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Thread: name changes and ILR

  1. #1
    Respected Member sparky's Avatar
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    name changes and ILR

    on the wifes visa and passport states her maiden name but now shes a married lady here and we change her name to my surname will that play havoc with the ILR visa??

    this is something that has been niggling me- i would like her to take my name legally-= at present we sort of hyphenate it but not for any official paperwork where we still use her maiden name ie DWP for NI number and regustered at the docs etc

    and suggestions advice on this one?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    The ILR form asks for the name as it appears in the passport.
    If your wife still has her maiden name in the passport when completing the ILR form then use the passport name.

    Regarding name changes, when I got married my wife took my surname as hers, but then used her maiden name as a new 'middle' name. When she informed anyone of her new name following marriage she also included her maiden as the middle name.
    I think this is basic Phils tradition anyway.
    It's never been any problem

    The more different names you use the more complicated becomes means of providing Identity. Especially when it comes to national Insurance, income tax, pay slips, pension and banking etc. Whatever name is used it's better to use the same on for all at some time.

  3. #3
    Respected Member RuBiX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    The ILR form asks for the name as it appears in the passport.
    If your wife still has her maiden name in the passport when completing the ILR form then use the passport name.

    Regarding name changes, when I got married my wife took my surname as hers, but then used her maiden name as a new 'middle' name. When she informed anyone of her new name following marriage she also included her maiden as the middle name.
    I think this is basic Phils tradition anyway.
    It's never been any problem

    The more different names you use the more complicated becomes means of providing Identity. Especially when it comes to national Insurance, income tax, pay slips, pension and banking etc. Whatever name is used it's better to use the same on for all at some time.
    Yes same here to Terpe, Sparky. I use my maiden name as my middle name and use my husband's family name now. Philippine Embassy amended my passport, but I think they don't ammend now, you just have to renew your passport if you want your name changed. Just check Philippine Embassy website

    Good luck

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