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Thread: My pumpkins is pregnant.

  1. #31
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    Thank you dontpushme, Steve and Joe. You did reply the first time Joe Perhaps you forgot, it was nearly 4 weeks ago. she goes for her first scan next week A day before we go back to Manila So hopefully we will have some scan pics for the family there. Where my siblings and my kids I say kids they are 26 and 29 have cut themselves off from me. i really cant believe the family I come from. you would think Jane now carrying our baby it would soften there resolve, no chance ! still end of the day its there lose. You can pick your friends not your family. they know where we live We told they are all welcome but, to no avail so sod them all Jane says they will come round in time My question is how much time ! end of the day Jane my wife is number 1 if the others cant accept then its there lose. enough of my belly aching

  2. #32
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Where my siblings and my kids I say kids they are 26 and 29 have cut themselves off from me. i really cant believe the family I come from. you would think Jane now carrying our baby it would soften there resolve, no chance ! still end of the day its there lose. You can pick your friends not your family. they know where we live We told they are all welcome but, to no avail so sod them all Jane says they will come round in time My question is how much time ! end of the day Jane my wife is number 1 if the others cant accept then its there lose. enough of my belly aching
    I have the same problem, like you say, sod them! they are the ones missing out. I wish you all the happiness this new life will bring.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  3. #33
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    I was beginning to think I was the only one with the strange family, Steve. like you said Bloody good luck to us for having the balls for going out and living our own lives. Yes Things may go wrong at times That is life But I will do my very very best to see that in the end it all stays on track. one of the advantages of being of advanced years You know the pit falls.

  4. #34
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Thank you dontpushme, Steve and Joe. You did reply the first time Joe Perhaps you forgot, it was nearly 4 weeks ago. she goes for her first scan next week A day before we go back to Manila So hopefully we will have some scan pics for the family there. Where my siblings and my kids I say kids they are 26 and 29 have cut themselves off from me. i really cant believe the family I come from. you would think Jane now carrying our baby it would soften there resolve, no chance ! still end of the day its there lose. You can pick your friends not your family. they know where we live We told they are all welcome but, to no avail so sod them all Jane says they will come round in time My question is how much time ! end of the day Jane my wife is number 1 if the others cant accept then its there lose. enough of my belly aching
    no i don't forget, but i access the forum in my lunch break at work and dont have time to see or read all the new posts, thats why i dont reply or read some

    you can't believe your family you dont know mine if i told you, you wouldn't beleive it

    just look after your self and your misses, its their loss and problem

  5. #35
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    Congratulations from me too.

    Aren't families odd.

    My mum and dad were the old-fashioned kind (yes...prejudiced) so I didn't even tell them I was getting married....just brought my beautiful Filipina bride home and took her round to meet them unannounced.

    Well, they loved her from the start.
    Next hurdle was bringing her 2 kids, and guess what, yes they loved them too.

    Nowt stranger than folk.

    All the rest of my family have been just as welcoming, but it was my first marriage.

  6. #36
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    Congrats to you both great news.

  7. #37
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    Thank you Rose and thank you Graham. im sorry to read of your plight, im sure it will all work out. You have much support on here alone. Graham My parents the same as yours anti coloured and thought it was normal. Never mind. Nice picture of your baby too. my wife's sis has 2 boys from a oz and he looks if he fell out the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down You should see those boys! They look like Angels, so they is hope for me I hope ha ha Thanks again Graham

  8. #38
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    Lancashire lad Thank you for your best wishes ! Graham I think your idea about springing your news on your parents was a good idea They had no time to think about it. At the moment Jane is craving It now boiled bones of all things ! baby ducks in there shells is another Chicken intestines 'Bugger the meat Id rather eat the feet!'

  9. #39
    Member Languish's Avatar
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    Excellent news - well done!

  10. #40
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    congratulations to you, gwapito and jane!!
    Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.

    Whatever is meant to be will always find its way.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Lancashire lad Thank you for your best wishes ! Graham I think your idea about springing your news on your parents was a good idea They had no time to think about it. At the moment Jane is craving It now boiled bones of all things ! baby ducks in there shells is another Chicken intestines 'Bugger the meat Id rather eat the feet!'
    BULALO - boiled bones
    BALUT - baby ducks in there shells is another
    OH YES, INIHAW NA BITUKA - Chicken intestines

    wahahaha! i know how it feels looking for these particular food yummmm...
    Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.

    Whatever is meant to be will always find its way.

  12. #42
    Member bher's Avatar
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    CONGRATULATIONS gwapito and to your wifey.. my husband is also in vasectomy so maybe within nxt year plan to reverse his then, so that we can start working into it and get pregnant yipee..

  13. #43
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    great news well done to the both you

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    I was beginning to think I was the only one with the strange family
    You are not alone there

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    .. At the moment Jane is craving It now boiled bones of all things ! baby ducks in there shells is another Chicken intestines 'Bugger the meat Id rather eat the feet!'
    What no green mango and bagoong!

