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Thread: The Met Office has declared a level two heatwave alert in southeast England

  1. #1
    Respected Member burdock's Avatar
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    The Met Office has declared a level two heatwave alert in southeast England

    And temperatures could reach 31°C over next day or two.

    this as got me wondering what its going to be like when I’m in the Philippines and would like to know how some of you got with the heat there and if you
    have any advice on how to cope with it

  2. #2
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by burdock View Post
    And temperatures could reach 31°C over next day or two....
    kinda the normal temp here in Manila... hahahahaha
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  3. #3
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    It's a lot hotter in the Philippines...sometimes just too hot, to be out in the sun.

  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    It's a lot hotter in the Philippines...sometimes just too hot, to be out in the sun.
    ... too hot & humid for MY liking!

  5. #5
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    Yes it's all been said. When I lived in the Philippines - during the hottest part of each day, I just had to make sure i was either inside with a fan (although that just circulated the hot air or in the vicinity of some AC

    although ... when it was the hottest part of the day, often i'd just take myself out on the bike, and getting the air in my face was "AC" enough lolz

  6. #6
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    The quality of the heat here is different to the Phils because of the humidity.

    First time I was there it was a bit of a shock to the system but to be honest I've adjusted to it and I miss it now.

    I have been over at every time of year so have sampled most of the weather, I was last over in June and it was hot but nice, April this year was nice too, I got trapped there for an extra two weeks because of the Ash Cloud and it was great, was there for a full month

  7. #7
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    I found it a help to take low dose dispersible aspirin to keep the blood thin otherwise I walk around like I have stepped out of a shower.I need longer to aclimatise then the normal 3-4 week holiday.

    Also try to stay calm and not lose patience, very hard to do in my opinion.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post
    ................................. (although that just circulated the hot air or in the vicinity of some AC
    For those who are not aware.

    Fans do not cool the air, however, the stream of air does evaporate the moisture on the skin. In doing so energy/heat is removed from the body, thus fans do cool the body, especially if one is sweating.

    For this reason, removing the sweat from your skin, say with a towel, actually reduces the cooling effect on the body.

    Fans should not be left running when no one is present. The motor gets hot when running and thus increases, although only minimally, the temperature of the room

  9. #9
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    i loved everyday in the phils the heat did not bother me at all, 2 weeks in manila 2 weeks in borocay , just if you are feeling a little warm go into a aircon shop or cafe and have a cool drink, to me as long as there is a breeze i am ok , dont look at all the pretty ladies thats when the temp rises

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    For those who are not aware.

    Fans do not cool the air, however, the stream of air does evaporate the moisture on the skin. In doing so energy/heat is removed from the body, thus fans do cool the body, especially if one is sweating.

    For this reason, removing the sweat from your skin, say with a towel, actually reduces the cooling effect on the body.

    Fans should not be left running when no one is present. The motor gets hot when running and thus increases, although only minimally, the temperature of the room
    John some of those fans are 70 to 100 Watt we end up have three or 4 of them running and Ana insists on putting them all up to full speed, drives me nuts!!! Up to 400 Watts heating in an already HOT room.

    Personally I much prefer a slower stream of air and from one direction not sweeping back and forward all the time.

    The worst of it is she won't believe me when I tell the fans are heating the room and at night they close all the windows so we can't even get decent circulation of the air in the house to push some of the heat outside. Where we are it's often cooller outside or on the terrace than it is inside downstairs.

    I still love the heat though

  11. #11
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Like Jim Says the heat we get in the south east of the UK during these heatwaves is often very different to what you experience in manila. Firstly its far more humid over there.

    The other point is generally the UK is set up for colder weather than 30 degrees so buildings pavements and roads etc amplify any heat over the norm.

    Plus how many of us work in temperature controlled environments I know i do often so walking out in the midday sun in the UK at Lunch time for example feels like quite a shock

    Also the pace of life like if you go on holiday as a tourist in spain you dont tend to rush around and you will wear clothes more suited to the weather. You walk around slower as generally not in a hurry. Trust me Phills are never in a hurry..

