I will tell you this Im no racist Im married to my Filipina who is having our first child soon. Arthur is right about what Born a birth said about his Grand father. Mine too, they would all be turning in there graves after seeing the state of this county they fought for on the Somme Both my Grand dads were there. All my uncles fought in the 2nd world war 2 didnt come back and my Dad in Korea, what was it all for? Jack **** I say. Millions died in the name of freedom, freedom for whom? Not us, we are the slaves now, whats gone around has come around. Did i hear right, Born a birth saying the ban button is only a press away, who does that sound like, it sounded like a past Mod who got himself banned.
I wonder how the British public ever allowed things to go so far?
Cant imagine the French or even the Filipino`s ever letting their governments go against the peoples wishes to such an extent.
Perhaps its because they know we are such a tolerant lot and took advantage of that..
British people are being scammed..Have been for years IMO and they have allowed it to happen.
That is one of our defining qualities Fred, not something that was necessarily there throughout our entire history but it is a part of our national character that I grew up with and something I value greatly.
The question now is what do we want to lose, we can be reactionary and play to the agenda of the enemies of our way of life, or we can try to rise above simplistic reactionary politics and be something better.
I am not a religious man but I have always had great respect for the Christian notion of turning the other cheek, for that I will doubtless be flamed by others.
Jim..I understand what you mean perfectly.The question now is what do we want to lose, we can be reactionary and play to the agenda of the enemies of our way of life, or we can try to rise above simplistic reactionary politics and be something better.
The problem for me Jim is thats what many of us have been doing for years.
Turning the other cheek and being true to our tolerant nature..Just getting on with it ,stiff upper lip and all that..
But with what reward?
For me,it seems that our out of touch Politicians have been misrepresenting us for so long now that we are regarded by the world as a nation of soft touches..
Look at the type of thing that has happened as a consequence since.. When I got married 22 years ago,my wife was with me in the UK 2 weeks later..End of story..And why not?? It was my right!!!!
I felt quite proud as I introduced her to the UK back then!
These days we have good honest guys like Alan who are still stuck in Cebu as its the only way after 3 years of marriage he can be with his wife..Not to mention the many sad distances that separate many of the Brit-Fil married membership here..
Then we hear more stories of another sector of extremist immigrants that are free to live in the UK that treat our tolerance with contempt!
Hey!!! Rant over...I can feel the old demonic emotions coming back..
One of the reasons I left.![]()
There is no reward Fred only the knowledge that you are true to yourself.
If we stop trying then the one thing we can be sure of is that the forces of the manipulatable reactionary minority will be twisted against the long term interests of the majority of reasonable people.
Our problems with our politicians are another issue and a major one at that, as a young man I will freely admit that I was so clueless that I would not have known how to even begin to evaluate whether our politicians were acting for themselves or even paying lip service to the notion that we are all in this together, for the greater good and so on. I did have an emotional response to what was going on in the 80's though and not a good response I might say
It is probably even harder for the young folk today to get to grips with politics and as we all know there is great apathy when it comes to political debate in the UK these days.
We need to solve these kinds of problem first otherwise those who desire to see the end of our way of life have already won and it is only a matter of time before all the doom-sayers prophesy's come true.
Lets deal with the politics first, somehow. Simply reacting against the news headlines won't fix anything it only increases the polarisation in our country.
I'll PM you on your "two weeks" point, i wasn't aware :(
Alan, well I've met Alan, really good bloke and like me he is a victim of the system and that is a system that is not getting any better largely because of the perceived problems with our immigration policy that have encouraged tighter and tighter controls.
Relax friend Fred, you escapedI'm sorry to have resurrected some of the old demons.
