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Thread: any one know about this

  1. #1
    Respected Member winner's Avatar
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    any one know about this

    i all when my wife gets her visa someone tell her that she has to go back to cebu and get a seal put on her visa from the cfo she has been to the seminar and has her certificates and her passport chaned to new name i not know if she has to go back and get her visa marked with a seal as anyone else had to do this all we being led astray like to hear from you many thanks winner

  2. #2
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    ah the cfo thing...yes she should have the cfo stamped and the cfo certificate
    if she went to cebu and have seminar but dont have the visa yet
    they will just issue a cfo certificate and come back to have stamped after the visa has been already issued on her...but if she went there having the visa already then she will be having both cfo stamped and the certificate......both will be put in the passport anyway....
    Filipina a born survivor!

  3. #3
    Respected Member Chrisirene's Avatar
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    As i knw from cfo... after the seminar u can get cetificates and stamped... maybe she dont have stamped yet...

  4. #4
    Respected Member Chrisirene's Avatar
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    oink na late ko reply...heheheh :P

  5. #5
    Respected Member winner's Avatar
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    hi no she not have visa yet just like to know if she has to take visa back to cebu

  6. #6
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    if she had the seminar without the visa yet she has to get back for the stamp after she gets the visa....
    Filipina a born survivor!

  7. #7
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Yes she will have to go back to CFO cebu for the stamped once she have the visa.

    Here's the address:

    CFO Extension office (for CFO pre-departure registration and stamp):
    Causing-Lozada Building.
    Osmena Blvd. corner Lapulapu St. (near Plaza Independencia). It is located on the 2nd floor in DFA building, not far from Basilica Minore del Santo Niño.
    Phone & FAX: (63 32) 255-5253
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  8. #8
    andypaul's Avatar
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    You have to go back we had to travel up to manila and it took about an hour or so. Just a stamp and im sure a small fee but nothing much you can incorparate it into a day out.

    From what i have read in the past you can go to either office cebu or manila for the second stamp as they have the records on file (or a quick phone call away i guess).

    If anyone could confirm this it might help many out there?

  9. #9
    Respected Member winner's Avatar
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    ok many thanks

  10. #10

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    Hi All,

    Now u have myself & Maricel worried..Maricel recieved her visa in sept 2006 and arrived in the UK oct 2006 and she doesn't have cfo,as this wasn't pointed out to us,also we got the passport ammendment and it wasn't pointed out to us then.What issues is likely to arise from this and is it something that can be done when we back to the PH.Is this likely to affect things in the future when we apply for ILR ?


  11. #11
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Well traveling round uk and europe etc should be no problem i doubt any of them no or care what the cfo is. Im not sure if anyone checked my wifes cfo stamp on the way in or out of the pi back in march this year either.
    Worth enquiring about as could possibly cause problems with any renewal of phill pasport in the future or when entering or leaving phill.

    Im sure others using this site forgot or were unaware of the cfo requirment and didn't get stoped but im not sure if they have been back to phill yet.

  12. #12

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    Thankyou for your reply andypaul.If anyone else has been in a similiar position to us could u give me some advice on the subject please.

    Thanks in advance

    Rick & Maricel

  13. #13
    Newbie (Restricted Access) pinkdamsel5's Avatar
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    When I got my visa, even if I was issued a certificate. They still issued a stamp and put it in my passport. but the cfo is in manila so I don't think your wife needs to go back to cebu. All she needs is go to the CFO office then show her passport with visa in it then they will issue her a stamp..

  14. #14
    Respected Member winner's Avatar
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    ok thanks i tell her that but be easy for her to get stamp in cebu cos she can get plane from there to england instad of going all the way back to manil cos no one knows if she get visa same day she has her figerprints done cos she put all her papers in than when she has figerprints done

  15. #15
    Respected Member hilda_danao's Avatar
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    Where does your fiancee live? Does she already have her CFO seminar?Where? Cebu or Manila? The CFO sticker will be issued after she already got her visa. While waiting for her visa, she can have seminar first, get certificate & then go back to CFO to have her sticker. She can also do all of that, having seminar & getting certificate & sticker, after she has her visa. it will only take 1 day but she has to call first the CFO-Manila to inquire about the schedule of seminar for UK. She better do seminar in Manila coz she can only get her visa from British embassy-Manila.

