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Thread: hi!

  1. #31
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    Although, it would seem that a lot of Filipinos do totally change their whole personalities when they come here, some become nasty and rude, and just like the worst of the native "scum"! We call them "ambisyosia" they think they're better than others, like a prince/princess.

    I am glad that the people this site attracts are not like that

  2. #32
    Respected Member gecko_pikachu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post
    Although, it would seem that a lot of Filipinos do totally change their whole personalities when they come here, some become nasty and rude, and just like the worst of the native "scum"! We call them "ambisyosia" they think they're better than others, like a prince/princess.

    I am glad that the people this site attracts are not like that
    Lol! you posted this twice
    I am not a rude person.
    I am not a snob.
    I don't even know how to socialize
    I am not a bitch!
    I am not ignorant
    I respect Filipinos in the UK as long as they respect me, too!
    Otherwise... goodbye!
    Taka care now & Bye!.... Venus

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by gecko_pikachu View Post
    Lol! you posted this twice
    I am not a rude person.
    I am not a snob.
    I don't even know how to socialize
    I am not a bitch!
    I am not ignorant
    I respect Filipinos in the UK as long as they respect me, too!
    Otherwise... goodbye!
    Lol! you posted this twice
    It was too good just for once

    I am not a rude person.
    I am not a snob.

    I am not a bitch!
    I am not ignorant
    I respect Filipinos in the UK as long as they respect me, too!
    Otherwise... goodbye!
    good stuff

    I don't even know how to socialize
    sorry to hear that, but you do a good job on here

  4. #34
    Respected Member gecko_pikachu's Avatar
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    D'you think so? lol!
    I don't socialize as I don't want to attend the Rochdale Filipino parties for one reason.
    I'm trying to avoid a Filipino sister-in-law of mine.
    It's not because I don't like her but she's an ignorant bitch.
    We had a row few years ago because of her attitude.
    I've tried to make up with her how many times but however, she didn't want to.
    So I thought, that's it!
    I'm most likely have given up.
    She's always putting me down.
    She said nasty things about me and all that.
    But well, she can say what she wants. I don't care!
    I'm used to all her nastiness now and I'm just laughing at it.
    There's no reason for me to get affected anymore.
    I love meeting new friends.
    I have quite a few swapper pals in the UK.
    I love being online and that's how I met new friends.
    I don't socialize but it doesn't mean I won't accept new friends.
    Everyone is very welcome to meet me in person paticularly Filipinos.
    And that's my life story bwahaha!
    Taka care now & Bye!.... Venus

  5. #35
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    Excellent, well, I am glad that you're not letting it get you down!

    You are standing strong against someone who seems to be quite nasty

    Very good

    Myself, just on Saturday past had a big row with a Filipina here, who I thought was a friend, but she is exactly like you described your sis-in-law.

    So yeh, I have decided that when the wife arrives here on November that we shouldn't seek out Filipino friends specifically, but rather, we should just have friends, whether they be Filipino, English, or any other nationality/race, because ... we're all equal and we're all the same The wife agrees to this ... as she knows about the tendency of some Pinoy/Pinay to become ... unbearable ... after they come here! Not all - just some!

    James "Ambisyoso" Hubbard

  6. #36
    Member glenna33's Avatar
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    well said venus .....
    can i add u to my facebook and ym then

  7. #37
    Respected Member gecko_pikachu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post
    Excellent, well, I am glad that you're not letting it get you down!

    You are standing strong against someone who seems to be quite nasty

    Very good

    Myself, just on Saturday past had a big row with a Filipina here, who I thought was a friend, but she is exactly like you described your sis-in-law.

    So yeh, I have decided that when the wife arrives here on November that we shouldn't seek out Filipino friends specifically, but rather, we should just have friends, whether they be Filipino, English, or any other nationality/race, because ... we're all equal and we're all the same The wife agrees to this ... as she knows about the tendency of some Pinoy/Pinay to become ... unbearable ... after they come here! Not all - just some!

    James "Ambisyoso" Hubbard
    Some Pinays are just soo annoying.
    They seemed to have changed and don't look back where they come from.
    It's really sad why some Filipinos acting this way.
    Sometimes it's better not to be friend with other Filipinos as I know what are they like.
    I know who is genuine and who is not.
    So be careful of meeting Filipinos..
    Taka care now & Bye!.... Venus

  8. #38
    Respected Member gecko_pikachu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by glenna33 View Post
    well said venus .....
    can i add u to my facebook and ym then
    What's your facebook account and ym?
    I'd love to add you as my friend
    Taka care now & Bye!.... Venus

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by gecko_pikachu View Post
    Some Pinays are just soo annoying.
    They seemed to have changed and don't look back where they come from.
    It's really sad why some Filipinos acting this way.
    Sometimes it's better not to be friend with other Filipinos as I know what are they like.
    I know who is genuine and who is not.
    So be careful of meeting Filipinos..
    sadly ...

    i can only agree!

    many ... if not most filipinos i have met in the UK, are nothing like any filipino i met in the Philippines ... they gain a sense of entitlement, get ambisyosa/o and become unbearable asholes!

