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Thread: Do you really have to live in a sub division?

  1. #1
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Do you really have to live in a sub division?

    Morning all

    I was just sitting here contemplating the fluff in my naval thinking about when we're due to emigrate to the phils hopefully next year. After looking at various properties on and the mad prices that seem to be asked for now especailly for houses around the laguna / tagaytay area. It seems alot of these are built in sub divisions, so is it advisable / possible to buy a plot of land outside somewhere and get a builder in to construct your house without the fear of getting robbed as soon as they find out there is a foriegner living in it? Home security is obviously high on the list but the idea of living in suberbia really winds me up. I like to have space.

    I've just been looking at the houses in portofino, alabang and have my heart set on a Michelangelo model house. Just google it, its amazing.
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  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by subseastu View Post
    Morning all

    I was just sitting here contemplating the fluff in my naval thinking about when we're due to emigrate to the phils hopefully next year. After looking at various properties on and the mad prices that seem to be asked for now especailly for houses around the laguna / tagaytay area. It seems alot of these are built in sub divisions, so is it advisable / possible to buy a plot of land outside somewhere and get a builder in to construct your house without the fear of getting robbed as soon as they find out there is a foriegner living in it? Home security is obviously high on the list but the idea of living in suberbia really winds me up. I like to have space.

    I've just been looking at the houses in portofino, alabang and have my heart set on a Michelangelo model house. Just google it, its amazing.
    IMHO, I prefered to buy in a subdivision because it's peaceful and quiet with more security and not much polluted.

    My Nanay house is along the road in the hi-way and I grew up there. I have also experienced to live inside second class subdivision and I like there.

  3. #3
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    Would highly recommend you find a good impartial real estate advisor, property in the Philippines is like a black art, and prices aren't always what they seem. Also if you bought in the newest subdivision, you could find yourself with a depreciating asset, and living in a neglected half built sub division 10 years later.

    You do see very nice houses outside subdivisions, particularly in the country or by the sea. You do lose your supposed security that you have in the subdivision.

  4. #4
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    THanks both of you. I'll have a look later at your website pennybarry. RickyR, do you own property out in the phils? I know what you mean about these half developed sub divisions. I can remember going through the malls in manila a few years ago being offered houses on these new divisions. Go back a few years later and theres two houses on them and naff all else. I'm just worried about it cos after looking at sulit website for the type of house I would have in the area I'm thinking about its the same if not more than UK prices. Obviously there is negotiation room etc but it all seems a bit expensive. Obviously it doesn't help with the poor exchange rate.

    By the way am I right in remembering you go to sea for a living?
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  5. #5
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    hi there i too am looking at buying one day out there a lot of house but need to save some more first, where in the east mids are you

  6. #6
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    I'm in the centre of the universe for all things grand and beer like........................Ashby de la Zouch. (The beer thing is cos the family is from Burton on trent). Bass and Pedi, you can't beat it!

    Where are you?
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  7. #7
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    not to far from you really, derby itself, beer and marmite then both from burton

  8. #8
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    I'll take the beer you can keep the marmite!!! Go into derby quite alot to the westfields centre, two 4 one wednesdays at the flicks!
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  9. #9
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    hahah na keep it there the smell driffs over here and boy that stinks, so when are you planning the move and what part too

  10. #10
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    I'm just down the road from you guys in Leicester

  11. #11
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    hi there a small world we and why are we blokes all in on a friday night how things change

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    hi there a small world we and why are we blokes all in on a friday night how things change
    Yes it's very sad staying in on a Friday night. TBH I hardly ever go out anymore, I'd rather save the money I would waste in the pub and put it towards my travelling costs and make sure I have a great time when I see my g/f.

