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Thread: Two Year Family Visit Visa approved

  1. #1
    Member bruneicop's Avatar
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    Two Year Family Visit Visa approved

    Just picked up the wife's passport all approved.

    I also checked with the EMbassy again and they have confirmed that she will get six months form the entry date. (It wont be back dated on the old visa which is a relief)

    This will take us up to September and then we can get the spouse visa.

    Just have to find a job now back in Blighty!!!!!

  2. #2
    Respected Member alanmf1's Avatar
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    many congratulations

  3. #3
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Good News!!..Congratulations!!!
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruneicop View Post
    Just picked up the wife's passport all approved.

    I also checked with the EMbassy again and they have confirmed that she will get six months form the entry date. (It wont be back dated on the old visa which is a relief)

    This will take us up to September and then we can get the spouse visa.

    Just have to find a job now back in Blighty!!!!!
    Well done and congratulations

    Hope everything will be smooth for September visa application.

  5. #5
    Member sophiamarie's Avatar
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    CONGRATULATIONS bruneicop well done
    Everything happens for a reason, yet God makes impossible things POSSIBLE!

  6. #6
    Member bruneicop's Avatar
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    Thanks peeps, its a huge weight off of our minds,we really didn't want to be apart.

    Will start getting the docs ready for the spouse application as soon as we can...hopefully no problems.

  7. #7
    Respected Member
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    Congratulations, hope all goes well with your search for work in the Uk and with your Spouse Visa application

    Does that mean you'll have to change your screen name from Bruneicop now

  8. #8
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Must be a big relif for you both
    All the best.

  9. #9
    Member bruneicop's Avatar
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    I was actually thinking of changing the name, Hate it, dont know why i picked that one!!!, means nothing

    Hi Mick, yes a huge relief!!

  10. #10
    Member PeterUK's Avatar
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    Congatulations hope all goes well for you in September.

    Its the same as mine god knows why I came on the Filuk site and put PeteUK. Im not even in the UK work in Syria and live in the Phils.

    Question that some may be able to answer when you bring your Fiancee to the Uk on the 6 months fiancee visa is it in the regulations that you have to live together for the whole of that period, am asking because If I ever did it and I work in the Gulf and Middle East is that ok or do you have to prove you have work in UK or would they look at me because I dont pay any UK taxes. I know they look at means of support and not using any public services, well I can never get any of that anyways as receive a Military Pension after 24 years service. Just a thought

    Good Luck with the job hunting Brunei

  11. #11
    Member bruneicop's Avatar
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    HI Peter,

    Need all the good luck i can, (wife was doing all the Chinese New Year things last week as well so hopefully the approval of this visa was the start of it , (2010 was hell, here's hoping things work out in 11) job hunt is going OK, hopefully hear by the end of this week on a couple of oppertunities. (Oil and Gas sector is tough but experience should see me right)

    On Some of your quesions You dont need to be staying with your wife for the whole 6 months, (are you travelling in with her?)

    The thing they will worry about is where you are going to stay. (i seem to remember another post you said you had hotel bookings and such?)

    I had a letter from my parents saying that the Wife could stay in her house for the duration of the trip and this was accepted no problem on all the visa's that we have applied for.

    My wife also travelled in on her own with the baby, and infact left on her own too, as i was back working in Brunei

    They wont look into your tax status, (as long as you can provide the 3 months bank statements then thats fine. (we didnt have savings per say, but what i did have was a monthly salary coming in and my wife had joint access to the bank account so just stated on the form that this money was available to her for the duration of the trip.

    Hope this helps,

    And good luck on getting the approval, I am sure you will be fine. (never knew it would be this stressful to go on holiday eh?)

  12. #12
    Member PeterUK's Avatar
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    Thank Brunei, What type of work you looking for? See your Oil and Gas. Same Sector as me. Im currently at a Training Centre for Syrian Gas, about 160 km north of Damascus, prior to that was working in Abu Dhabi for a year on contract and 5 years in Kuwait for Kuwait Petroleum Corporation(KPC) If you have loads of experience, have you thought about doing a teaching qualification in the Uk when you arrive? look into Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) the courses are quite quick can do it in a week full time and thats the basic Qualification thats needed working in the Sector.
    Once you have the qualification there seems to be quite a few training/teaching/assessing jobs within the Sector. Let me know your discipline may be able to search for some stuff for you and let you know. We were desperate for a Mechanical Engineer Trainer up to last week but have just managed to get one. There is only 9 of us here so quite a small set up but we all have some good networking opportunities within the Sector. All the best on the search.

  13. #13
    Member bruneicop's Avatar
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    Thanks Peter I am more into Business Development / General Management, my current role is Asia Pac Manager for a small manufacturer in the states, I am looking at similar type roles for the UK, (hopefully one that allows me to travel with the job),

    Been in Sales for 13 years, (management for the last 6) but as with any business development i dont need to be an expert on the equipment, (just need to know how to get it sold!!)

    If you hear of anything give me a shout.



  14. #14
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruneicop View Post
    Just picked up the wife's passport all approved.

    I also checked with the EMbassy again and they have confirmed that she will get six months form the entry date. (It wont be back dated on the old visa which is a relief)

    This will take us up to September and then we can get the spouse visa.

    Just have to find a job now back in Blighty!!!!!
    Congratulations ... and all the best in the job hunt, Steve!

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