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Thread: Rent -a-mob violent protests in London

  1. #1
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    Angry Rent -a-mob violent protests in London

    A car containing Prince Charles and Camilla has been attacked by protesters in violent scenes following the vote to raise tuition fees in England to up to £9,000 per year.

    I heard this morning how untold streets in London had been closed because of the demonstrations but did not know about all this violence until checking the online news now 9.30pm.

    The Met need to remove their kid gloves and take a leaf out of the foreign riot police book - the only way to deal with a rabble like these scum is to fight fire with fire - the boot, baton and CS gas should be used unflinchingly

  2. #2
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Yes against the hard core thugs I agree.
    What I would do is add the damage costs,policing costs etc to the tuition fees and say the more you carry on the more they go up.
    For a lot of us we did not have the privilege of extra education we had to get jobs to support the family.
    Poor students with their ipods and top of the range mobile phones-my heart bleeds.

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Too many people in Uni ..... degrees have been watered down by labour, and a lot of them are useless......

    As for the Prince's car..... what the hell did they go through the at risk area for?
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
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    A lot of them will be doing dumbed down degrees in fields such as Media Studies, Nose Picking, Social Work that they got into waving A Level certificates that are easier to pass than the old CSE.

    Funnily enough it was the Tory Government in the late 80's that started dumbing down the system by introducing GCSE's that no-one can fail.

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Believe me, folks ... I'm not condoning violent nor unruly behaviour! Nor am I in favour of some of the ridiculous, trumped-up degree courses available to almost everyone and their grannies nowadays. And, like many - if not most - of my generation, I did not attend University. But, having said that, those of my age group who were [dare I say?] clever enough to achieve this level of education (mainly those destined for the 'professions') weren't expected to pay tuition fees; indeed they actually received financial assistance towards their studies ... in the form of Higher Education Bursaries, Scholarships and Grants. Therefore, it has to be admitted that, by comparison, today's students are getting the thin end of the wedge ... in being expected to bear the full brunt of being born intelligent.

    Look at it this way: With the dearth of employment prospects available to match their brainpower, these youngsters could find themselves in "Queer Street" - paying back student loans until well into middle age! So ask yourselves honestly ... can you really blame them for their justifiable outrage?

  6. #6
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Believe me, folks ... I'm not condoning violent nor unruly behaviour! Nor am I in favour of some of the ridiculous, trumped-up degree courses available to almost everyone and their grannies nowadays. And, like many - if not most - of my generation, I did not attend University. But, having said that, those of my age group who were [dare I say?] clever enough to achieve this level of education (mainly those destined for the 'professions') weren't expected to pay tuition fees; indeed they actually received financial assistance towards their studies ... in the form of Higher Education Bursaries, Scholarships and Grants. Therefore, it has to be admitted that, by comparison, today's students are getting the thin end of the wedge ... in being expected to bear the full brunt of being born intelligent.

    Look at it this way: With the dearth of employment prospects available to match their brainpower, these youngsters could find themselves in "Queer Street" - paying back student loans until well into middle age! So ask yourselves honestly ... can you really blame them for their justifiable outrage?
    What they did was not justifiable in any way, peaceful protest yes but not mob on rampage.

    Some of them are not that intelligent believe me,many lack basic maths and grammar skills,I pick lots of them up and they are decent kids but unfortunately think life is all take,take.

    For lots uni is a good fun time with learning involved but some of them don't even have an idea of the career they will take later on.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    What they did was not justifiable in any way, peaceful protest yes but not mob on rampage.

    Some of them are not that intelligent believe me,many lack basic maths and grammar skills,I pick lots of them up and they are decent kids but unfortunately think life is all take,take.

    For lots uni is a good fun time with learning involved but some of them don't even have an idea of the career they will take later on.
    Proposed for Common Sense Post of The Day Award

  8. #8
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    i can understand the tories doing it but the lib dems

    paying back half the cost seems fair to me...
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    i can understand the tories doing it but the lib dems

    paying back half the cost seems fair to me...
    You need to take a reality pill - they all like the taste of power

    How about that stalwart of Socialism Peter "Brazilian Houseboy" Mandelson - grandson of Herbert Stanley Morrison - he's more at home with the Rothschilds, de Beers, Russian Oligarchs etc than slumming it on the picket line. What's happened to Tony Blair is he still employed as some kind of Mid East Peace Envoy ?

  10. #10
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    You need to take a reality pill
    who me

    fact is the tories will look after the rich and tax the poor, the lib dems have given away their voice to be in goverment
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    who me

    fact is the tories will look after the rich and tax the poor, the lib dems have given away their voice to be in goverment
    Yes you

    You've mentioned two mainstream political parties - how about the Labourites where do they stand in this fantasy Robin Hood take from the rich and give to the poor world of yours ?