Wow busy thread lots of replys
First D what exactly did you find to be malisious? all i did was made your post reflect the equal horrors of aspiring to a good life but unfortunatly being in Bagdad on that date when the "smart bombs" rained down
For me its all the same no matter if your a family suffering loss there or in London Its also in my view true that past behaviour leads to cause and effect consiquences that indeed may have unfortunate and terrible affects on ordinary folks lives.I could therefor wholeheartedly agree with you as im sure would you with me
The problems of living in our Country today unfortunatly dont have easy answers and I notice my own nostalgic feelings to the time when every year was better than the year that passed it Although I can also remember the terror felt by the family at the threat of nuclear war.
No system that runs as ours will be able to act other than as the fire brigade running from blaze to blaze much more worrying is the kind of protectionist view that circulates always looking to keep the threat level high and devide us from what should be our common cause to gether as humans, our kids all have the latest gadgets whilst countless million struggle and die from lack of basic nessesaties like clean drinkingwater.
The household corporations responcible to none but their share holders move production to whereever its cheapest and ensure that wages for ordinary people in the UK require benifits after there 40 hours just to pay the bills, that wasnt the case when most of us entered the workforce.
If its true that our society is being manipulated then you can be sure that the perpatrators are white, public school boys with an agenda of devision and profit and not because of the 12% non white population has somehow taken over, We are a patient lot bye and large but lets be clear where the anger we may feel belongs self serving M.P.s and Lords, Bankers who rob our pensions
not simarlarly abused brown people with diferent roots.
Racism is of course alive and well here in the Phils to both local folk and longnoses and once you have been on the recieving end it may change your world view.
I think the best plan for the world would be where no frontiers existed unfortunatly that may yet come true but not from any liberal intention to share our resources its up to each one of us to decide what will happen and the legacy we will leave our kids and grandkids and drawing attention to the hate for people who may be seen as different is the first step.
In the mean time feel free to express yourselves as will I![]()
Absit invidia
DISCLAIMER: The information hereinabove may or may not be entirely accurate, relevant, forthright, verifiable, or coherent. KeithAngel, who shall herein be refered to as the 'Shining Beacon of Light', reserves the right to neither confirm, deny, justify, explain, or otherwise acknowledge any inquiry in regards to the validity, genuinity, construction, intent, and/or motive of any statements, gestures, and/or actions whether real, imagined, or transdimensional in origin. Further, the 'Shining Beacon of Light' shall be absolved of any and all legal, moral, and financial responsibilities for damages to life, limb, character, reputation, property, and/or business resulting from the usage, assimilation, incorporation, replication, and/or distribution of said statements whether partial, complete, misquoted, or imagined. This disclaimer remains in effect despite any discrepancies or claims as to its legibility, comprehension, interpretation, subliminal suggestiveness, political affiliation, legality, visibility, and/or physical presence
Being tolerant is our defining quailty You got to be having a laugh! Its a bloody weakness Its being like that whats got us into this mess! We were sold down the river by all past and present governments and will continue to be. Enoch Powell was right and they all knew it. We are about as free as the North Korea's its all bullshit. Let the self appointed know all's say different I know im right along with Ded and Co.
Good ole Dom!!!..![]()
You are dead right gWaPito there is so much that has gone wrong with no fabric to society.It is not about tolerance it is about having no backbone morally or otherwise and allowing the scum, crims ,chancers to gain the upper hand and walk all over us. Past and present governments are to blame particularly the last shower of sh1t.
We need a drastic overhaul of the immigration system, withdrawl from all human rights conventions replaced by a British bill of rights, prison regimes made harsher and a possible reintroduction of corporal and capital punishment - the germs need to understand who's in charge. The fat bloated public sector should be cut back to the core with a reduction in national and local elected representatives.
... which is probably the reason he lost out in the Conservative Leadership Contest during the mid 1960s - being deemed to pose too much of a "threat" to an increasingly stuffy Establishment with his "Rivers of Blood" speeches
- and we were landed with a limp-wristed Edward Heath ... who, according to my dad at the time, sounded more like a bleating
... yet went on to become the Prime Minister - whose BIGGEST mistake was to misguidedly take
into the European Common Market at the dawn of the following decade.
