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Thread: what jobs for a shy quiet people, please help

  1. #1
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    Unhappy what jobs for a shy quiet people, please help

    what jobs are good for shy quiet people like me,
    ive worked in factories all my life and shyness has always been a big problem, i started a new tempory job on wednesday, is agency work, is in a factory, i assemble things but when i need parts i need to shout (parts please) i had to shout it for the first time today and i felt myself going red and started to feel sick, later in the day we moved to another assembly line and i was strugling to keep up and at the end of the day i had 5 units that stil needed assembling, so the 2 people that was sending the units to me helped me assemble them but the one lady said i should of said somthing, then the other lady that has the units off me started complaining about there suddenly being 5 units that she has to build, then 3 of then started shouting and argueing, i went home in tears, monday will be bad,
    in my last job i made i little mistake when working and it made a noise, i felt myself going red faced but tryed to carry on and made another mistake, my face started to tingle because was so red, then i couldnt think strait and forgot how to do anything, i didnt look at anyone around me, im sure they was looking at me, i started to shake, so i had to try and calm down, so i just stood stil for about a minuite to try to calm down, i realy hate working in factories but dont know what else to do, ill never overcome this shyness so what jobs are there that requires minimal interaction with people, please help...

  2. #2
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    hi tony sorry to hear about your predicament but i guess with your situation & the current job climate you need to accept any work that comes your way i suppose the only job that would suit your shyness is a job that involves working by yourself i trully hope you have soom good luck soon because if anyone deserves it its you mate

  3. #3
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    I'm sure things will work out Tony, have you considered something like Data Input? I did this while I was a student, you basically sit in a room with a pile of papers or forms and put them into a computer for so many hours, then go home. You don't have to speak to anyone, and as long as you can type what you see on the papers, your fine.

  4. #4
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevie c View Post
    hi tony sorry to hear about your predicament but i guess with your situation & the current job climate you need to accept any work that comes your way i suppose the only job that would suit your shyness is a job that involves working by yourself i trully hope you have soom good luck soon because if anyone deserves it its you mate
    thankyou steve, your message made a tear come, i guess im ok working with people aslong as i dont need to ask for help in tense situations, i was considerying finding a job in a quiet shop or somthing

    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    I'm sure things will work out Tony, have you considered something like Data Input? I did this while I was a student, you basically sit in a room with a pile of papers or forms and put them into a computer for so many hours, then go home. You don't have to speak to anyone, and as long as you can type what you see on the papers, your fine.
    yes i think i could do a job like that aslong as i have a radio to listen to

  5. #5
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by \\\\ToNy//// View Post
    thankyou steve, your message made a tear come, i guess im ok working with people aslong as i dont need to ask for help in tense situations, i was considerying finding a job in a quiet shop or somthing

    yes i think i could do a job like that aslong as i have a radio to listen to
    tony have you thought of looking for work which involves working from home there are many packaging jobs which involve working from home just a thought mate

  6. #6
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    hi tony think about good things when working , like your wife being with you and encourageing you on soon the days will be going so face you wont have time to worry about making mistakes , life is hard sometimes a new job a new life all takes time to work out , good luck tony

  7. #7
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear about your problem, working in a factory must be very difficult for you. Maybe an office environment would suit you better or a call centre where you talk to people on the end of a phone. How about working with animals. Good luck and I hope you find something.

  8. #8
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevie c View Post
    tony have you thought of looking for work which involves working from home there are many packaging jobs which involve working from home just a thought mate
    yes, where would i look for jobs like this,

    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    hi tony think about good things when working , like your wife being with you and encourageing you on soon the days will be going so face you wont have time to worry about making mistakes , life is hard sometimes a new job a new life all takes time to work out , good luck tony
    thanks steve, i need luck at the moment, i realy hope things will be better next week at work

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete/London View Post
    Sorry to hear about your problem, working in a factory must be very difficult for you. Maybe an office environment would suit you better or a call centre where you talk to people on the end of a phone. How about working with animals. Good luck and I hope you find something.
    ive though of office work and wanted to get training but didnt get round to going to the training centre, always sleepy, unsure about call centres, i love animals but wouldnt want to work in a vets, breaks my heart to see animals suffering

  9. #9
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Mate, it is always difficult to start in a new job. You will be called the 'new boy' and be expected not to 'know the ropes' All of those silly ladies were the same when they started too, it is just that they have been there for a long time and are more skilled at what they do, but you still have to learn. They are the ones that need to grow up, everyone needs a chance to succeed.

    Alternatively, can I ask what you are good at? do you have any skills? did you do an apprenticeship? what are you qualified to do? What do you enjoy doing?

