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Thread: Change Child Last Name..

  1. #1
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    Change Child Last Name..

    How do you change a childs last name to the new husband? Without going into adoption. LIke if the woman had a child with her ex and then re-married and now the new husband wants to put his last name to the child. The child is a Filipino so is the new husband.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nparvus1202 View Post
    How do you change a childs last name to the new husband? Without going into adoption. LIke if the woman had a child with her ex and then re-married and now the new husband wants to put his last name to the child. The child is a Filipino so is the new husband.
    hmm, by deed poll but i think its difficult to change a name on a birth cert, my stepson's surname is not even is bio fathers, its his mothers maiden name. we thought it better as he grew up with his uncles and aunt, and never had any real contact with his bio father, and there was no point in try to change his surname to mine, as hes 18,, and he is happy and should stay with the name hes always been known by

    as always see your local CAB, heres some info thou

  3. #3
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    His last name is his mother's not the bio dad. He is 8 years old, but the mother is thinking of changing the name when he is naturalized British citizen, in over 4 years time buy Deed Poll. But if she could change it today, she will. But Manila lawyers are charging over £1,000 to change it by court order.

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    years ago i did ask my wife about adopting my stepson, but she said it would be long and expensive, and the bio father might not like it, i dont think the bio father was named on his birth cert, so it might not have been that difficult, if he had been named on it. but we did get a letter off him stating he had no contact or gave no support to his son, so we didnt have a problem getting him a visa, iam just waiting now to see if we have got him ILR, but hes just turned 18, iam hoping there will not be a problem

  5. #5
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Deed Poll is a good idea! My hubby arrived here more than 10 years ago using his father's surname and since he was here in UK he started using his now british step father's surname (from contract mobiles, NI, banks, driving licence and so on) until he applied to Deed Poll to change his surname and the application was successful.

    His surname on BC remain the same and he never had any problem at all showing it if someone wants to see it as long he shows some ID's using his step father's surname.

    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  6. #6
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    So you are saying he uses his stepdad's surname when he arrives here ten years ago? And he only changed it by deed poll later?

  7. #7
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Hey, Lady J, my stepson will be in 4th grade in Sept. My question is, could he be registered with my last name? He used his mother's name in 3rd grade. Would that be possible?

    You should done this on his first school here. Your stepson is already registered because you said he's been in a 3rd grade and his details held by school will gonna carry on, even he changed school in Sept , because the school will past his details to another school you prefered but I'm not sure, maybe you can amend his details but the school might get confuse and ask you the reason.

    When registering your stepson's to like dentist, GP etc. try start using your last name.

    have you visit the deedpoll website? I think I have told you enough about changing your stepson's last name, sorry I'm not really expert to this case, only what my hubby's experienced I can tell you.

    If you are really desperate to change your stpeson's name then I think you should seek a professional advice.

    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by nparvus1202 View Post
    How do you change a childs last name to the new husband? Without going into adoption. LIke if the woman had a child with her ex and then re-married and now the new husband wants to put his last name to the child. The child is a Filipino so is the new husband.
    ADOPTION is the only legal way. Of course there are other ways if you would like to take the risk.

  9. #9
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nparvus1202 View Post
    How do you change a childs last name to the new husband? Without going into adoption. LIke if the woman had a child with her ex and then re-married and now the new husband wants to put his last name to the child. The child is a Filipino so is the new husband.
    Just want to know if they will accept change of name by deed poll in the Phil. passport as well?
    tiger tigress

    ♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.

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