I certainly don't think you are sticking up for our way of life and our servicemen at all,They are disgusting maggots for doing this and maybe when another attempt to kill British civilians takes place and is successful you may think again.
We do not attempt to kill innocent civilians unlike the Islamic nutters,we avoid it as much as we can which costs us more soldiers lives.
A Muslim extremist bomber would kill a nursery full of kids if he could.
Anyway I'm looking forward to attending the service on sunday,you enjoy your day john.
Not to mention the kids as yet unborn that will be maimed by the "spent uranium" the armed services are also suffering from this and the denial and avoidance of such crimes by western leaders and the high command is appaling. this is genocide
and outlawed by the geneva convention we shouldnt be suprised when there is a back lash
We clearly havnt learnt the lessons of history not our servicemens fault but the Politicians and their behind the scenes masters![]()
Absit invidia
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Some people never look at the big picture by not connecting recent events with previous bigger outrages
It is racist and xenaphobic to ignore much larger horrific events.
How would we as British react if we were invaded?
There was actually a big march against extremism in Central London by mostly Muslims a couple of years back. Also recently in Tower Hamlets the locals help stop a conference being held by the Islamic Forum of Europe.orts There are plenty of ongoing efforts by the Muslim community against these people. This stuff doesn't seem to get reported though because presumably it doesn't fit in with Muslims being our latest scapegoats.
Still, I don't get why Muslims seem to be the only ones asked to come out and **** off obvious muppets within their own communities. When David Copeland was carrying out his murderous bombing campaign against blacks and asian - I don't remember anyone saying 'why aren't white people condemning him?'. It was obvious he was a loon. The fact he was white didn't come into it. I don't see why the same shouldn't apply to Muslims.
Lestaxi. I am not sticking up for our way of life. I believe everyone has a right to live the live they want, providing it does not interfere with others doing the same. As most of us in this forum have Asian connections I am always surprised when remarks, tantamount to racist, are expressed.
Quote:- A Muslim extremist bomber would kill a nursery full of kids if he could.
There are nutters everywhere, Dunblane !
Quote:_- We do not attempt to kill innocent civilians unlike the Islamic nutters, we avoid it as much as we can which costs us more soldiers lives.
We, have failed spectacularly in that goal.
Nice bunch of guys http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage...ppy-thugs.html
We have not failed as it is not our policy to kill innocent civilians,sadly it is a consequence of conflict that this will happen regrettably especially when the Taliban purposely attack from populated areas including schools.
When they attempt to blow planes out of the sky or London transport etc that is totally civilian based so my point is valid,yours is not.
I'm not anti Asian,I am anti Taliban,Muslim extremist, bloody hell what are you talking about? You seem to think racists can only be white,take a trip down manningham lane,Bradford mate and you will see what racism is all about,you will be lucky to get out of there safely.
Quote:_-Lestaxi. I am not sticking up for our way of life. I believe everyone has a right to live the live they want, providing it does not interfere with others doing the same.
So wishing English servicemen dead,celebrating that fact,clearly upsetting the vast majority of the British population is fine with you.I don't see many white preachers of hate wishing all Muslims to die on street corners, and celebrating the deaths of innocent civilians do you?.
We have a large army training camp up here for young school leavers wishing to make a better life for themselves,rather roaming streets and being unemployed they want to make something of their lives.We get to pick these kids up and take them in to town,after 10 months they attend their passing out parade and their parents it is the proudest day of their life and I see the pride in their eyes.
So sad to see the hurt and pain in their eyes when their child have been blown to bit by a roadside bomb.
The parents then attend remembrance day to see the disgusting sights we saw the other day and one or two people on this site don't see much of a problem with that,and as usual when a white British person criticizes the 0other white person then he is labelled a racist typical.
I don't wish to discuss this with you anymore John clearly you think I am a racist (strange I have an Asian girlfriend tho)
I look forward to Sunday when I will be with thousands of loyal patriotic people honouring our brave dead and not one of them burning the Koran or shouting anti Muslim slogans.
Thousands upon thousands of civilians have been killed in Iraq due to different Muslim sects and groupings blowing each other up plus a few al qaeda bombings. Not a month seems to go by without another 10 or so suicide bombings in Pakistan and I don't think they were on the invasion list.
Dedworth we are wasting our time on this thread,luckily most of the nation are outraged and rightly so.
Where will you be attending service?
We will have army apprentice march through the town,makes people feel proud to be British,I will take camera a post some pics maybe.![]()
Les, I agree totally with you, and I refuse to be beaten down by either the group-hugging do-gooders, or the muslims.
We also have a right to defend our country, our culture and our heritage from this insidious Trojan Horse, without being silenced by our own governments !
Incidentally, my dad (after serving 30 years in the RN) taught for 15 years at the Army Apprentice College you're speaking of.
Damned proud of it he was too.
I bet he was and to see these kids develop from giggling teenagers into proud young men and women is fantastic to see.
Not work shy drug taking benefit claimants either
When it's passing out parade I'm up and down to the camp picking up the unbelievably proud parents,so excited their young son or daughter has learnt discipline,forged a career and has learnt manners and respect,that is to be applauded.
Thats what makes me proud to be British and I'm not going to give in to the Islamic extremists and sympathisers we read about and see their utter contempt for the country they live in.
You want an Islamic state well **** off out of this country and go and find your own.
Why don't you actively campaign for a set of laws on patriotism, which would oblige people who want to live in UK to comply with. From what you have said that appears to be what you want. I for one would not object to that. I spent 30 years working to uphold and enforce the laws of the UK and took an oath to the Queen to do so.
I now live in Spain and I show respect for the country, which I believe one should do wherever they live.
