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Thread: Hello... Can anyone give some advice?

  1. #1
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    Hello... Can anyone give some advice?


    I met Sheila, my Filipina girlfriend, back in 2004. At first we were just friends, and e-mailed each other daily whilst getting to know each other.

    Just some background - I am 31, and Shei is 35. Shei is separated from her husband, and has a daughter aged 9.

    In April 2005, our relationship went a little further as we were both in love with each other, and we both wanted the relationship to progress. At this time, we kept in constant contact via e-mails and Yahoo Messenger. Shei works in an internet cafe - which is a big help. I wake early each morning to chat with her online before I set off for work. Each evening, I write her an e-mail. And each lunchtime, I call her using a reduced rate number. We have our arguments, but mostly we just love each other's company.

    Shei wanted me to visit her in Davao, but Government warnings suggested that the place was unsafe. So, I decided to bring her and her daughter here for a 3/4 week visit. We applied for a visit visa in 2006, but were rejected on the grounds that they believed Shei would not return back to the Philippines - despite us providing evidence that her family depended on her returning. They also disbelieved that I would be willing to pay for the air tickets, and cost of staying here.

    In May 2007, we decided to meet in Hong Kong. In June we finally met each other in person, and had a great 2 weeks. But, I am missing her terribly.

    I want to go to Davao - maybe early in 2008, and I want Sheila to seek an annullment in this time too. Yes, it is going to be expensive, but I have really decided that I want to spend my life with her. I never experienced such a deep feeling.

    But - I am looking even further ahead than annullments and visits to The Philippines. Having already been stung with a visa refusal - I am scared that any further application will be refused. Remember, I am not only bringing my girlfriend to the UK, but her daughter as well.

    Is a Fiance visa the way forward - or is a spouse visa a better option? Has anyone else had a similar experience of bringing across their partner and a child? In any application for a visa, will e-mail correspondence between us both suffice? We have written letters, but not so regularly because we are in daily contact. We also have pictures of our meetings in Hong Kong.

    How long do fiance and spouse visas take? I know I am looking a long way ahead (after all, we still have to meet in The Phils, and we have to get her previous marriage annulled) but I am desperate to know if all this is actually possible. I know it is a complicated situation, but I am so in love with this girl. Since we left Hong Kong, I am lost.

    Thanks in advance, and sorry to trouble you.


  2. #2
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Hi Ady and welcome to the forum Filling annulment is the first thing to do get a good lawyer ... as long as the proceeding started you can use all the legal documents from petition, pretrials, motions and even sobpoena's to prove that the proceeding has started... as stated in the application form proof that the proceeding is on going... since you cannot marry her in Philippines she still legally married the best is to apply for fiancee visa....
    tiger tigress

    ♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.

  3. #3
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    Many thanks for your response, and welcoming me to your forum. Do you think it is still possible to apply for a fiance visa whilst the annulment process is ongoing? Or would it be better to wait for the annulment process to be completed?

    Quote Originally Posted by tiger@tigress View Post
    since you cannot marry her in Philippines she still legally married the best is to apply for fiancee visa....
    Sorry - another question... even after annulment a marriage in the Philippines is still not possible?



  4. #4
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ady View Post
    Do you think it is still possible to apply for a fiance visa whilst the annulment process is ongoing?Ady
    Don't try!

    Get her marriage annul first and after that you're both legally can get married in the Phils.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  5. #5
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ady View Post
    Many thanks for your response, and welcoming me to your forum. Do you think it is still possible to apply for a fiance visa whilst the annulment process is ongoing? Or would it be better to wait for the annulment process to be completed?
    Sorry - another question... even after annulment a marriage in the Philippines is still not possible?
    We did it and i got the visa one month w/o interview (me and my daughter) while the annulment is still in process (make sure she testify first) we got married here last week... yes after you got the Decree you can get married in Philippines.... If you want to do this you must be brave enough to and pray hard enough like we did.... But we didnt leave stone unturned... we submit tons of documents.....
    tiger tigress

    ♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.

  6. #6
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Hi Ady,
    There is another option in Philippines which is much faster and much cheaper than annulment but it only works if the husband is not around anymore; or in some rare cases, it works with his consent (he knows whats going on, but he keeps his mouth shut cos he's got his own plans). It's called presumptive death and it, means that the husband is declared dead, but only for the purposes of re-marriage. Before you get into the long drawn out process of annulment, it might be worth checking it out.

  7. #7
    Respected Member hilda_danao's Avatar
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    Hi Ady!
    I think you should process & complete the annulment. after that, you'll have no problem getting her a visa. I understand that you trust her & you are in love with each other, but you should visit her & her kids in her home in Davao as soon as you can (Davao is the safest city in Mindanao though there could still be some terrorist alert there. You can see many foreigners in Davao). Not only that you can prove she's really separated from her husband, you can also meet a lawyer & discuss annulment process. it's better to do everything in a safe & legal way. Good luck!

  8. #8
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    You can see many foreigners in Davao
    I seen ONE in 2 weeks
    Keith - Administrator

  9. #9
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    Many Thanks guys

    Really this site is a big help - I wish I had found it 3 years earlier.

    I think I will seek an annullment before getting a visa. And it is an idea to go to Davao - although we hear so many bad things and that is why we met in HK, mainly my families concerns.

    But - travel to Davao is a completely new topic and one I may start soon.

  10. #10
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger@tigress View Post
    We did it and i got the visa one month w/o interview (me and my daughter) while the annulment is still in process (make sure she testify first) we got married here last week... yes after you got the Decree you can get married in Philippines.... If you want to do this you must be brave enough to and pray hard enough like we did.... But we didnt leave stone unturned... we submit tons of documents.....
    Finally, it's out! Go gurl. (U know what im talking about...)
    Oh btw, Congratulations & Best Wishes to u and ur hubby.
    Faith makes all things possible.
    makes them easy.

  11. #11
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    if shiella's been separated with hr husband for almost six years then he can file an annullment, best way to do, sort her annulment in the philippines ad get married there, then regester it in the uk and she became your wife, and will be allowed to come to the uk,u have to stablish to your governent that sheilla wont be a liability to this country,refusal in the first thing is normal as you can not stablish your relatioship, what they might try to avoid is the human trafficking, thats y you have to stablish deeper reason why she will be allowed to come and stay with you. if you plan to visit philippines, if you feel you're not safe in davao, then go somewhere else close to her place, like manila and spen time with her, nice resort are plenty, like boracay

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