Our 'Roving Freelance Reporter' was last heard of online ... airing his not inconsiderable knowledge of how the "land lies" for the 'Foxhunting Fraternity' in the event of a change of tenancy at Number 10.This appears to have been his final dissertation prior to vanishing into obscurity on Boxing Day, 2009.
Now, within two weeks of Sarah Brown phoning up the furniture removers, we've seen neither hilt nor hair of the man who could churn out more of his memoirs in one day than Jules Verne's intrepid hero, Phineas Fogg in 'Around the World in EIGHTY Days'.
Personally, I've long-clung to thethat OUR man may have been assigned to undertake coverage of 11th Hour interviews with the aspirant incumbents of Malacan~ang Palace.
Or is the very notion as "kaput" as the present British Government?
Has anyone any othertheories ...?