  10. #40
    Respected Member gecko_pikachu's Avatar
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    You're right about some Filipinas in the UK James!!!

    The criticisms raised against Filipinos that I’ve heard, and setting them alongside those things we normally cite as things we can take pride in about ourselves. Filipinos:

    1. are lazy
    2. accept mediocrity
    3. tend to accept petty corruption as a part of life
    4. are self-indulgent
    5. lack discipline
    6. superstitious
    7. self-centered
    8. are not team players
    9. are pretentious
    10. lack follow-through
    11. love to procrastinate
    12. tend to let envy consume them
    13. are opportunistic, sometimes to the point of being predatory
    14. are mercenary
    15. are apathetic
    16. tend to have double standards – behavior considered intolerable in others is often considered acceptable or justifiable when manifested by friends or family – or underdogs
    17. are in awe of caucasians – mainly americans – and foreigners in general
    18. are racist
    19. tend to be copy-cats
    20. are very poor at taking criticism
    21. are very easily offended – especially by criticism
    22. are too emotional
    23. tend to romanticize poverty
    24. tend to make plays for sympathy, rather than confront criticism
    25. tend to refuse to take responsibility for their own actions, preferring to blame others or circumstances


    1. tend to stare too much
    2. tend to ask over-personal questions even to first time acquaintances
    3. are political turn-coats
    4. bear grudges
    5. are self-absorbed to the point of being navel-gazers
    6. tend to be elitists – either elitists themselves, or fawning on the elite
    7. tend to bounce between overwhelming negativity and ‘world-domination’ cockiness
    8. tend to be meta-positionists i.e. given two opposing sides of an argument (’A’ and ‘B’), he/she tends to formulate a third position (’C’)

    Don’t get me wrong, ‘tho.
    I’m not saying these negative observations are unique to Filipinos, or that they apply to all Filipinos.
    I’m actually not ready to accept all of them as valid – some I totally disagree with.
    But these are the things other people say about us.
    On the other hand, Filipinos often take PRIDE in the fact that we are also:

    1. wildly creative
    2. intelligent
    3. adaptable – extremely adaptable in fact, in foreign settings
    4. long-suffering
    5. hospitable
    6. resilient
    7. fiercely loyal
    8. caring and nurturing
    9. generous
    10. good lovers – especially jeepney drivers. LOL!
    Taka care now & Bye!.... Venus

  11. #41
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    Yep... those ones who by day sleep on the beach and by nights beg on the beach for food! I got an idea... get a job ... like me

    accept mediocrity
    ya, the "bahala na" attitude... lets accept low quality. The difference between poor countries and those that become rich is that the ones who become rich want to, and work at it. That's it. The mediocrity thing ties in with the laziness.

    tend to accept petty corruption as a part of life
    Again, the "bahala na" attitude. Even where something can be done many don't bother to do anything. This just makes things worse.

    are self-indulgent
    how can i agree without getting lynched on this forum? lol

    lack discipline
    most defo in the city i lived in in the phils ... most people lacked discipline. Those who had a good work ethic and education, generally moved, either to Manila/Cebu or Abroad!

    It's like i say ... they tell me "Pilipinas Kong Mahal ...pero .... PLEASE GET ME OUT OF HERE" lol!


    anyway, i lack the discipline to comment on the rest of your list ////// maybe i lived in the phils for too long! I am becoming pilipino!

    Anyway, yes i agree with all you say ...

    especially Jeepeney Drivers being good at !! at least in my (extensive) experience

    ... my personal jeepeney driver and knows my fave colour is pink ....

    Too much information????

    I am not actually gay

  12. #42
    Respected Member gecko_pikachu's Avatar
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    Tama ka jan James! (you're right there James!)

    Bahala na (in Tagalog) means you are not sure what will happen and you don't know what to do (in English).. it's just typical for some Filipinos to say that after all.

    This attitude, loosely translated into English as 'fatalistic passiveness', actually describes the Filipino way of life, in which, he is determined to do his best.
    'I will do all my best, let God take care of the rest'.

    Bahala ka na ngang mag-interpret nito!

    Is that the actual jeepney's photo of yours in Cebu?
    Taka care now & Bye!.... Venus

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