  13. #13
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    We have bought a new house within a sub division in Minglanilla, Cebu after taking a long look at all the options, including buying a lot and building ourselves. We have spent 9 months in Cebu in the last 2 years so have a deal of experience now. Everyone and his uncle has a lot to sell but I don't trust anyone completely, not even the closest family member. It appears that ripping off the foreigner is considered perfectly acceptable behaviour as all they feel they are doing is getting you to share your "blessings" and cannot understand why you are reluctant when asked.
    We thought of building our own place, behind a high wall and with onsite permanent security in place but rejected it for the certainty of the sub division we found. It offers not only security but peace. No chickens, goats, cattle or pigs. A tidy and finished environment.
    Our place was ready last October but due to my health problems we have not yet seen it. We hope to by this October.
    Please remember that whilst getting money into the Phil is quite easy, getting it out again is almost impossible. Therefore be very careful before you actually send money out there and if you have the slightest doubt that you will really get all the value out of the place then rent first. There are plenty of nice places to rent and with availability high and demand low you can pretty well name your own price.
    If you want to take a look at the sub division we have chosen go to

  14. #14
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    same here englishman save save save done all the out stuff long ago, its not the drink this week or month i am intrested in but that drink on the deck with the view in a few years time i am intrested in

  15. #15
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    its good to hear news from others about buying or renting david house, its true what you say rent first, it gets so much keep on looking does my head in sometimes so many places and the prices too

  16. #16
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    Out of interest what would it cost to rent say a small newly built furnished 2 bed place in a sub division in one of the provinces? or south of Manila and Makati?

  17. #17
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    when i was there at xmas in cavite my gf was saying there are places that could be rented long term ranging upto £100 a month thats for a 3 bedroom furnished place in a comunity, the trouble is i would want space outside space to sit and chill and that seems to cost more

  18. #18
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    I have no experience of the Manila area only of Cebu. There I think you could expect to pay around 15,000 to 20,000 per month, exclusive of bills, for a 2 bed place in a upmarket sub division, but much less if you come down market a little. Depends what you want and how hard you negotiate.

  19. #19
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    i have been told cebu is a very nice area looking round the serounding area it looks very beautiful and they say not hit by bad weather like manila too , thats what they say

  20. #20
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    We haven't yet bought, and have been so close to it on many occasions. The issue is that buying in the Philippines isn't an investment, and should not ever be compared to the UK housing market. Nor should you ever think that buying is the same, the haggling and agreeing over prices, I have known people in Manila who have managed to argue prices down to 2/3 and even on one occasion 1/2 of the offering price. I don't think this is just a foreigner thing, I truly believe this is a complete different culture, with different beliefs on what is normal and right.
    Having taken a lot of research, and been inches of paying deposits on two condos and being part owners of a house in Cebu, we still aren't sure.

    The more we look, the more complex it gets, but we will buy eventually.

  21. #21
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    hi there rickyr well not looking for a investment just a home and also a future for my wife and family when i have gone, its finding the right place and the right cost too, hope to be over there full time before i hit 60, its just saving hard so i dont have to come back here

  22. #22
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    My wife's family live on Bohol, which is really lovely, but no sub divisions and Cebu is 2 hours away by fast ferry. Close enough to visit but not close enough for them to "pop round" every day! I cannot stand Manila and would rather live in Salford. Cebu is a nice compromise. Good facilities, almost no typhoons and pretty countryside very near. Our place is 15 kms south of the city, but accessed by a motorway class road so we can be there in less than 30 mins. We have beach frontage and hill views behind. It's a nice place.
    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    i have been told cebu is a very nice area looking round the serounding area it looks very beautiful and they say not hit by bad weather like manila too , thats what they say

  23. #23
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    wow sounds great just like what we are looking for , haha the thing about the family so its true then far away but not to close they say, it was my first visit to the phils at xmas had 4 weeks here 2 in borocay then 2 in manila

  24. #24
    Respected Member SteveL's Avatar
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    When we were first deciding the buy a house -v-build a house, we looked at sub divisions in Dipolog (my baby's hometown) but to call them over priced shoeboxes is an insult to shoeboxes everywhere. So we decided to buy a plot and build.
    Our first foray was a disaster - everytime white face here turned up the asking price was always 1000 peso per sqm so Rebella went looking on her own. Found a beautiful plot , 10,000 sqm 30 mins drive from the centre of Dipolog and agreed 35 peso per sqm!!!! And that's not the best part......the best was seeing the sellers face when I arrived afterwards hehehe.
    Building a house comes next, my best advise is to trust your darlings family to arrange labourers, builders, buy materials etc as then it will be "local cost", in other words a fraction of what it costs here to build.
    As for security, thats easy, we've arranged with an older brother that when were not there he and his family live in and when we are there they will stay in a guest bungalow were going to build first.
    Like any marriage to a Filipino, with the bride comes the family. Its upto you to decide if thats a blessing or a curse. For me, its a blessing as they are all great people

  25. #25
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    thanks for the advice SteveL what sort of cost all in all the plot and a medium size house, i know its a on going plan to build but for starters

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    Would highly recommend you find a good impartial real estate advisor, property in the Philippines is like a black art, and prices aren't always what they seem. Also if you bought in the newest subdivision, you could find yourself with a depreciating asset, and living in a neglected half built sub division 10 years later.