    Unfortunately, most jobs do involve interaction with someone. I know how scary it is to be out of your depth in a job, so fall back to something you know or enjoy. Even driving work for a car parts company for instance, if you have a driving licence, stacking shelves in a supermarket at night, that pays well. How about a taxi driver, sign up with a rank.
    If you are a shy person Tony, it can be daunting to go out there and 'muck in' with everyone. Try to have an inner strength, just think back to your recent trip to Phils, what an adventure that was, and you found a great lady that you had never met and married her, how strong were you to do that?? You are strong willed, just forget the silly bitching from these ladies for now... ask yourself if they have the guts to do what you did?

    In the mean time, keep on going with this job you have right now, but keep looking for something more suited to your personality. I hope this has helped a little Tony, we all want you to do well and be confident in your life.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  10. #10
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    tony try looking on the net for your area

  11. #11
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    Good luck in finding something suitable Tony. Just be a bit wary about Home Working there are a lot of scammers and con artists about. Have a read of this

  12. #12
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    Yes Tony, I agree with Pete/London's idea about working with animals.
    You are obviously a sensitive man, and animals have an instinct for kind people

    Think about the fact that we all only have one crack at life.
    Your wife will want you to be strong.
    Take your time thinking things through when you have got a job that suits you.
    Try working with a friend that you trust.
    Lots of people rely on a friend as they build up confidence in a job.

  13. #13
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post

    Mate, it is always difficult to start in a new job. You will be called the 'new boy' and be expected not to 'know the ropes' All of those silly ladies were the same when they started too, it is just that they have been there for a long time and are more skilled at what they do, but you still have to learn. They are the ones that need to grow up, everyone needs a chance to succeed.

    Alternatively, can I ask what you are good at? do you have any skills? did you do an apprenticeship? what are you qualified to do? What do you enjoy doing?

    Unfortunately, most jobs do involve interaction with someone. I know how scary it is to be out of your depth in a job, so fall back to something you know or enjoy. Even driving work for a car parts company for instance, if you have a driving licence, stacking shelves in a supermarket at night, that pays well. How about a taxi driver, sign up with a rank.
    If you are a shy person Tony, it can be daunting to go out there and 'muck in' with everyone. Try to have an inner strength, just think back to your recent trip to Phils, what an adventure that was, and you found a great lady that you had never met and married her, how strong were you to do that?? You are strong willed, just forget the silly bitching from these ladies for now... ask yourself if they have the guts to do what you did?

    In the mean time, keep on going with this job you have right now, but keep looking for something more suited to your personality. I hope this has helped a little Tony, we all want you to do well and be confident in your life.
    yes, they are silly, ill try to be more confident,
    well i like fixing things and doing oddjobs like bodging things hehe, things i like are old japanese turbo cars, old diesel fraight locomotives, model trains, car audio, fixing my own cars, mountain bikes, i like cleaning and keeping things in order, i dont have skills or qualifications but i did do a clait course 5 years ago

    Quote Originally Posted by stevie c View Post
    tony try looking on the net for your area
    yes ill have a look, a friends wife used to do this sort of thing, i took a pic of the place because i had to take her there once, it didnt work out for her because she was just too busy with her kids and things, ill call them if the number is on the pic

    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Good luck in finding something suitable Tony. Just be a bit wary about Home Working there are a lot of scammers and con artists about. Have a read of this
    ill read that in a bit, im very vigulant so is very to scam me, i need to know everything before i before i say yes to anything

  14. #14
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    well i like fixing things and doing oddjobs like bodging things hehe, things i like are old japanese turbo cars, old diesel fraight locomotives, model trains, car audio, fixing my own cars, mountain bikes, i like cleaning and keeping things in order, i dont have skills or qualifications but i did do a clait course 5 years ago

    Hmm. not much to go on there Tony. From the sound of it, the assembly job you have is quite well suited to you. Might just be a case of perseverence while you find your dream job.
    Going back to college is another option to hone any skills you do have, you can get support for many courses if you are not a high earner.
    What is a 'clait course'?
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  15. #15
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    clait course is basic computer stuff, emails, word, ect, my dream job would be a train driver, but only on an old railway like severnvalley, and would be expencive to get a diesel train licence,
    i cant find the pic of that place, next time i see her ill ask if she remembers the place and how she found out about it, it was folding boxes and glueing, one of her friends used to do it for years, was a factory unit in cannock

  16. #16
    Respected Member liane's Avatar
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    Just continue to work there while you're looking for a suitable job that you'll enjoy doing.
    For now, try to overcome your shyness little by little, this might be the start. Take this as a challenge.
    Go out on your shell and work on your self esteem
    Though you do not write books, you are the writer of your life. Because everything depends on YOU.

