve the nations interest best, and not necessarily my own. I reject UKIP as having an adenda which is not suited to a modern UK. The BNP should become history asap. We simply don't want that sort of attitude in politics. There is no doubt about the solution to our problems, which must be to cut back on many areas of the public service, whilst raising the overall tax intake. It is too easy to suggest we simply tax the rich. It might make good headlines but the amounts raised are insignificant. The pain will have to be taken by everyone, even though I feel I have not been any part of the problem. I have no debt, not on a mortgage or a credit card. I have savings on which my interest has declined hugely. Add to that the fact that the yield on my pension pot has also declined, and the exchange rate collapse and I feel pretty sore. Nevertheless I accept that I cannot escape further pain. Having been part of the problem, in that they flirted with the city for so long, labour is now in trouble in handling the solution. The only reason I see them postponing dealing with it is to placate Unison, upon whom they rely for much of their funding. It will be Unison members who have to take many of the job losses which will undoubtably occur and they will fight. I guess the BA dispute is merely them practising and firing warning shots at the government. If we get another labour government we may never deal properly with this problem.
    Whether a short lived coalition would be able to achieve electoral reform before another election is an open question. If I was confident it would I might well vote LibDem to achieve that for a do feel a root and branch overhaul is needed so that we can remove the tribal elements of British politics. Without that assurance I will be voting tory.
    I witness at first hand how some of the public service has become ridiculously overblown, overmanned, overpaid and given un-deserved benefits. There seem to be more people carrying out performance checks, surveys and other tick box activities than doing the front line work. We compete with publically funded organisations who pay their staff 50% more than we do, when there is no need to pay those rates and give great pensions and other benefits. If they were private businesses they would make a loss but those losses are simply picked up by us, the taxpayers. There is a huge opportunity to reduce waste so on this alone I fully support Mr Cameron.

  26. #86
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    I think everyones aware of the downfalls of each party and i`ll certainly vote for who I ( and no-one else ) think is the best for me and my family.
    The greatest thing about voting is that everyone has just ONE vote and can use it how they wish.

  27. #87
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
    The greatest thing about voting is that everyone has just ONE vote and can use it how they wish.
    Very true, Adam ... ! Trouble is, too many folk are brainwashed into behaving like a lot of when it comes to availing themselves of their electoral right ... rather than break familial habits of a lifetime. It's like, "Oh well, I've always voted for the 'X' Party ... because my DAD did - and HIS father before him - and besides, better the you KNOW, &c ... !" And on it goes ...

  28. #88
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
    ... i`ll certainly vote for who I ( and no-one else ) think is the best for me and my family ...
    ... and that's how it SHOULD be!

  29. #89
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    I didn't see last night's programme [too busy on here! :lol2:]. But I gather Nicky Clegg must've endeared himself somewhat to OUR viewers ... because I see the Lib-Dems are two points ahead of Labour, and on a par with the Conservatives - as far as this site is concerned. Oh ... if only that were a true reflection of reality, then we'd be in for a welcome change from either of the BIG TWO!!

  30. #90
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    I didn't see last night's programme [too busy on here! :lol2:]. But I gather Nicky Clegg must've endeared himself somewhat to OUR viewers ... because I see the Lib-Dems are two points ahead of Labour, and on a par with the Conservatives - as far as this site is concerned. Oh ... if only that were a true reflection of reality, then we'd be in for a welcome change from either of the BIG TWO!!
    the libs have no chance
    it was easy for clegg, he blamed labour and past tory govs for all the problems, and they couldnt throw anything back at him, even you Arthur are too young to remember the last lib gov , in fact you wasn't even born, so not many people remember them in power, infact its a 100yrs ago 1910-1916 i think

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