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Thread: Hung Parliament: So what do you all think?

  1. #31
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
    Someone is going to have to give up their self interest for any deal to be possible, and I just don't see that happening, inspite of all the fine words about putting the national interest first. Each side has too much to lose and we may well witness Rome (London) burning whilst the fiddling continues. We may yet see a minority Tory goverment who force through an emergency budget with tacit acceptance from the LibDems who will state their disagreement but abstain in the vote, claiming they only do so in the "national interest". If the Tories agree to king place. Maybe we will get a short lived Tory minority put PR to a referendum, which I feel will be the LibDem sticking point, it would be like turkeys voting for Christmas.
    On the issue of immigration I believe that an amnesty is the only practical solution. With much better passport and border controls due to be introduced this problem ought to be much reduced in the future. As a country we need a managed immigration policy and my judgement of what concerns most people is the way the expansion of the EU has resulted in an unrestricted surge of eastern Europeans. We have thousands of Poles, Latvians and Estonians in my own town. Most are good people, hard working and reliable who are here to earn and build their lives. Whether they will stay here once they have accumulated some money is an open question. This whole thing has been managed very badly and I think it is this which the electorate is most converned about because they feel powerless to do anything about it and no party has any realistic answer.
    The world is full of good hard working people but we dont need them here. GB is full and you may think you are being fair and just but this country is unable to cope with our inflated population. I live in London that is bursting at the seams with illegals, Afghan, Kosovans,Romanians etc who have taken over the seedier side of life.You may be lucky and have the nicer side of immigration where you live, we dont see it that way in the East End of London, no to amnesty and get rid

  2. #32
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    The world is full of good hard working people but we dont need them here. GB is full and you may think you are being fair and just but this country is unable to cope with our inflated population. I live in London that is bursting at the seams with illegals, Afghan, Kosovans,Romanians etc who have taken over the seedier side of life.You may be lucky and have the nicer side of immigration where you live, we dont see it that way in the East End of London, no to amnesty and get rid

    If it were that easy to just "get rid" it would have been done long ago. I did not say that an amnesty was fair, only that it is the only practical solution and that it then has to be followed by the much more effective controls which are being introduced.
    The UK needs net immigration but in a controlled way, with incentives to ensure that those areas which need people get them. It is a myth that GB is full. There is plenty of room and lots of places which need people. London has always been a crowded place, that is why I left it, and also had it's fair share of immigrants from all over the world. Capital cities are where people gravitate too, it is where they find pockets of folk from their home countries. It is just the way it is. With our ageing population we need to introduce a steady flow of younger people just to ensure that our vital services survive.

  3. #33
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    I don't know about UK being full but I prefer to live in Spain, with my British friends. Seems to be a higher percentage here that there are in UK !!!!

    Although Mrs Nick Clegg, a Spanish national ,seems to prefer UK !!!!!

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    I don't know about UK being full but I prefer to live in Spain, with my British friends. Seems to be a higher percentage here that there are in UK !!!!

    Although Mrs Nick Clegg, a Spanish national ,seems to prefer UK !!!!!
    For those who can still afford it Apparently there's loads returning to UK because their funds are drying up.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    For those who can still afford it Apparently there's loads returning to UK because their funds are drying up.
    Spain is still cheap, but the pound is in the bin. If it was still 1.60 euro to the pound (as on Euro Day 2002) a beer would still be 65 pence. That is now about 90 pence is not Spain's fault.

  6. #36
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
    The world is full of good hard working people but we dont need them here. GB is full and you may think you are being fair and just but this country is unable to cope with our inflated population. I live in London that is bursting at the seams with illegals, Afghan, Kosovans,Romanians etc who have taken over the seedier side of life.You may be lucky and have the nicer side of immigration where you live, we dont see it that way in the East End of London, no to amnesty and get rid

    If it were that easy to just "get rid" it would have been done long ago. I did not say that an amnesty was fair, only that it is the only practical solution and that it then has to be followed by the much more effective controls which are being introduced.
    The UK needs net immigration but in a controlled way, with incentives to ensure that those areas which need people get them. It is a myth that GB is full. There is plenty of room and lots of places which need people. London has always been a crowded place, that is why I left it, and also had it's fair share of immigrants from all over the world. Capital cities are where people gravitate too, it is where they find pockets of folk from their home countries. It is just the way it is. With our ageing population we need to introduce a steady flow of younger people just to ensure that our vital services survive.
    That`s the same old propaganda that`s been used for years, together with the gerrymandaring of the population for votes. We are not all as lucky as you that can move away from overcrowded cities, we have to stay and watch the downward spiral. The explosion in property prices as a result of increased demand as a result of population increase, same as schools,education,healthcare etc. The building trades have been decimated by imported labour and the younger people you refer to as needed mostly come with their own families that have to be supported.Most of the Brits that have gone to live abroad have put money into those countries economies, not put further strain on them.
    My simplistic view is,lower the population, resulting in lower pressure on housing and prices coming down, less wives needing to work to help pay the bills, more time to fill by having children and growing our population in a more manageable way.