The main problem is that many people get confused between 'what they think the law should be' with 'what the law actually is.' At present there are no laws which require citizens to be patriotic. If there were the police would enforce them.
Your speech would last approx 2 minutes if thatAlso tell me what would happen if I stand on a soap box in Karachi
In retaliation we should burn or crop-spray each and every poppy-field in Afghanistan,they burn our poppies we burn theirs,tit-for-tat,massive amount of cash flows into Pakistan/Afghanistan from papiverum somniferum![]()
Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.
Well again, that is down to the do-gooders, and their hair-brained idea of giving the Afghanis an alternative crop first
One of these days these fools will wake up and comprehend the reality of human nature, and accept the fact that 'civilisation' is but a thin veneer.
Survival of the fittest will always rule the day, and in our world that means who has the most money....or who is paying the most.
Survival of the fittest will always rule the day, and in our world that means who has the most money....or who is paying the most.
Graham in many circumstances I would agree but certainly Russia had tremendously more might and finance than Afghanistan, they lost; France followed by USA equally were in all ways mightier than Vietnam, they both lost. There are many other examples too.
Perhaps you may find a secret US organisation is using some of the income generated from the trade in heroin to fund a coup or a revolution somewhere - don't say it hasn't happened before
A friend of mine was recently in Kabul and he wanted to buy a vest as it was getting colder at night. Upon visting the local tailor he was told " We have 2 styles Sir, Bullet proof and Suicide"
The Americans and Russians simply didn't bring their full power to bear.
They chose not to use nuclear weapons.
I have always been of the opinion that Afghanistan is a lost cause though (as Russia found when pursuing a 'conventional' war), partly due to the geography, and not least due to the limitations that we have imposed upon our own fighting forces.
Chemical weapons would also wipe out all human life anywhere we chose to use them.
As with everything in this world, it's never that simple.
...Depends how far we are pushed.
Grahan with views like that remind me never to fall out with you !!!!!!!!!
Nuking the world seems self destructive.
Incidents of this nature go "way beyond the pale" ... and [literally] make me see RED!And
wholeheartedly with Dedworth, lestaxi and others. God alone knows - with the possible exception of Allah ... and any of the so-called deities - how these *barbarians manage to infiltrate our (for the most part) civilised shores, when decent, law-abiding citizens of many other non-European nations - notably (for us) the Philippines - find it increasingly difficult to come here to the UK for even a visit ... let alone settle with their British partners.
Sadly,*they're here to stay, it seems ... thanks to the namby-pamby lack of backbone and foresight on the part of successive British **governments pandering to the whimsical dictates of "human rights" that invariably apply to all but the people who elected them - and whom **they purport to represent.
In my view,those who choose to make their homes in this country have an obligation to adapt to the lifestyle here and, moreover, comply with our laws - not the other way round!
It's high time our peelie-wally politicians stood up to their responsibilities and declared - "enough is ENOUGH!"
Well said Arthur a few of us on here won't lie down and take these insults to our culture,and brave servicemen.
You have to stand up and be counted,if I see any Muslims (unlikely thank god) in town burning Poppies i will take their photo's no problem and tell them what i think of them.![]()
Well said ArthurI completely agree with you. For the record, I am not racist and have no problem with muslims, foreigners, non Anglo Saxon, non Celts, martians or anyone else who wants to live here - as long as they accept that Britain has 2000 years of Christian/Western traditions and Christo Judaic Laws. We are not about to change this for a small minority, and if you want to live here you have to live by our laws. If that makes me a racist you'd better get me a white sheet and a burning cross
Arthur and others.
You may think people who settle in a country have an obligation to fit in but whilst some countries have laws which oblige people to do that UK does not. So until you can get the law changed you are stuck with what UK has. Complaining here, about how you would like things to be, will not change anything.
I solved the problem, I left UK.
That is very true John, I am not proposing that the UK legislates to change this. However, I believe that it is polite and respectful to accept the traditions of your host country, even if you don't agree with them.
For me, someone who calls themselves British, does so out of a sense of pride for everything this great nation has done and stands for. These so called British Muslims, are only British when it suits them, they have no loyalty to this nation, as has been seen at demonstrations over recent years. However, as soon as the Police come knocking on their doors, they are British then and want the full protection of British lawSorry, but you can't have it both ways.
I don't think that my views are particularly extreme, and I'm confident that they are representative of the majority of the British public. It's about time our politicians started listening to the electorate and did something about it.
I'm not suggesting that the UK will go the same way as Yugoslavia, but what happened there is a lesson to all countries of what can happen when the public get fed up with non indiginous people ignoring and flouting their hosts traditions. The UK is a far more tolerant country than most, but push people too far and they turn - Even the Dutch, the most liberal of all Europeans are hardening their stance on minorities taking the pee out of their relaxed good nature.
did they see themselves as British thou ?
as I've posted a few times on here, i use to work with 2 Libyan brothers who's mother was British, even thou both were born in Libya and both had British passports, but they didn't see themselves as British in anyway, they use to laugh and joke about British soldiers been killed because they killed their 'Muslim brothers'![]()
I live in Leicester, I am white and I am the minority. That really isn't a problem for me, most of my friends, colleagues and clients are Asian (Indian sub-continent), I have been to India 5 times and know far more about Indian culture than most white people do. My city is a peaceful city where all races and religions get on, and I want to keep it that way. However, extremism will create a divide between the White/Hindu's on one side and the Muslims on the other. If we allow these extremists to continue to preach their hate of the west, divides and cracks will appear all over the country. No one wants that, but I'm sure they didn't want a war in Yugoslavia either
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