    Hope I have helped you. I know this coz I have done all of this. Just ask me if you have more questions.

  16. #16
    Respected Member hilda_danao's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blueberry View Post
    Hi All,

    Now u have myself & Maricel worried..Maricel recieved her visa in sept 2006 and arrived in the UK oct 2006 and she doesn't have cfo,as this wasn't pointed out to us,also we got the passport ammendment and it wasn't pointed out to us then.What issues is likely to arise from this and is it something that can be done when we back to the PH.Is this likely to affect things in the future when we apply for ILR ?

    Hi Blueberry! Maricel is lucky. Maybe the immigration officer was negligent. If she go back to Philippines, she may not be lucky to have another irresponsible imigration officer.hehe. and then she will be stopped at the airport, your travel will be delayed. She has to have the seminar when you visit philippines. You may check the cfo website:
    I don't think it will affect her application for ILR coz such document will be applied in UK Home Office.
    The CFO sticker is only needed before you left philippines as a fiancee/wife of a foreign national. I think the system took effect last 2005.

  17. #17
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    hi hilda we marred on the 14th of apirl 07 she had her passport name chaned and went to seminar and has her ceritcate in cebu cos she live in bayawan city oriental negros she has to go to manila for figerprints and to submint all her paper work for visa i not know if she get visa on the day or thay post to her cos its best for her to have visa stemp in cebu

  18. #18
    Respected Member hilda_danao's Avatar
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    Hi Winner!
    I don't understand why she needs to give fingerprint. if she can sign the papers, then fingerprint is not needed I think.
    she doesn't need to go to manila to submit her documents. she can call the CAVA(Courier Assisted Visa Application) centre to arrange pick-up of her docs from her hometown. That's the requirement of British Embassy - to call CAVA & get reference number. They do not accept application without having reviewed by cava. IF she lacks documents, cava will return the whole docs to her. then she has to supply the needed docs & has to pay again the airfreight charge.
    But anyway, she still needs to go to manila for her interview at the embassy. She should not hire an agent. the agent might fool her & just get money from her but doing nothing. that's so common in manila.

    But if she has already applied, failed, given another chance to submit other additional docs then it's right that she has to go directly to the embassy.

    Have you tried to look at this website: that site is very helpful.

  19. #19
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hilda_danao View Post
    Hi Winner!
    I don't understand why she needs to give fingerprint. if she can sign the papers, then fingerprint is not needed I think.
    she doesn't need to go to manila to submit her documents. she can call the CAVA(Courier Assisted Visa Application) centre to arrange pick-up of her docs from her hometown. That's the requirement of British Embassy - to call CAVA & get reference number. They do not accept application without having reviewed by cava. IF she lacks documents, cava will return the whole docs to her. then she has to supply the needed docs & has to pay again the airfreight charge.
    But anyway, she still needs to go to manila for her interview at the embassy. She should not hire an agent. the agent might fool her & just get money from her but doing nothing. that's so common in manila.

    But if she has already applied, failed, given another chance to submit other additional docs then it's right that she has to go directly to the embassy.

    Have you tried to look at this website: that site is very helpful.
    hello hilda!

    i guess you havent have much informed about some changes in applying for a british visa....

    first, cava has been already replace by ukvacs i think long time ago and just this april there was another change the visa rise, and they also change the ukvacs again into TT philippines services which were you can send your visa application and effectively june 11 applicants presence is now being required for finger prints and on the spot photo....

    for more info about this links

    Filipina a born survivor!

  20. #20
    Respected Member winner's Avatar
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    hi hilda every new appication you submint now you have to go to manila in person to get figerprint taken before you sudmint your papers if you notdo this thay not look at your appication for visa this new thing now does not mater were you live you sill have to go in person

  21. #21
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    The British governement obviosuly have no idea of the size of the Philippines.....mind you, they have no idea of the size of the UK, they think that in 2013 folk from Fort William will just nip on the bus to use the Olympic swimming pool in London their taxes helped pay for
    Keith - Administrator

  22. #22
    Respected Member hilda_danao's Avatar
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    i c. so they have new system now. oh well, good luck to the applicants. i think it's harder now to apply. i also heard that the embassy are going to impose a new system that only 21 yrs old & above can get a fiancee/wife visa. Is it implemented yet?

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