Most of the time, we keep on tirelessly searching for the one destined to us but really.. I think it's just a matter of waiting and hoping for your "God's best" to come.![]()
there are some people who can be lucky. I am glad I found my hubby who got all the pointers you have there ghee... and I am so in love with him. Head over heels really.. so don't lose hope.
Life as we make it
Sorry to read your thread ghee. Never easy when you have a good relationship and it ends. It feels like a void in the immediate time afterwards, however I am very positive you will find your true partner. I've read your posts and you seem like a good laugh
Regarding the cat application, my brother's cat makes for a lovely stroke. The negative is that he always seems to catch mice and moles, bringing them into the kitchen to play with and then eat. I think the other week, the cat downed a whole mouse in one effort. Although my brother is sure he would have brought it back up again at a later time in the garden. Maybe this should not be mentioned in my brother's cat application.
hi ghee sorry to hear about your news. dont give up my dear, sure you will find somone soon.big mikey hugs
thank you. dont be sorry, i kinda moved heaven and earth to win him back.and to make him realize that even if it's hard, there will always be a way. im a sucker for heartache. when i found the one, i fight for him. i only give up when its really a dead end.
he was excited the other day after he called a filipino community in hammersmith and was referred to an immigration specialist. they had a short talk and maybe coming from a third person and an expert, he somehow understood how hard it is for me to do what he wanted the past few months.
he asked me to write the lady and wait for her advice. it may be a long process but we may take the first step now.
Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.
Whatever is meant to be will always find its way.
Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.
Whatever is meant to be will always find its way.
To be honest, my brother's cat a few months ago had been loosing weight quickly in the space of a month or two. I assumed it was going to be all down hill for him at the time. He did not eat as much and reminded me of the old family cat. Since then the cat has been given pills and the vet told my brother to feed him whenever he comes asking.
Since then he was had lots of food and it is only recently this mice business has started. I think he used to do this when he was young. He is an old fella now, but it still seems he can cut it when it comes to catching rodents. I am baby-sitting on Friday night at my brother's house, I hope he refrains from such activities whilst I'm there. I've never picked up a dead mouse/mole before.
I should add that he is getting better now and is gaining weight. Looks like he will become the fat cat he once was.
haaa, mice! my tom brought in some, more than half his size
he was always inside the house but he became the envy of the big street, stray toms. it was a rainy season and i noticed him acting strange. i thought he was just feeling cold or something. i was working that time and didn't give him attention too much. it was until we found him dead that we noticed he got lots of wounds on his neck and body. we guessed it was from fights with stray tomsi miss him terribly.
Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.
Whatever is meant to be will always find its way.
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