  16. #46
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    Thank you Languish, Ghee, bher and Steve c. Yes bher, Like I said I had my vasectomy done Jan 1996 and was given at best 50/50 chance. Reason being of course was Jane being just 28yo and in good health, plain and simple I just got to fire the right bullets. looks like your man is much younger than me so you may have a better chance. I did my home work finding the right guy to do the operation. i wont go into detail but the right man was found His name is Duncan Harriss ( that is correct spelling) based at the BMI Park Hospital Nottingham. You look at his web site and what people around the world have to say about him. The cost was £2531. yes It was a gamble but 50% chance is better than no chance In fact Jane and I both said Even he said 5% chance we wld still of gone ahead with it. What he did say was that he will do his bit (operation) I must then do my bit after 2 weeks after op and that is I must use it every day if I can. That we did. Low and behold 5 weeks later she was pregnant. We didnt check until 4 days late Jane was always 29 cycle. I got two cheap testers from pound land then I splashed out on 2 clear blue digi tester. It was like all our Christmases rolled into one. And all just before we go back to Phil. Every time Jane mom called she asked when baby coming. Now they all know. Yehey! Hopefully we will have scan pics as well to take back Jane has scan the day before we leave uk.

  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    hello to everyone I just want to share our greatest of news that Jane is pregnant with our first baby. What makes this so amazing for us is that I just had a reverse vasectomy after getting the vasectomy done Jan 1996. We were told our chances were at best 50% and that if it did work could take up to 14 months to work In fact it took 5 weeks only for Jane to fall pregnant. We felt this would be our biggest goal above all else Money can buy everything else apart from this. We feel so blessed.
    Congratulations to both of you
    It is a beautiful feeling for two people in love to share.

    Our baby daughter is an absolute joy, yours will be too.

    Nature and science combined is a wonderful thing

  18. #48
    Member bher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Thank you Languish, Ghee, bher and Steve c. Yes bher, Like I said I had my vasectomy done Jan 1996 and was given at best 50/50 chance. Reason being of course was Jane being just 28yo and in good health, plain and simple I just got to fire the right bullets. looks like your man is much younger than me so you may have a better chance. I did my home work finding the right guy to do the operation. i wont go into detail but the right man was found His name is Duncan Harriss ( that is correct spelling) based at the BMI Park Hospital Nottingham. You look at his web site and what people around the world have to say about him. The cost was £2531. yes It was a gamble but 50% chance is better than no chance In fact Jane and I both said Even he said 5% chance we wld still of gone ahead with it. What he did say was that he will do his bit (operation) I must then do my bit after 2 weeks after op and that is I must use it every day if I can. That we did. Low and behold 5 weeks later she was pregnant. We didnt check until 4 days late Jane was always 29 cycle. I got two cheap testers from pound land then I splashed out on 2 clear blue digi tester. It was like all our Christmases rolled into one. And all just before we go back to Phil. Every time Jane mom called she asked when baby coming. Now they all know. Yehey! Hopefully we will have scan pics as well to take back Jane has scan the day before we leave uk.
    hello there gwapito, its a bit expensive but i know it would be worth it.. for now we are not into rush to have babies.. still enjoying each other for now while babies are not yet around.. but we will definitely work that out when the right time come.. thank's for that info..again' i am very happy that your jane is preggy now yipee cheers...

  19. #49
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    Ach... that's grand, congratulations, I must have missed your post too

  20. #50
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    Thanks Jim Thanks Apo for your kind thoughts. Apo, I know we have had our run ins in the past At the end of the day we have all got a common thread. At least us guys can get over it. bher, at least you and your husband know you both have hope of a family in the future. To be honest we could not afford it as well I was off work with a back injury for 2months and work did not pay me. The operation was booked back in Feb. No way was I going to cancel so I used the credit card and Jane paid the rest out of her savings. Thats how much we wanted. yes it cld of gone the other way, good fortune was on our side. bher Good luck to you and your husband as well.

  21. #51
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    families, well most have them good or bad, my family are very well with emma, my kids are too, even the ex , then again who cannot she is so kind and makes everyone feel so comfortable,if i had to chose then emma would be first, its my happiness that is important to me, and making emma happy too

  22. #52
    Respected Member dontpushme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    What no green mango and bagoong!
    Haha! That's, like, a staple for all pregnant Filipinas. One of these days, Jane'll probably ask for it.

  23. #53
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    Ha ha Hey dont push me. She has! This why she looking forward to going back home next week. Along with kwek kwek

  24. #54
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    Hi Stevewool I hear what you are saying. But being a life and soul of the party should not be a pre cursor of your family liking your wife or not. my wife may be a little the opposite of yours but that does not make her unlikeable. She is no party animal Thank Goodness ! . All I know is that she loves me I love her and she makes me happy All in all thats all what matters That alone should be enough. A great cook Loves being a home maker I could go on. yes she likes her clothes Who doesn t. That includes me!

  25. #55
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    This really is a success story ! Vasectomy usually involves cutting the tubes carrying sperm from the testes ("balls") to the penis. Reversal re-joins those tubes ....but it's not that simple. The success rate (with pregnancy resulting) is indeed 50% or less. It depends on time after vasectomy (best within 10 years),the female partner's age (under 35) , and (as with any operation) the surgeon's experience. Mr Duncan Harriss performs over 10 reversals / week. What he charges (over £2,500) is the going rate for such operations. They are not likely to be available on the NHS, and where they are, there is a long waiting list.
    The remarkable biological fact in all this is that despite vasectomy, sperm continue to be produced, and that's why reversal may be successful, as in Gwapito's case ! Congratulations .

  26. #56
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    Thank you Doc Alan. The day I had mine operation done I asked the guy who was about to put me under, how many does he normally do in a day, he said ' last Tuesday he did 6' (he operates Mondays and Tuesdays only) my op took 45 minute. I was talking out of me being afraid ! You read these stories about people being put under and never waking This internet can be a wonderful thing but, too much information is not always a good thing.

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