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Thread: Hello everyone

  1. #1
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    Hello everyone

    Hi guys,

    A lot has changed on here. I haven’t been here for quite a while. I went through a tough time that I had to stay away from this site cos it upsets me a great deal.

    I was going through my older posts here and decided why not an update? It doesn’t really matter if I do but it kind of clears the air for me, so let me bore you for a few minutes.

    My relationship with Phil ended. It was mid November last year when he finally said he can’t go through it anymore.

    I don’t know how I feel about what we had then and what happened. A part of me says I should be grateful that he did make me happy at some point in our two and a half years relationship. A part makes me feel so stupid for falling in love with him and wasting those years. Another makes me regret and feel sorry that what we had didn’t last, as I hoped it would.

    I got an email from yahoo a couple of weeks ago, it was a reminder of what should have been our 3rd anniversary which I set ages ago when we were still together. I thought I have moved on as it’s been 6 months since the breakup and God knows how much I hated him. That email really upset me – I realized I still haven’t completely moved on cos I still felt hurt when I saw that. It made me sad to I think about what happened between us.

    I know it sounds silly cos it’s been half a year since the breakup but some things are really not easy to deal with. I want to get past feeling incomplete and broken.. Baby steps for me until I feel complete and happy on my own again. I really wish that time comes very soon cos I’m really getting sick and tired of being unhappy when I know he is nowhere near what I am feeling…

    My regards to

    When in doubt, mumble.

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Nothing is ever a waste of time, as long as you learn from it, you'll be a better person
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Nothing is ever a waste of time, as long as you learn from it, you'll be a better person
    Thanks bossman.
    When in doubt, mumble.

  4. #4
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    Hi friend!
    You have mentioned that before with me and thought you are getting alright.
    Sorry to hear such.
    Don’t hold to anger as it will steal your energy and keep you from love.
    Forgive him and move on!
    Find someone as soon as possible as you are wasting time looking back not forward.
    All men are not the same and I bet if you could change things, you would find a happiness that you never knew you could have.
    Cheer up! Go to Looking For Love, a Date, Friendship section!

  5. #5
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    life is for living and learning, never give up on life before you realize it your past will be just that the past and your future will be great

  6. #6
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Don't look back in anger...
    Look towards a better future ..YOUR FUTURE..and smile
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  7. #7
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    Its easy to dwell on the past and what might have been when you remain single. Sometimes we need to learn to be happy being single to let others fall for us again.

    Let it go

  8. #8
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    HI Monkey face,
    You have had some great posts full of good words and advice

    Like triple 5 ays enjoy being single, I know somedays the Wife and I both wish we were single

    Hang around this site plenty of Gents looking and when you have a downday theres always some friends to cheer you up on logged on here im sure

    It was not a waste, experience never is and will help you in the future

    I dont know your story so wont comment to much but look at the postives at least the relationship didn't go to far down the line
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  9. #9
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    A lot has happened that I do not know where to begin with so I guess it's better to leave it like that. Breakups are never easy for the ones who loved deeply.

    Going through my older posts made me think, I wish I hadn't been so stubborn and I listened to what most people on here were saying. Lesson learned: Never make someone a priority who considers you an option.

    Thank you for all the words of encouragement. I really appreciate them.
    When in doubt, mumble.

  10. #10
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by monkeyface View Post
    A lot has happened that I do not know where to begin with so I guess it's better to leave it like that. Breakups are never easy for the ones who loved deeply.

    Going through my older posts made me think, I wish I hadn't been so stubborn and I listened to what most people on here were saying. Lesson learned: Never make someone a priority who considers you an option.

    Thank you for all the words of encouragement. I really appreciate them.
    From the amount of friends on here you have and the response you got it seems like his loss was much greater he just has not realised
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  11. #11
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by monkeyface View Post
    A lot has happened that I do not know where to begin with so I guess it's better to leave it like that. Breakups are never easy for the ones who loved deeply.

    Going through my older posts made me think, I wish I hadn't been so stubborn and I listened to what most people on here were saying. Lesson learned: Never make someone a priority who considers you an option.

    Thank you for all the words of encouragement. I really appreciate them.
    Put it all down to experience, Keti ... by all accounts, a WONDERFUL experience while it lasted! But, as others here have urged, I want you to try - hard as it may SEEM right now - to banish all thoughts of self-recrimination ... such as, "If only I'd done this ..." - or - "I wish I hadn't done that ...!". Sometimes things just HAPPEN, which - with the best will in the world - nothing or no-one could've prevented. Instead, look upon whatever DID occur between you and Phil six months ago, as unavoidable. And see it too, as the opening up of a whole new chapter in YOUR life as a 'free agent' - able to choose what's best for YOU!

    Remember also, WE, your friends on the forum are on hand to support and sustain you - particularly whenever you need us MOST.

    A very warm back into our midst.

  12. #12
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    Thank you all so much, it really warms my heart reading everything on here. I wish I had written this sooner esp. when I was in that very dark place.

    I really appreciate everything. It makes me feel welcome to be here with or without that UK part that makes up this forum..

    Thank you guys.x
    When in doubt, mumble.

  13. #13
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    Thank you all so much, it really warms my heart reading everything on here. I wish I had written this sooner esp. when I was in that very dark place.

    I really appreciate everything. It makes me feel welcome to be here with or without that UK part that makes up this forum..

    Thank you guys.x
    When in doubt, mumble.

  14. #14
    Respected Member allyn's Avatar
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    hi monkey face...
    its been along time since i last reply to post here.. and just tonight while im looking at all the thread, your thread caught my attention...

    been in the same situation, in that dark moment,,, mine is kinda lets say went to the worst part,,, even tho i tried to smile in front of every one and tried to convince my self i can move on from that horrible situation, i went into a very difficult moment that i never thought i will be into,,, got into a very bad depression that affected everything about me, .. i run to my friends so i can forget my situation for a moment and its helps, alot...also my councilor helped me to cope with my emotion, i have tried my best to keep my self together...
    believe me when i say i understand you....
    i know what your going thru...

    i wish you all the best in your heart ache recovery...

    like every one said here,,,,you have lots of friends here and we are all here for you..even i...

    take care of your self...
    I know it seems hard sometimes, but remember one thing, through every dark night, there's a bright day after that. So no matter how hard it gets, keep your chest out, keep your head up and handle it...

  15. #15
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    Thanks Allyn and all you guys. At this point, I no longer believe everything that I thought I had with him was special but rather they were all lies. Call me bitter but how can I not be when I found out a couple of weeks ago, he lied to me during those times. I found out he kept nude pic of his ex and sex emails between them. No wonder he is so hung up on that girl. Some guys think with their d*ck it seems. And those emails, they are so disgusting, porn will be embarrassed! I remember asking him about that when someone had a problem with that and he said no. Once a liar always a liar.

    I would have wanted to remember him as someone who's been a part of my life but now I rather he wasn't.

    The only thing I regret now was having my time wasted to a to*ser.
    When in doubt, mumble.

  16. #16
    Respected Member marlyn&kenny's Avatar
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    very sorry to hear your story sis! Keep praying that one day you will learn to forget and forgive... Life has lots to offer us, that includes challenges!
    True love will find u
    God bless!
    Marlyn & Kenny forever

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