After all those paranoid days thinking about the result of my visa, I finally got it on July 10 which was exactly 2 months since i submitted application.
As mentioned in my previous posts, I was worried why there was no result of my application on the 7th week when others got their visa in just 4-6 weeks. Fiance did phone the embassy and he was told "no decision yet". So we just put in our minds to better wait until 3 months before another follow up.
But anyway, those paranoid days are now gone but being covered by the feeling of excitement !!!Things happen when they are less expected hehehehe
Thank you everyone for all those encouragement, about having more patience in waiting for the result. I know you did understand my feelings as you were in the same situation as me when you were also waiting for your result. Thanks a lot to this forum. I did follow everything from members tips, advice and experience.
To all members thank youespecially to Sir Joebloggs, Scotsfiancee, Eljean, Chrisirene,Andypaul, Briank and most especially to Boss Keith. A million thankssssssssssssss.............