well i jus thought id put dis one out there,,
why is it that d majority and i emphasize ' majority' of native filipina woman in r/lationship wiv foreigner seem 2 get wiv men in excess of 20 years difference....
is it that they just want d visa?
is it d money?
is it love...i mean FOR REAL! (EXPECT BIASED ANSWERS) but plz try 2 b inpartial ...get me?
naturally d man doesnt mind bcoz hes happy in d bedroom! but dont tell me the woman is satisfied in d bedroom! - although some ppls reasoning with their life causes them to distort their own reality,
u never ever see a briish woman wit sum nxt man that is twice her age.... proper RARE!
i shud say i lived in japan for sum time and filipinas r payin older japs to marry dem for d visa.... so is that d mentality wiv SOME girls livin in d phils???
so wat do u ppl think![]()