    These 3 chancers are typical

    MPs for hire: three former Labour ministers banned from Parliament

    Following a formal sleaze inquiry, the Commons Standards and Privileges Committee took the unprecedented step of ordering Geoff Hoon, defence secretary under Tony Blair, to surrender his Parliamentary pass for five years and apologise to the House.

    Stephen Byers, the former transport secretary who told undercover reporters posing as lobbyists that he was a “cab for hire,” was barred for two years for a “particularly serious breach”.

    The punishment would have been more severe but he was given credit for apologising.

  12. #12
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    do you remember the wonderful maggie thatcher and all that she stands for
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  13. #13
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    Some of them are not that intelligent believe me,many lack basic maths and grammar skills,I pick lots of them up and they are decent kids but unfortunately think life is all take,take.
    Oh they're intelligent enough! Problem is they don't measure up on fundamental maths and grammatical skills - in that they can neither count nor spell properly - , Les ... and it makes me grit my teeth too!! But then, those shortcomings derive from the apparent disregard (by the teaching profession in the UK) for the importance of such once-revered abilities. And the present-day lack of strict and effective disciplinary procedures in British schools doesn't exactly encourage the awe and respect pupils once had for their teachers.

    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    For lots uni is a good fun time with learning involved but some of them don't even have an idea of the career they will take later on.
    ... but there again, that's nothing new!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    do you remember the wonderful maggie thatcher and all that she stands for
    Standard Labour response you quote ancient history and can only blame Maggie for all the present problems whereas I'm talking about 2010.

    How about the impact of Disraeli, Atlee, Chamberlain etc on 21st century Britain did they cause us to end up as a multicultural crime ridden, drug infested sl_ag heap with it more gainful to be fraudulently claiming benefits rather than earning an honest days living ?

  15. #15
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Standard Labour response you quote ancient history and can only blame Maggie for all the present problems whereas I'm talking about 2010.
    the tories just copied labour and got themselfs a blair and havent changed.

    looks whos talking ancient history, havent you heard its 2010 almost 2011
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  16. #16
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Yes you

    These 3 chancers are typical

    MPs for hire: three former Labour ministers banned from Parliament

    Following a formal sleaze inquiry, the Commons Standards and Privileges Committee took the unprecedented step of ordering Geoff Hoon, defence secretary under Tony Blair, to surrender his Parliamentary pass for five years and apologise to the House.

    Stephen Byers, the former transport secretary who told undercover reporters posing as lobbyists that he was a “cab for hire,” was barred for two years for a “particularly serious breach”.

    The punishment would have been more severe but he was given credit for apologising.
    ... at the risk of appearing pedantic ... that's two ... who's the third?

  17. #17
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ... at the risk of appearing pedantic ... that's two ... who's the third?
    his argument is coming up short, a bit like chelsea
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  18. #18
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ... at the risk of appearing pedantic ... that's two ... who's the third?
    Ah yes ... one, Richard Caborn ... a "lesser" mortal!

  19. #19
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Funnily enough it was the Tory Government in the late 80's that started dumbing down the system by introducing GCSE's that no-one can fail.
    When I was teaching, and report time came around, I was never allowed to say' little Johnny is rubbish at this, this and this' I had to arrange my wording in a way that wiped his asre and pampered to the feeling of the student. Heaven forbid that I tell the truth and hurt the feelings of the student!! Political correctness what a JOKE!!
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  20. #20
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    My son just started his 3rd year of 5 ..Sounds like he is gonna be a lot more in debt then we first accounted for...
    So when are they due to go up??

  21. #21
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    Pictures of the rioting scum here

    I fully agree with this comment posted on the Mail website :-

    Recent events remind me of California in the days when Ronald Reagan first ran for office in the late 1960s determined to stop the endless student riots in UC Berkeley. He said, "Higher education is a privilege and not a right so these hoodlums should be thrown out. They are spoiled brats who do not deserve to be at a great state university." Nobody much cared when the ineffectual principal was fired but he got their attention when he proposed slashing the university budget and upping student fees to compensate. When mayhem once again broke out on campus he sent in the National Guard who arrested over a thousand rioters most of whom landed up in the Santa Rita jail. Around the same time at Cambridge University, Mr Justice Melford Stevenson sent rioting students to Borstal for three years. If 21st century students are resorting to the street violence of the 1960s perhaps we need some of that era's policing and sentencing.

  22. #22
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    well i for one is not intrested in these so called people doing damage to our city our future king and so on there is no need for anyone to cause damage or to frighten people just to get there own way, as for the police just standing back taking pictures , well is that wrong or right, people doing criminal damaged should be picked out and took out straight away , if you are innocent then you should not be there, as for charles well the police should have acted faster and drawn there guns, how far do this idiots have to go before some one is killed , the **** shouting off with there heads my god proud to be brittish , not with these so called idiots causing so much trouble

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