  7. #37
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    That`s the same old propaganda that`s been used for years, together with the gerrymandaring of the population for votes. We are not all as lucky as you that can move away from overcrowded cities, we have to stay and watch the downward spiral. The explosion in property prices as a result of increased demand as a result of population increase, same as schools,education,healthcare etc. The building trades have been decimated by imported labour and the younger people you refer to as needed mostly come with their own families that have to be supported.Most of the Brits that have gone to live abroad have put money into those countries economies, not put further strain on them.
    My simplistic view is,lower the population, resulting in lower pressure on housing and prices coming down, less wives needing to work to help pay the bills, more time to fill by having children and growing our population in a more manageable way.

    I remember my parents being strongly against the immigration from the West Indies, and my uncles from Ealing hating the arrival of the Indians in Southall. Nothing really changes and given time everything settles down. No-one in their right mind would now argue that the waves of immigration that my parents and uncles objected to did not turn out to be hugely beneficial to us. How many of us have black friends, of West Indian origin? How many know Indian families who have worked hard and become propsperous through study and ambition? How many of us have an Indian doctor in our practice?
    Our society is getting older and needs the carers and others to do some of the basic jobs. Simply lowering the population cannot work and those aged people would not receive the services they need if we could do it. We need a vibrant economy generating revenues to sustain all our public services and without a managed inflow of people this is not going to be achieved. All politicians know this, but they also know that to openly admit it makes them unpopular and probably unelectable. Hence the double speak which we get at this time. I did not move away from London because of the immigration, indeed I quite enjoyed the buzz of a multi-cultural enviroment. I moved because I needed more space for my family and now I cannot afford to move back, even if I wanted to.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post

    We expel illegal immigrants back to where they came from.
    We fine people wearing burkas within public buildings...
    We don't bail people out of jail so they can reoffend while waiting for trials.
    Our police ain't afraid of shooting first and asking questions later.
    Our criminals on life terms, usually die in jail...

    And to be fair, our judiciary isn't afraid to indict 20 odd CIA agents and a couple of italian counterparts and issue arrest warrants, for kidnapping a couple of suspected alleged terrorists.

    Our weather is better...
    Our food is better.
    Our PM is a known crook, and most of the population is happy with it, as the devil you know.... blah, blah, blah....

    But not good enough to live there?

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
    But not good enough to live there?
    I would have gone years ago if it hadn't been for a clingy, possessive and manipulative, now, ex wife....

  10. #40
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
    That`s the same old propaganda that`s been used for years, together with the gerrymandaring of the population for votes. We are not all as lucky as you that can move away from overcrowded cities, we have to stay and watch the downward spiral. The explosion in property prices as a result of increased demand as a result of population increase, same as schools,education,healthcare etc. The building trades have been decimated by imported labour and the younger people you refer to as needed mostly come with their own families that have to be supported.Most of the Brits that have gone to live abroad have put money into those countries economies, not put further strain on them.
    My simplistic view is,lower the population, resulting in lower pressure on housing and prices coming down, less wives needing to work to help pay the bills, more time to fill by having children and growing our population in a more manageable way.

    I remember my parents being strongly against the immigration from the West Indies, and my uncles from Ealing hating the arrival of the Indians in Southall. Nothing really changes and given time everything settles down. No-one in their right mind would now argue that the waves of immigration that my parents and uncles objected to did not turn out to be hugely beneficial to us. How many of us have black friends, of West Indian origin? How many know Indian families who have worked hard and become propsperous through study and ambition? How many of us have an Indian doctor in our practice?
    Our society is getting older and needs the carers and others to do some of the basic jobs. Simply lowering the population cannot work and those aged people would not receive the services they need if we could do it. We need a vibrant economy generating revenues to sustain all our public services and without a managed inflow of people this is not going to be achieved. All politicians know this, but they also know that to openly admit it makes them unpopular and probably unelectable. Hence the double speak which we get at this time. I did not move away from London because of the immigration, indeed I quite enjoyed the buzz of a multi-cultural enviroment. I moved because I needed more space for my family and now I cannot afford to move back, even if I wanted to.
    A lot of Brits in the countryside used to work on either farms or in their local hotel industry to help support their families and mortgage.. How are they supposed to compete with people that are prepared to live 4/5/6 to a room and eat Polish sausages and sauerkraut sent from their family in Poland every day?
    When I was in my 20`s we used to drive in to London as thats where the money was made in the building industry back then..Can you imagine that British tradesmen trying to do that today?? The problem is that the construction firms are starting to employ these EU trades outside of London and quite often for 30.00 Quid a day cash in hand.. Much of this money is sent out of the UK economy and back to their home countries..Mean while British tradesmen that have contributed for years are having to take huge pay cuts in order to compete and are struggling to survive financially..Is that fair?
    I have 3 Polish friends that have been working in the UK for over 15 years sending their cash home to their Polish wives..They were not at all happy when they heard that the EU flood gates were to open as they knew what that meant..2 of them went back to Poland and the 3rd is living in Malaysia..
    They reckon that Britain has gone to the dogs!!
    Thank God I was able to get out whilst the going was still pretty good..

  11. #41
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Whats fair got to do with it? its called capitalism Fred and a free market economy and the ones with capital pay the least they are able so they will get rich and be able to retire and live where they like
    Absit invidia

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