You are dead right gWaPito there is so much that has gone wrong with no fabric to society.It is not about tolerance it is about having no backbone morally or otherwise and allowing the scum, crims ,chancers to gain the upper hand and walk all over us. Past and present governments are to blame particularly the last shower of sh1t.
We need a drastic overhaul of the immigration system, withdrawl from all human rights conventions replaced by a British bill of rights, prison regimes made harsher and a possible reintroduction of corporal and capital punishment - the germs need to understand who's in charge. The fat bloated public sector should be cut back to the core with a reduction in national and local elected representatives.
**** me!! Reminds me of Tom Browns school days!!!
It is malicious because you have conjured up a sentence and put my name to it thereby giving the false impression that I wrote it.
I've not quoted the rest of your sermon with the nonsense of terror of nuclear war, tears for the Iraq toilet state and the bitterness towards business. I can only visualise you having existed in one of these pseudo socialist twee North London type abodes frequented by creatures such as the Blairs and Millibands. Evenings spent supping Chablis, toking on a joint or two, whilst discussing Thatcher bashing the miners, next weeks demo about cruise missiles and articles in the Guardian and New Statesman.
I see they are still blowing the crap out each other in Iraq![]()
Like you Fred and like many hundreds of thousands before, our wife's etc got there visas because we were in gain full employment. Its a simply formula. Many have gone into work they dislike for a number of months to get the pay checks to get the visa. Surely 6 months of a not so good job, is a small price to pay to get your partner here. The guys with all the flowery words surely could see further than the end of there nose? My cupboard is not that full of them but, I could see it. There are many nice lovely people who would love to come here, whats the answer, let them all over then cross that bridge when we come to it? Does the tax payer support them? Its the government protecting the tax payer. I hope i dont sound harsh, its not men't if it does.
A number of posters on this thread need to cheer up and be thankful for what they've got! Their talk of this country going down the pan is an exaggeration and some suggestions to fix it are sinister to say the least!
In my opinion, we are lucky to live in one of the greatest countries on earth. We have freedom of speech, a high standard of living, good education system, free healthcare, a democratic government, low crime levels and many other benefits.
I admit that there are many problems, but these are in a different league to those faced by people in other parts of the world, who are struggling with poverty, war, disease and corrupt leadership.
So how about a positive post or two?![]()
"One" of our defining qualities, at least during the time and in the place that I grew up, perhaps tolerant and fair I should have said.
I will quote a verse of Burns as an indicator of where I come from and the values I hold dear. By the way my father agreed with Powell in the 60's even then as a child under 10 years old I felt uncomfortable with my fathers views.
This is the English translation of the last verse as some of the old scots words can be a bit hard even for the best of us -
Original -Then let us pray that come it may
(As come it will for a' that)
That Sense and Worth over all the earth
Shall have the first place and all that!
For all that, and all that,
It is coming yet for all that,
That man to man the world over
Shall brothers be for all that.
Then let us pray that come it may
(As come it will for a' that)
That Sense and Worth o'er a' the earth
Shall bear the gree an' a' that!
For a' that, an' a' that,
It's comin yet for a' that,
That man to man the world o'er
Shall brithers be for a' that.
There are plenty of positive posts on here,but this is a difficult thread due to it's content.
It's proven to be a very interesting and much read and debated post and that's a healthy situation.
There are many advantages of the UK of course but many things deteriorating too and we should not close our eyes to this.
Feel free to start a nice cheerful thread I will happily join in![]()
Agreed Mr Cabbie! Let's blame Thatcher.![]()
Lets keep thhis civil please guys, or I'll be the one butting people out ok.![]()
If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up
politics, and religeon, its got to be trouble even to just debate about them ,
i think maybe we should all agree to disagree , put aside our different views,
we have a right to our own views, and to each one sees his view as true as the next one,
that will put an end to this thread,
who started it anway, bet hes laughing his head off at us all![]()
It's a good healthy discussion and a bit heated yes but were grown men I think we can take a bit of banter without bursting into tears![]()
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