    The Wife found when she returned to phill she was walking about twice as fast as her friends and family at first

    Trust me it will not feel as bad there as it does here.

    On the subject of fans

    As well as the cooling affect on the body, I noticed in rooms where they are sealed for quite a bit of the night and day they are used to help " freshen up the room" and of course most importantly to keep mossies away or at least the belief is they cant fly in the air the fan creates rightly or wrongly
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  12. #12
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    ]I can't see how they 'can freshen the air.' All they can do is make it move. Obviously if it is situated at an open window, it can 'suck' air into the room or out, depending on which way it is facing.

    As for mosquitoes: I understand that mosquitoes 'home in' by flying up stream to the source of carbon dioxide (our breath). On a still night that may be from as far away as 300 yards. Thus if you can disrupt that stream, you can frustrate the mosquitoes, a fan does that.

    If a fan is located in an open window, then like an extractor fan (to some extent) it can suck air into the room or blow it out, depending on which way it is facing.

  13. #13
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Hanging a wet towel safely in front of a fan helps, as does stacking a case of ice cold san miguel. If still feeling hot drink the san miguel chased with JW black label and the heat gets forgotten.

  14. #14
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    an ice cold strongbow for me pete followed by a jd

  15. #15
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    its a heatwave in uk, my thermometer reads 24degrees here, the same time of day when im at my home in phils reads around 39 degrees if thers a brown out and wala aircon. hottest place ive been to is saudi 50+

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete/London View Post
    Hanging a wet towel safely in front of a fan helps, as does stacking a case of ice cold san miguel. If still feeling hot drink the san miguel chased with JW black label and the heat gets forgotten.
    As do the contents of your wallet and the memories of what on EARTH you did the night before ... and why am I wearing this frilly dress, why is my wife angry with me, and why are my toenails painted orange ... I am supposed to be a heterose.... OH MY .... IS THAT A ING TATOO ON MY ARM????????????

    Maybe my version of getting drunk in the Philippines is a bit different than everyone else?!

    Self conscious now lolz

  17. #17
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Just buy a Aircon/Heater unit, we've had one for years, great for winter & summer .... Argos .... but everyone waits until it's hot so probably no stock now.... except in Scotland
    Keith - Administrator

  18. #18
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    Met Office predictions............

    I will believe it when I see it..........

  19. #19
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    Heat Wave !

    If it's much under 30º C on Costa del Sol, we put our sweaters on.

    In the summer Madrid is always around 40º C and not much lower at night. Life does not stop there.

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    When? when? where?
    It's raining here for three days now!

  21. #21
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    ]I can't see how they 'can freshen the air.' All they can do is make it move. Obviously if it is situated at an open window, it can 'suck' air into the room or out, depending on which way it is facing.

    As for mosquitoes: I understand that mosquitoes 'home in' by flying up stream to the source of carbon dioxide (our breath). On a still night that may be from as far away as 300 yards. Thus if you can disrupt that stream, you can frustrate the mosquitoes, a fan does that.

    If a fan is located in an open window, then like an extractor fan (to some extent) it can suck air into the room or blow it out, depending on which way it is facing.
    Not saying they are going to do what they say like all cultures there are plenty of things done which people do just because...
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  22. #22
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    Heat Wave !

    If it's much under 30º C on Costa del Sol, we put our sweaters on.

    In the summer Madrid is always around 40º C and not much lower at night. Life does not stop there.
    But from what I have seen people adapt as they have in the south east now few people even mention the heat as we have had a good few weeks of quite warm weather with very very little rain. I have noticed people adapt there lifestyle shopping/walk the dog/garden later in the evening or early in the morning to beat the worst of the heat. Midday today and yesterday the streets are fairly deserted with people saying out of the sun taking a nap etc..

    But normal service is resumed next week with rain forecast all week
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  23. #23
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    When? when? where?
    It's raining here for three days now!
    You're neighbours just had her hose on your windows to keep you in
    Keith - Administrator

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