  17. #17
    Respected Member mikey73's Avatar
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    "well i like fixing things and doing oddjobs like bodging things hehe, things i like are old japanese turbo cars, old diesel fraight locomotives, model trains, car audio, fixing my own cars, mountain bikes, i like cleaning and keeping things in order, i dont have skills or qualifications but i did do a clait course 5 years ago"

    hi tony
    you have meantioned that you like 'cleaning and keeping things in order' have you considered trying a cleaning job? most of the time you would either be working in a small team or alone. and the places you are cleaning are most often empty as well. that might be a option. one of my friends daughter is a private cleaner and she cleans a few homes around edinburgh and she is getting around £11 an hour, so depending on what kind of cleaning job it can give a ok wage(but most are just the nat min).

  18. #18
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post

    Mate, it is always difficult to start in a new job. You will be called the 'new boy' and be expected not to 'know the ropes' All of those silly ladies were the same when they started too, it is just that they have been there for a long time and are more skilled at what they do, but you still have to learn. They are the ones that need to grow up, everyone needs a chance to succeed.

    Unfortunately, most jobs do involve interaction with someone. I know how scary it is to be out of your depth in a job, so fall back to something you know or enjoy. Even driving work for a car parts company for instance, if you have a driving licence, stacking shelves in a supermarket at night, that pays well. How about a taxi driver, sign up with a rank.
    If you are a shy person Tony, it can be daunting to go out there and 'muck in' with everyone. Try to have an inner strength, just think back to your recent trip to Phils, what an adventure that was, and you found a great lady that you had never met and married her, how strong were you to do that?? You are strong willed, just forget the silly bitching from these ladies for now... ask yourself if they have the guts to do what you did?
    most people make mistakes and are nervous or unsure what to do when they start a new job. and most of the people you worked with probably felt the same when they started.

    a job where your under pressure to meet targets is probably not for you

    and you need to try and over come your shyness, try to learn to relax when you feel you might become stressed, try some audio tapes by Paul mckeena or someone else to help deal with being stressed and shyness

    and remember you'll do more for someone else ( your wife) than you will for yourself .. so maybe Monday will be a better day

  19. #19
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    I work as a courier driver for Royal Mail, the contact I have with others is minimal, I spend 95% of my time driving and I LOVE it! The only time I speak to people is when I deliver a packet, or go into a baker shop for a cup of tea. I'm like you in that I don't like to interact with others much, but it's not shyness with me, I'm just finished with people sort of thing...I'm not recommending you become a courier driver though...
    I think you would do well to get a job in a bar as a barmaid! It's fun and you will be forced to be sociable with people, you'll overcome your shyness in no time! And you'll feel VERY happy! I guess you might find it hard but I'd work in some place where you are forced to be sociable, you'll be amazed how happy you'll become!

    There are 7 Planes Of Existance:

    7 — Material Plane: The earth, where you are right now.
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  20. #20
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    sorry Nigel didn't your law of attraction , not attract people to you

    thou facing his fears will make or break him

  21. #21
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Tony you need a couple of sessions of hypnosis to help with your shyness, it won't cure you totally but you won't be as bad as you are now..... and no the hypnotist won't make you strip naked and dance like a chicken in the garden...... if they were allowed to do that they'd have given me my own clinic to experiment on patients
    Keith - Administrator

  22. #22
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post

    I think you would do well to get a job in a bar as a barmaid! It's fun and you will be forced to be sociable with people, you'll overcome your shyness in no time! And you'll feel VERY happy! I guess you might find it hard but I'd work in some place where you are forced to be sociable, you'll be amazed how happy you'll become!
    Not sure about the sex change on top of shyness Nigel, but I did have a thought that he should plunge in the deep end with a job like that.
    With animals Tony I was thinking more of rescue centres or similar, how about placing ads for dog walking, looking after peoples pets while they are at work.

  23. #23
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Tony its the first day and it can be tough at first.

    Right of course you can overcome it the idea of tapes/cd's to help you is a good idea.

    Just think you weren't sure if you could go to Phill and meet a Beuatiful lady and then marry her. Well you managed it

    Anything is possible. Speak to the people around you and get to know them

    We all get embarrassed but when you do like the others say think of your Beautiful Wife encouraging you.

    You worrying and paniccing about the job is a good sign it shows you want to do well I actually look for it with people we employ in the end these people often become star performers.

    On your first day it will always feel that your struggling compared to others whoa re experienced.

    Your be fine dont worry and just keep calm and think one step at a time and when you worry just think why you are doing it
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

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