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Thread: Living and Working in UK

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Living and Working in UK

    Hi! My company here in SG is offering me a role base in UK. Just want to ask the ff question :

    1. Tax rate
    2. Cost of living. I will bring my wife

    thanks a lot mga kabayan.

  2. #2
    Member anngrimes78@msn's Avatar
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    its quite expensive to live here though if you're monthly salary is quite good then its manageable... its better to live outside london cause the cost of living is cheaper. make sure that your company will cover house rent as that would be the most expensive bill. other than that ok naman dito kasi libre hospital at ang food cost is average pati schooling.

  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dexter View Post
    Hi! My company here in SG is offering me a role base in UK. Just want to ask the ff question :

    1. Tax rate
    2. Cost of living. I will bring my wife

    thanks a lot mga kabayan.
    , Dexter. I think Ann Grimes has basically answered YOUR questions. However, purely for the sake of satisfying my OWN curiosity, I have a couple of queries for YOU:

    (a) Where is SG? ... and

    (b) What is 'ff'?

  4. #4
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    thanks! How much average house rent? And tax rate? My company will provide me 1month accomodation only. Then afte that. I need to rent
    My office will be in London.

    Thanks a lot!!!

    Hehe sorry its difficult to use my phone.

  5. #5
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    sorry but cant help to answer:

    SG - singapore
    ff - following

    I live in london and it's a place for young couples without children. It's the place where you spend what you earn. all of it. If you're here to save money, london is not the place. Well, of course you would also enjoy a lot of stuff the city has to offer. It depends on what your interests are. it's never boring here but you have to spend for it.

    Tax? you pay a hell lot. council tax is a pain in the *** . National Insurance would be based on your income... if you've got income more than 20K £ a year... expect half of it will be deductions. and what is left, half would be for your flat rent. unless you want to share with strangers. Hopefully your company will pay for that.

    If you are used to the cleanliness and order in SG... you might need to adjust. there's a huge difference. If given a chance... I would move to SG. but my husband is not convinced yet. I just love the food variety there.

    But hey! with all it's pros and cons, im here in london and enjoying it. drop me a line if you're here already... I'll take you on a pub tour. yeah!

  6. #6
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Thanks a lot Ann!

    My company will not provide me house. Any avg rate room or house per month?

    What's the tax rate there?

    Hi arthur,


    sorry for that.

  7. #7
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Hey! I am a filipino student looking for people to share a flat with. It depends, I saw some 2 bedrooms houses for 900PCM (so 450 Per Calendar Month Per Person), council tax depends on your band (i think) - average of £100per month (so £50 per person); then you've got utility bills as well (£75 per person).. It adds up to atleast £575.. but of course you have to have emergency funds for damages as well.. So expect around £600 per month.

  8. #8
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Very hard to say where is your office to be located how much travelling could you handle. What range of salary are you expecting?

    Cost of living do you want to hang out in the top night clubs and eat the best food or happy to cook every day and live frugally?

    Could you both live in a studio one room with a kitchen and bathroom or do you need bigger?

    For a studio it might cost 500-600 pssibly in the surburbs but your pay more in travel. but if you want bigger it will cost more. Will your wife hope to work or be at home?
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  9. #9
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    Income tax: Personal allowance £6,475 per year. You pay 20% of your earnings above the allowance.
    National Insurance: If you earn between £476 and £3,656 per month, you pay 11%.
    I hope this helps.

  10. #10
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    Yes, like English Rose said, the Tax rate depends on your income. If for example your income is £100,000, expect to lose £40-50000 in tax, but if your income is lower, the tax percentage decreases accordingly.

    So there are tax brackets, they change regularly, so go to the "HM Revenue and Customs" website and check there.

    Regarding "Cost of Living", it rather depends what standard of life you wish to have. Should you wish to have a lavish life, it will be suitably expensive. If you live frugally, it will be less expensive . . .

    but ...

    I must echo what someone else said ... London is an EXPENSIVE city.

    I have very well paid friends who work in London making LOTS of money, who are still forced to share a house with people, because he can't afford to rent his own flat.

    It's all about priorities . . .

    I hope i helped in some small way

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