    You do see very nice houses outside subdivisions, particularly in the country or by the sea. You do lose your supposed security that you have in the subdivision.
    I will give advices as a freelance agent.

    If you want to be the first buyer, then you can purchase a property from Developer.
    All payments should be direct into Developer's name.
    Most Developers do the filing of Land Transfer or they may ask you if you want the one to do this.
    This is easier for me and I can save from lawyers fee.
    You only need to go to local municipality for Tax Declaration payment, BIR(Bureau of Internal Revenue) to pay Capital Gains Tax, VAT, etc. and Registry of Deeds to be officially recorded.

    If you want to purchase from individual, and the property is under mortgaged from PAG-IBIG Fund, Bank Loan, In-House Financing and other financing Institution, you need to sign in a Conditional Sale agreement if you want to continue mortgaged payments until the end of contract period. But if you want to pay cash to the property, you'll sign in a Deed of Absolute Sale Agreement.
    But before you buy it, check how much is the arears and interest.
    You can do the checking by enquiry from where it mortgaged.
    Ask for a copy of the Title and apply for a Certified True Copy at Registry of Deeds.
    This will show that title is genuine, under mortgaged, and history of the Title.
    It cost only £2 and you'll get it on same day.
    You need to be very careful as some sellers are not in good faith in selling their property.
    Venue of Payment should be infront of Lawyer and everybody must be present.
    The Buyer, Seller and at least 2 witnesses.

    If the property is purchase through Realtor/Realty.
    They may ask you Reservation fees to put your property on hold for usually 30 days.
    Don't pay until you have fully realised it is the property you really really want because once you cancel it, you'll get no refund.
    You can pay directly to Developer's Office and not at Realty office. This is much better.
    Check if the property is convinient for you, free from flood with nice environment.

    Do not buy ancestral property as much as possible. If the name of the Title is under the name of ancestors and if died for ages, you'll discover how much you'll pay for Inheritance Tax. And if they died without Will of testament, all children will be the heirs and usually this is the cause of being complicated.

    Foreigners can only own 49% and 51% for your wife.
    But then owning of houses or buildings is possible as long as the foreigner does not own the land on which the house is build.
    Foreigners may enter into a lease agreement with Filipino landowners for an initial period of up to 50 years, and renewable for another 25 years. This is good if you have girlfriend and if you want to buy under her name and enter into an agreement.

    Properties? Click here

  27. #27
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    you will find that many will sell for cheaper as they want the money quickly, so get to know about the seller
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  28. #28
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    My excuse is I'm at work on a dive support ship out in egypt. Another 2 weeks here then I'll be down the local.

    When I used to get off the train in burton it always depended on which way the wind was blowing. From the marmite factory - minging, from Bass brewery - lovely!!
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  29. #29
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    hahah na keep it there the smell driffs over here and boy that stinks, so when are you planning the move and what part too
    Think I hit the wrong reply button on my first reply. I'm at the computer on weekend night cos I'm working on a dive support vessel out in egypt, but I'm off in 2 weeks so it'll be straight down the local.

    Regards to moving out there, its all dependant on when I finish renovating the house here in the uk and if the exchange rate ever improves. But basically I've told the missus april / may next year.
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  30. #30
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    hahah na keep it there the smell driffs over here and boy that stinks, so when are you planning the move and what part too
    Forgot to say where we're going to look, haven't got my head on right today. Too busy moving the boat round oil platforms!!

    I'm thinking of somewhere south of Manila, mainly because of being fairly close to the airport for work and on the south side it looks like the property is better. Also the wife has some family in cavite but we'll be far enough away to prevent the "just pop round for a couple of days, do you mind if we move into your back bedroom" situation. A niece in theory will stay when I go to work for 5 weeks then disappear when I come home.

    She's from Samar originally, about 45min from tacloban but theres not really enough there to interest me.
    It's been emontional

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