It was only until now that I’ve found out that Super Mario and I were of the same age. The year I was born, 1985 was also the year Super Mario was released by Nintendo on the Famicom/NES back then. According to its history, video gaming were at an all-time low because of the tons [...]

It was only until now that I’ve found out that Super Mario and I were of the same age. The year I was born, 1985 was also the year Super Mario was released by Nintendo on the Famicom/NES back then.
According to its history, video gaming were at an all-time low because of the tons of crappy games on Atari during 1985. Super Mario changed all that and got almost everyone back to playing video games. The game is about Mario and his brother Luigi, plumbers out to rescue Princess Toadstool from the evil Bowser, King of the Koopas. Today, it’s one the best games of all time. Game creator Shigeru Miyamoto explained why his platform hero is still one of gaming’s most recognisable heroes:
Stimulated by advancements in technologies, we have always enjoyed creating the Super Mario Bros. games. The series has always taken advantage of the latest technological advancements and is the fruit of creativity of many of my hard-working friends working closely as a team.
I remember playing this game on the Famicom with my sisters and uncles. There were no save features nor memory cards to keep your progress in the game so once all your lives are spent, it’s game over. Literally. We could easily spend entire afternoons playing Super Mario, chasing after every gold star we discover and trying to get the highest jump towards the flag pole.
Along with Pacman, Super Mario Bros will always have a special place in my memories. Now I wish our old Famicom were still around and working. Good times!
Image by lucamascaro, By Attribution-ShareALike
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